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Extra Practice for Singapore Math

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 1:08 pm
by savnalot
My daughter is 9 and finishing up 3rd grad (BHFHG) and Singapore math 2b. We just finished the last few review pages of sing. math 2b and I had to help her with almost all of the word problems. She only got 1 right out of 15 on her own, the rest I had to do with her and help her figure out what to do. My question is: Is anyone else using something else for extra practice? I've thought of ordering the extra math practice books from Singapore, but I'm not sure which ones to order.
Another thing-is she supposed to be a whiz at those by now or is that typical-needing so much help? I love how Singapore Math teaches math, but I want her to learn and she needs a LOT more practice than what is offered. I was just looking at other math curriculum today, thinking Singapore is just not for her. Is Singapore math more for mathematically minded children, or does it just take time? Maybe I am expecting too much from her. I am no math whiz, but didn't really struggle in that subject, so I find it hard to teach it. I suppose I need some reassurance that all will be well :)

Re: Extra Practice for Singapore Math

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 3:17 pm
by Nealewill
It is not unusual for kids to need a lot help with the year end review. I guess it depends on your comfort level about it. My dd really struggled last year with Singapore 4. She was the same way. She needed help with all of it right at the end. There were tears. And he constantly looked like deer caught in headlights. I found a place that sold Singapore Review Level 4 and bought it. She did it over the summer. For me, I was glad we did it. She really struggled with fractions specifically and her review the material over the summer really helped her out. She completed Singapore 5 this year and flown through it well.

What types of things did your dd struggle with? Was it conceptual or was it because she was counting or skip counting? If it was calculating, then I don't think I would worry about it. If it was conceptual, then I might consider it. I do want to say up front though that I do not necessarily think that you need to complete the review. I was personally was glad to have completed it with my dd only because I feel like she didn't understand most of level 4 by the time we finished it. After completing the review, it gave her confidence and helped her seal in the information. But if it was just small stuff and you feel your child understood the information but just needed small nudges, then I might not worry about the review.

Re: Extra Practice for Singapore Math

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:15 am
by hs.mama07
Hi, I sent you a private message :-) Hope you figure it out!

Re: Extra Practice for Singapore Math

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:00 pm
by MelInKansas
One of my daughters is kind of similar. She finished 2B back in November and is now in 3A. She struggles whenever it is word problems. She understands the math, it's the breakdown and understanding of the word problems that is the struggle. The reviews are difficult. For my daughter the first thing is to get her to calm down, and then to try to teach her the skills to go through a word problem, try to draw a picture or take some notes, and then figure out how to work the problem. I should say, on a good day my daughter can sometimes figure some of them out. Just not every day is a good math day for her.

I have thought that maybe the fast spiral of Singapore is what's not right for my daughter. As you mentioned, maybe more practice would be good for her. The extra practice sheets may be the trick, and I do think with some patience and time the word problems will get easier. I have seen at least some progress with my daughter who struggles. After looking at some other options and thinking about me and my teaching style and comfortability with other programs, we have decided to keep on going with Singapore for now, but adapting. When an assignment is long or there are word problems I work more with her or give her a break in the middle. I just don't expect it to come easily for her because it just doesn't (and I like math, and both of my other daughters who are in Singapore are breezing through it). And my husband and I feel that any other program isn't going to make this easier for her, it might actually feed more into her weaknesses (she is the type that would learn how to work problems and as long as it follows the formula wouldn't care the true meaning of the math).