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How does testing and giving grades work in lower levels?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:36 pm
by mjlamarche
Are there tests in the guides?
Sorry for such a simple question but this is all new to me and I haven't held a guide in my hands yet, although they're on order!

Does HOD have a system for test scores and/or record keeping for each child?

Re: How does testing and giving grades work in lower levels?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:48 pm
by StephanieU
HOD doesn't do grades until the high school guides (World Geography and up). I don't see the value of giving my kids grades until late middle school/high school, as I already know that they need to work on. I expect A work, and normally I require my daughter to redo something until it is A quality work.
Some subjects like grammar, spelling/dictation, and math you could easily grade. The grammar and math texts have reviews you could use as tests if you wanted to.

Re: How does testing and giving grades work in lower levels?

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:52 pm
by mjlamarche
thank you!

Re: How does testing and giving grades work in lower levels?

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 10:22 am
by my3sons
StephanieU already gave a super response! :) I'll just link you to another thread that may be helpful... :D

In Christ,

Re: How does testing and giving grades work in lower levels?

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:56 am
by MomtoJGJE
I also make them do A quality work (with A quality effort) in their work.

For my oldest (starting 7th grade) to motivate her to try harder in math and grammar (because she was making careless mistakes) I've started using the "practice" pages in math as quizzes, the workbook "review" pages and the smaller "review" pages in the textbook are tests, and the bigger "reviews" in the textbook are like midterms and finals. Each type of work will be averaged together, then I'll average those three grades for her final grade in math. For grammar, she gets graded on the review pages as quiz grades and the chapter review pages are test grades. I'll average those and use the quiz average one time and test average two times for her final in that.

I mainly did that though to get me in the habit of grading her work and her in the habit of seeing just how much careless mistakes count off.