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Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 7:58 pm
by cookislandmommy
Hi HOD people :)
We are going to be using the Christian character portions of DIPTHOR and I would like to pick books that match up well to the individual character traits:
Brotherly Love, Faith, Fear of the Lord, Integrity, Joy, Loyalty, Obedience, Responsibility and Virtue.

We are looking for Grade 5-6 level and upwards.

If you have read any wonderful books that stand out in one or more of the above characters I would love to hear your suggestions.

Many thanks

Re: Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:34 pm
by Hope
Little Pilgrim's Progress was the first book that came to mind. It is a 5th grade reading level and HOD sells it in the 4/5 book pack for DITHOR. It is a fabulous book for character teaching. The original Pilgrim's Progress would also be good for older students in High school.

Sir Malcom and the Missing Prince from Lamplighters was one of my all time favorite character books for boys. HOD sells it in their DITHOR 5/6 boy book pack.

Another of our families favorites for character lessons are the Miller books by Rod and Staff; the same company that HOD uses for their English books. There are six books or so of the Miller family that go through many character lessons from Proverbs and other parts of the Bible through stories. The books contain many life lessons in the stories that could tie into DITHOR.


Re: Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 8:54 pm
by cookislandmommy
Hi Hope,
Thanks for the reply.

What I am trying to do is find a book for each Christian character and then just do the Godly Character Traits sections in DITHOR,
would you suggest any particular books that may fight one trait that is listed by Carrie?

Kind Regards

Re: Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:13 pm
by Hope
cookislandmommy wrote:Hi Hope,
Thanks for the reply.

What I am trying to do is find a book for each Christian character and then just do the Godly Character Traits sections in DITHOR,
would you suggest any particular books that may fight one trait that is listed by Carrie?

Kind Regards
The Little Pilgrim's Progress and Sir Malcom and the Missing Prince I would say both cover all of the character traits that you listed above. The character traits you listed is what made me think of them. Giant Killer, that I believe Carrie does not use, would be another good one for 5th - 8th grade. It goes through each chapter addressing a specific character trait such as overcoming pride, selfishness, and slothfulness and replacing them with Faith, Integrity, Joy, Obedience, Loyalty, Responsibility, and Virtue. I think Pilgrim's Progress does the same thing in its story line.

It sounds though like you are looking for a book that only deals with one trait at one time and then a second book that deals with the second trait. Correct? I cannot think of any off hand that deal with only a single character trait for the entire book. I find that many Christian books deal with multiple Christian character traits throughout the story. Pilgrim's Progress though and Giant Killer are stories that are directly involved in a character overcoming or being challenged or tested by specific character traits that are evil and having them overcome those traits with Obedience and Faith in the Lord and Fear of the Lord and the Godly traits of Christianity.

Hopefully someone can think of an individual book for each trait for you.

Re: Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 4:35 pm
by cookislandmommy
Thanks again Hope,

Your book suggestions sound good.
So long as the character trait is something that is reflected in the book in some way, as we will be covering one trait at a time, will be fine. It does not just have to focus on one alone. I am more concerned about picking a trait and then using a book that doesn't have any character actions that could tie into that particular trait. So long as they are a trait that comes up, doesn't matter if other traits are there too:) I appreciate your suggestions.

Thank you!

Re: Best Books for Christian Character

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 6:14 pm
by mrsrandolph
Footprints In The Barn Series. Part of post removed per board rules by board moderator.