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Physical science for high school

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:19 pm
by kidsforHim
Anyone use the advanced exploraion education program for an 11th grader? Can you tell me how it works? Do they click on the answers on the computer or what? My son is not liking the sound of it, the reading off the computer etc. I don't know what to use for physical science. He is not a math kid nor is there any plans for college.

Re: Physical science for high school

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:05 pm
by LynnH
Yes he reads on the computer and clicks the answers on there. It is very hands on with all the building and then doing various experiments with what you have built. I would think it would be good for someone who isn't mathy or college bound. If he doesn't like the looks of it have you considered doing the Integrated Physics and Chemistry that is scheduled in the World Geography guide? That would count as Physical Science.

Re: Physical science for high school

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:01 pm
by Mom2Monkeys
My high schooler is doing the advanced EE right now and LOVES IT!!! It's very clear and well-done, and the instruction is on the computer for doing the labs as well. That means you have clear visual instruction along with written instruction on the screen to show you step by step. It's very helpful! She has built a race car, a glider, a circuit with wires and batteries, and now a "house" with lights all wired up. She answers some things on the computer by clicking, but the more involved things are in the book. She must write her answers down and also complete questions on each lab. It's been a fabulous choice for Integrated Physics and Chem/Physical Science credit.