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Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:53 am
by hs.mama07
My 8 yr old son is in 3A. I remember division was introduced in 2B, but it was just as the reverse of multiplication and the problems were all written horizontally…and we didn’t spend much time on it. So today, I was surprised to see that they not only introduced the division box for the first time (I’m sure there is a technical name for that box, lol), but they also introduced remainders. The textbook didn’t really teach at all, just showed example problems with a few thought bubbles and went on.

Today, it wasn’t a problem b/c I remember how to divide (and thankfully, he still remembered a lot too). We had a refresher in division, I explained what that little box was, then broke things down into smaller steps and it was fine. But, I’m a little worried about future grades. I will need things broken down a lot more than that if I’m going to teach it to him. I remember reading about a home instructor’s guide…is that enough for a person like me who can’t remember much of anything about math?

Also, I’m realizing Singapore doesn’t review much—am I right in that? I guess I haven’t noticed b/c he always gets things the first time…but that may not always be the case (and my second son doesn’t seem to like math as much, so he may be different). Anyway, does this pace continue in the future grades? Should I make sure he gets the topics thoroughly the first time they are introduced and not expect the topics to be reviewed later?

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:30 pm
by countrymom
Singapore follows a pattern of introducing a concept then coming back to it in the future, sometimes the next guide, then review down the road. The first time a concept is introduced mastery is not expected. Even if a student seems to master a concept the first time, often when they come back to it later on they need review again and that should be expected. Singapore is definitely not a "master the first time" method. Before I realized their pattern I used to get frustrated when a problem would suddenly appear that seemed harder or a step up.

As for the teacher's guides, I decided to get one now that we are in 5B and I really like it. If I had it to do over I would order it a little sooner, maybe even in the books 4. It does a good job of showing you how to teach the concept and has all of the answers, which makes grading much easier. :)

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:16 pm
by hs.mama07
countrymom wrote: Singapore is definitely not a "master the first time" method. Before I realized their pattern I used to get frustrated when a problem would suddenly appear that seemed harder or a step up.
Yes! That is what I've noticed too. There doesn't seem to be very much review before they move up or introduce more challenging problems. So, is it expected that they should have mastered the concept before those harder problems appear...of that, if he can't do the harder problems, we will do some of our own extra review? Seems this could make us fall behind (not a problem with my first son, but would be a problem with second).

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 5:41 pm
by countrymom
At first I was adding some review here and there because I didn't feel my son was ready to go on and thought he must have full mastery. However, as we progressed I noticed the pattern and realized we didn't need the extra review because the concept would come up again and be covered more in depth. By that time my son seemed ready to fully grasp it. Singapore really is a well-thought out program and both of my sons, who are totally different students, are doing well in it.

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:40 pm
by hs.mama07
Thanks for sharing your experience! I think you already said that and I misread it before (the danger of trying to do this during the school day, lol).

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:35 pm
by MelInKansas
HOD has done a great job of using Singapore wisely I think. It does just touch on subjects and then move on to another without a lot of drill. If you're still in the levels with hands-on activities (up through 2B I believe) then the HOD hands on activities really help a lot. Then I believe 3A-4B they just suggest using the textbooks and workbooks, but in 5A they suggest buying home instructor guides. We are about to start 5A so I am kind of looking forward to what those will hold for my oldest (and for me, or DH who usually teaches math). Then after 6B they move into some that are video instruction and definitely more independent on the child's part.

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:16 pm
by mamanlait
I've gone through Singapore twice now. My second is finishing 5A soon. Singapore has a wide spiral. You DO go back and review but it's similar to the way R&S is in terms of that wide spiral (not daily review but monthly or bi-monthly). I do have to remind dd about certain math concepts. Today, for example, dd learned how to multiply fractions. Then, there was a word problem (a 2 step problem that required memory of fractional addition). Guess what she tried to do...? She tried to add the denominators. :) It's normal to have to remind kids. Dd was frustrated for a minute and then said, "oh...ya, I remember." By the time they get to 7th grade, they will shore up ALL of this and sort of put it all together. I love the idea of refining everything by using HOD's new book choice after Singapore 6! We did that through a Pre-Algebra program and my oldest (who is not the math whiz) has done very, very well in Foerster's Algebra's toughest word problems. I give Singapore ALL the credit.

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:10 am
by hs.mama07
Thanks so much everyone! That all makes sense and helps a lot!! :-D

Re: Concerned about future grades in Singapore Math

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:07 pm
by creekmama
Singapore has been a good fit for us. I am not strong in math, yet I've had very few problems teaching with Singapore. I do have the teacher's guides for 5A and 5B, but I almost never use them.