Can I give more credits than assigned?

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Can I give more credits than assigned?

Post by Mumkins » Fri Aug 14, 2015 2:38 pm

We only need 110 hours for a credit here. I'm to have 8 grade 9 credits. I intend to swap the half credit Spanish for a full credit French. Grade 9 French is mandatory. I am adding Canadian geography, another mandatory credit, to make 8 credits in total. However, that ups our day to 8 hours. My DD is not happy about that. That's 8 hours, no breaks. Add in a 15 minute morning meeting to go over her work. 2 15 minute breaks and a 45 minute lunch. We're at 9.5 hours.

HOD has my kids putting in way more than 110 hours. Is there any credits I can assign more for? Such as a full credit for Logic or World Religion and Culture? Can I break the English credit up?

My daughter wants to get a job. She takes riding lessons and karate. I feel like she won't have a moments free time. She's coming home for highschool and is use to a 6.5 hour school day, including a 15 minute break and hour lunch.
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Re: Can I give more credits than assigned?

Post by 8arrows » Fri Aug 14, 2015 5:31 pm

Nevermind. I reread your post.
Melissa, wife to Jim for 28 years
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Re: Can I give more credits than assigned?

Post by Nealewill » Fri Aug 14, 2015 10:53 pm

Are you talking about doing school 5 days a week at 8 hours a day? The guide is written to 4 days a week instead of 5 (which I am sure you already know). Also, with highschool, it is jump. I am sure you know that too. Julie mentioned in another thread that her son does an hour first thing, then does 4-5 hours during the day, and then does 1 hour again at night. That helps to break up his time during the day. Maybe your dd could do some of that. If you spread this time out over 5 days instead of 4, it might not seem so long.

Also - since you are in Canada - I would look at their graduation requirements and line those up with the classes scheduled in HOD. If there are classes that HOD schedules that you don't need, then I would consider cutting some of them back. The living library - though it does look amazing - might be one area I would consider cutting. There is only so much time in a day and I would hate for your dd to be completely stressed. Other than that, the only other thing I would consider cutting is logic but only if you don't need it.

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Re: Can I give more credits than assigned?

Post by Mumkins » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:22 am

8 hours 4 days, 4 hours on the 5th. My DD is a ferocious reader. I'm hoping it'll be ok. LL could go if neccesary. We don't need Logic, but, we do need 8 credits, so I'd have to replace it with something. The only typical 9th grade thing I'm skipping is career planning. I have it scheduled in 11th though. We'll be skipping a fair bit of Early American, sadly as we dont need the history, government or constitutional literacy. That's where I have our Canadian history and civics planned as well.
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Re: Can I give more credits than assigned?

Post by Nealewill » Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:30 am

Wow - that is a long day! But I do remember being in school and high school was a lot of work anyway. The good news is that once she gets to college, she will be great at managing her time and she will probably find college a breeze. I guess that is my hope at least. I want my kids high school to more than prepare my kids for the volume, workload, time management, etc skills needed for college so that once they go, it is easy.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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