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5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 5:41 am
by Gwenny
To get or not to get? :) It's for my 13yo just about to finish 4B. She has always struggled with math, hence why we are in 4 still.

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:00 am
by Nealewill
I bought it thinking I would need it. I haven't used it yet LOL. I am half way through 5A. But I think that if your dd struggles, then I would consider getting it.

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:07 am
by Gwenny
There are many times that I'm explaining something to her, she doesn't get it. I explain it a different way, or add in some other details, doesn't get it. I want to throw up my hands and say, "there is no other way to explain it!!I don't get how you don't get it, what else can I say!!"---of course, I don't. haha :) So, does this guide give different ways up helping when they are stuck? One problem with online is you don't get to hold the book and really see what it is.

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:11 am
by rodandmegs
I got the home instructors guide for 5a and 5b (part of post removed by board moderator per board rules), and I use it daily. It's so easy to check his work as the answers are in the back. It also helps me sometimes explain things to him the way he should be learning them. I say get it!

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:32 am
by Nealewill
The HIG gives you a script to follow along with how to solve the problems. I actually started with a program for math that was very scripted and I found I really liked it. But then we got a point where she just didn't understand things and I had been using HOD for a year so we switched to Singapore when she started CtC. She did 4A & B last year. Those levels were SO tough some weeks. I was sweating it this year. I got the guide and fully expected to use it. But things have gone really well! I was so surprised. Last year we had many days with tears. This year, none so far. Hopefully your year goes the same.

Also - I have had many times my dd doesn't get it no matter how many ways I explain something. At that point, I google youtube video after youtube video. That seems to help after a while. Hopefully clarity comes soon :-) I do think the guide may help you. It is solid but I just haven't use it.

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:58 pm
by my3sons
Good question! I can share my personal experience. :D I didn't use 5A's PHIG. I pulled out 5B's PHIG twice. I have referred to 6A's PHIG twice so far this year, but I'm glad I have it. I think I'd start without 5A, and if you need it, order it later. HTH!

In Christ,

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:49 am
by Gwenny
Thanks Julie! I'll wait then.

Nealewill, I sure hope that's the experience here as well. 4A and B have been tough for her. She went to a math tutoring place for about 6 months (we had to stop now for financial reasons) but it really helped solidify some concepts she wasn't getting. When you get 1 hour a day for 3 days a week it goes a long way. If only I had the time..... :oops: Since we started back with 4B after a couple of months break over the summer (she was just doing the tutoring) she is doing much much better.

I feel bad that she is 13 and just about to finish 4B--I want to hurry through and try to catch up more. That doesn't work for her. I need to let it go!

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:02 pm
by my3sons
You are so right with that thought, Gwenny! Math can't be "fast-forwarded." Meeting a child where they are and moving forward steadily does the most good, and the most 'permanent' good. Your dd is blessed to have a mom mindful of what is best for her. We slowly (very slowly, as in about 2 days a week or so) did math on our weeks off with Riley as time allowed this summer. We also started doing math 5 days a week instead of 4 days a week when it worked during last school year. This has slowly and steadily helped him move forward, and it seems to be clicking more now this school year. Your dd will move forward too, and soon she'll be steadily making strides. :D It's tough math, but it's worth it for the foundation it lays for everything to come.

In Christ,

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2015 4:11 pm
by Nealewill
I wanted to mention that yesterday was the first day I had to use it! I was very surprised to say the least that I needed it. But I did. I couldn't solve one of the equations with fractions. I am VERY math minded and fumbled through. My dd did great solving all the other problems with no trouble. But it stumped me. I was glad I had the HIG for 5A after all.

Re: 5A Home Instructor's Guide

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:25 am
by Gwenny
Thanks for sharing that. It's helps to know that you haven't had to much but there are the occasions. I didn't get it this time. I'm hoping that my engineer husband who is extremely math can help in those few times-or maybe more than a few. :)