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Summer schooling?

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 7:39 am
by rumkimom
We will be continuing our studies though the summer and I plan to switch my boys over to the next level in the fall (they are both ready even though they have not completed the guides). I know I will be able to finish LHFHG with my 8 year old this summer as we can double up on the reading as he can now handle doing all that listening (he completed unit 25). The reason I started him in LHFHG instead of Beyond is because he could not sit and listen to stories yet (adopted internationally less than 2 years ago and never had anyone read to him before that time + language/culture change) he LOVES sitting and listening to stories. :) Not sure how far we will get with my 10 year old in Bigger as he does have summer camp and daytime VBS (so 2 weeks off in July). He completed unit 22. He is so ready for that independent work so I plan to bump him up even if we do not complete it all. He can't wait to start Preparing! My daughter (just turned 15 and going into 9/10th grade) is finishing up Unit 18 of RtR and I was hoping that she would be done with Unit 20 by now...but life happened. <sigh> I want her to complete RtR before starting Rev to Rev. I was hoping to have her complete up to the WG guide and then graduate her....not sure if that will happen or not as she is taking much longer to complete the guides that originally planned. I do plan to school her longer than the norm as she is not college material (lots of learning issues) and it will give her time to mature before having to find a job. Like my oldest (who will start college in the fall and plans to go into Fashion Design or Fine Arts) she is very artistic.

Anyone else planning on schooling during the summer? We currently have 2 weeks off as daddy has vacation (although we might do some schoolwork next week depending on if I am ready).

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2016 6:44 pm
by mrsrandolph
We school during the summer because we only school 3 days a week during the school year. I work one day a week and they have music lessons one day a week.

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:40 pm
by my3sons
Thanks for the update on your dear family, rumkimom! Life IS busy, isn't it?!? I have enjoyed reading your weekly updates of your sweet family in the past, and it is fun to catch up with you about what is going on with your family. I think it sounds like you have had a good year, with much progress, and it also sounds like you are having a good plan moving forward - hooray! :D :D :D Well, that brings me to my summer plans, since ya asked! :wink: :) :D I am having
my oldest review his Spanish, as with speech therapy early on in his life, this has been a tough subject for him. I don't think he can take a summer off away from it, so we are slowly reviewing and moving forward. We are primarily taking the summer off, as we usually do, for many reasons (i.e. SD blizzards and winter permeating up to 6 months of our lives - a wonderful time to homeschool not just 4 days, but 5 days a week! :D , my husband wanting to take our sons on ample fishing/camping excursions while I am busy with work anyway, me wanting to have a definite start/stop to most of our schooling - just for a feeling of accomplishment, etc.). However, we are alternating with our 2 youngest sons a few short subjects to keep their hand in some LA and math skills. My middle ds and I are doing grammar one day, and math/dictation the next day. My youngest ds and I are doing grammar and singing of math facts one day, and dictation and math the next day. These subjects will then drop out the last month or two of school next year, which is right when I need to have shorter days as work picks up, and my husband gets the 'fishing bug' and needs to be able to take the boys fishing at the last minute whenever the weather and his work cooperates. Sometimes, my oldest takes a turn teaching with my youngers, which he enjoys, as do they. :wink: For this season in life, I am liking this plan. I hope you have a wonderful summer! Do take time to refresh though - summer school can be refreshing - but don't overdo! Sometimes sleeping in, breakfast on a picnic blanket on the living room floor with take-out donuts, s'mores around a fire pit or just in the microwave, late night movies, a dip in the pool even if it's just in your backyard - these are the aahhhh summerlike moments to savor. Everyone needs somewhat of a break - especially mom - at least at my house. :wink: So, be sure to give yourself that too!!! :D :D :D

In Christ,

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:44 pm
by my3sons
mrsrandolph wrote:We school during the summer because we only school 3 days a week during the school year. I work one day a week and they have music lessons one day a week.
Sounds like you found a great plan for you and your family, Shannon! :D That is the beauty of homeschooling - we can alter our days to be what fit the family best!

In Christ,

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:10 pm
by MelInKansas
I was supposed to be doing summer schooling but it has been going slowly due to other commitments - swimming lessons, VBS, a trip with my in-laws. July is a lot more empty on the calendar so I think we will get more done once July starts. But we want to take opportunities to help people and spend time with dear friends now that many people's schedules are more open. I am just plugging away with the guides, a day here and a day there. Sometimes 1/2 of a day's worth in a day if I have to.

Doubling up on LHFHG sounds like a good plan but I would caution against skipping too much of Bigger to do Preparing. I find the incremental building of skills and activities done at the end of the guides really helps get them ready for the next one. Though you have done a lot of HOD so you probably know what is best for your kiddos. And Praise God for the advances that one in LHFHG has made! Praise God for your wisdom truly given from Him over what your 15 year old should do and when. It sounds like they are all doing very well, growing and thriving, and learning about our Lord Jesus from the time schooling.

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 4:43 pm
by funkmomma71
We take a break from early May to right after July 4th. We live in the desert southwest and it is HOT here in July and August and the kids really don't have much to do because being outside during the day is not happening, so it is a good time to get school done. We usually get between 4-6 weeks done and then go for a late summer vacation to someplace cooler. Then it is right back at it with weeks and even months off (as needed) throughout the rest of the year. As long as you don't have state regulations to work around, I say do whatever schedule works best for you and your family. :)

Re: Summer schooling?

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 5:35 am
by rumkimom
Thanks Melissa, I am not worried about bumping Steven up to Preparing (from Bigger even if we do not finish) as he now fits there on the placement chart and he is also on the older end of the age range (8-10 for Preparing and he is 10 1/2...will be 11 in Jan).

Oh, one of the reasons we will be doing school this summer is because we had a weird 8 weeks in April-May due to my husband being sick and then on strike (he works for Verizon) and whenever he is home it messes up our school schedule. <sigh>

Thanks Julie! I just had a full 2 week break so that does help, I will get another break in July and might plan for a week off before we start again at the end of Aug. Sounds like you have a great summer plan.

We will be doing schoolwork this morning again....then have to take a day off tomorrow as Steven had a dentist appointment (filling) in the morning. Thankfully my hubby will be home (he has to work Sat so has Tue off) so that he can stay with our youngest as our oldest will be at work (summer job as a lifeguard at a local water park).

In July Steven had a week of camp and then later in the month Melody has a youth group outing (sort of like camp and it for a few days). We also have a week of VBS where the boys will not be doing much schoolwork as they have VBS in the morning and then the one at our church in the evening.