Average Mom

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Average Mom

Post by Karlyn » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:01 pm

Hello everyone,
I'm wondering if this curriculum is easy to teach for an average mom like myself. I don't have a college degree. Actually, I just have an A.A. from a community college, and I went to a public high school in Texas. I haven't read the classics, and I'm just learning about living books & the Charlotte Mason approach. I know that I'm supposed to learn alongside my kids, but I feel like I should have some sort of educational background to be able to teach them well. I'm not too worried about this upcoming year, since my kids are still pretty little, but I am sort of worried about the future, when they get into higher-level learning. How can I teach them something that I've never learned? Will I be in over my head if I continue with HOD through high school? I suppose I'm just second-guessing myself, and I don't feel smart enough for this job. My husband & I feel that God is leading us to do it, though. Thanks for your thoughts! :)

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Re: Average Mom

Post by rumkimom » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:25 pm

Karlyn - don't worry about when your kids are older, take one day at a time. :) These books are so easy to use especially for the little ones (I did 2 of them when my girls were little, but due to learning disabilities they did not work for the one. Now I back to them with my little boys). I have not used anything above Bigger. I did have a secondary education certificate (in science), but my fear was teaching them to read! I usually say that they learned in spite of me. LOL

Just wanted to encourage you that you CAN do this especially if you feel God leading you to do it!
Wendy C.
Emily (19 - graduatated from UCC spring 2018, Fashion Design Program)
Melody (17 - Rev 2 Rev-unit 21, IEW for writing, grammar, completed math)
Steven (12 - CTC, IEW for writing, grammar, spelling, TT Math)
Clarence (10 - PS)

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Karlyn » Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:32 pm

Thank you for the encouragement! You're right...I should just take it one day at a time. :D

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Mumkins » Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:47 pm

I have no postsecondary what so ever! I'm not worried! The beautiful thing about HOD is how independent it is. Once they've come up in HOD, they'll have all the skills and knowledge they need at those higher grades. They'll be fine! And you'll learn more too. I just taught Rod and Staff English 3 and learned stuff. I did well in school. But, I was taught to the test. I don't remember much. I venture most are like that! I'm hoping this hands on, literature rich curriculum will give them the education in never had. The best part about HOD is how it draws kids into a personal relationship with Christ.

Don't worry! Carrie has put so much into the guides. It makes them easy to teach in the younger years and easy for the students to use in the older years.
7 awesome kids!

3 graduated
4 at home this fall
DD6 Beyond
DS10 Preparing
DS16 online high school

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Karlyn » Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:52 pm

That's good to know. I forgot that they will get more independent as they get older. I think I can handle the younger guides. I would like to learn with them! :D


Re: Average Mom

Post by hs.mama07 » Sat Jul 25, 2015 7:53 pm

I know a bit how you feel. I am an English/speech type (avoided math and science) and my oldest son is definitely turning out to be a science/math kind of kid. I am already teaching things in Singapore 2B that I never learned (mental math stuff). Plus, I studied just for the test all through school (i.e. studied really hard the night before and forgot everything the day after. Truly, I remember so little from school, it's crazy, lol). But it's going to be okay. There is a lot of help available to us homeschool parents! Teachers manuals, homeschool guides, discussion boards, online tutors, and even, if you need it, online classes with real teachers :-). And as others have said, God has called us to teach our kids so I truly believe He'll guide us and help us! One day at time...one subject at a time. And through it all, they'll be learning about Him...and that's the most important thing we can teach them!! :-D

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Karlyn » Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:01 pm

Yes, I would have to say that math is the one subject that I'm scared of the most. However, my hubby is a math guy, and he said he'll help the kiddos with that subject. Whew! :D

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Mommamo » Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:07 pm

I've learned so much with the guides and through teaching my children, and I do have a college degree (music education)! All the guides include everything you need to teach them, truly. And then, as noted, the guides become more and more independent as they go. We just started CTC and my daughter is able to do most of the guide on her own. I think this is great because she's learning how to find the information she needs and how to take responsibility in her own education. And then, for anything that you aren't sure about, this board is great to come to for help! But seriously, just take it one guide at a time. :)
Momma to my 4 sweeties:
DD 14 - MTMM and DITHOR (completed LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, took a couple years off, and now she's back!)
DS 11 and DD 9 - Preparing(completed 2 rounds of LHTH, LHFHG, Beyond, and Bigger)

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Nealewill » Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:48 am

I just want you to know that each of us moms on here is average in many ways - even us with degrees - and still feel the same as you. Growing up, I did go to a public school but it was one of the top 100 in the country. I went to college and I have an undergraduate degree along with a graduate degree - both in accounting. For me - I am completely inept at teaching anything dealing with Language Arts. I never learned how to write until I was working as an accountant and even at that, I was only completing business writing. So, unless I am teaching my kids accounting....I am just as average as everyone else :-)

HOD has been wonderful for me! It has taught me how to teach my kids. In addition, before finding HOD, I was struggling with my kids actually remembering things they learned about. With HOD, it is so interesting that my kids actually remember a significant amount of the things they learn. With other programs, that wasn't really happening. I also never had planned on doing school CM style. I always thought classical was the way to go. I hated my education but it was classical in nature so I just assumed that was that was the way to go. Well....I was wrong! CM is a much better fit for my kids and we learn so much this way. Also - as many have shared, we are all learning right along side our kids. I know that is what I am doing! Every year I read through most of their science and history books over the summer. I am 50/50 on the literature books. Then we go through the rest of the year together. I love the TM that are provided with each program when they are needed. It helps me to teach the subjects best with my kids. I love that my kids seem to really enjoy the programs as well. For me, HOD is a beautiful company set up so that anyone can teach their kids with it.

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Jennymommy » Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:15 pm

Also, we are each made in the image of Awesome Creator God....nothing "avereage" about us :wink: He does and will equip us with everything needed to accomplish the task He sets before us. Don't let the enemy steal that from you! Grace, strength and peace to you 8)


Re: Average Mom

Post by hs.mama07 » Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:07 pm

Well said Jennymommy! That deserves an AMEN! :-D :-D

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Re: Average Mom

Post by MelInKansas » Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:35 pm

Another "average" mom here. You say your husband is good at math, well here's how we do it here in our family. We use the hands-on math in the guides with the workbooks suggested by HOD. But by the 3A/3B level I was not doing a good job (math is semi-independent by this stage so my DD was completing her workbook pages on her own). My husband would look over her work in the evening and find several she had done wrong that I had failed to check as wrong for her to redo. I was also pregnant at the time - no brain cells left for math work apparently. So he took over. My DD does her math on her own as well as she can during the day and he works with her in the evening, going over what she's done, having her correct mistakes, and discussing the concepts with her. He does such a great job! He is a better teacher than I am. I am so thankful he can do this with her and impart his love for math to her also.

To my own shame, I have a Computer Science degree so I can do math. And I even had the answer key and was unable to do a good job of checking over the math work. So: encourage your DH to get involved with it even now. When they are young they need the feedback right away so I am still doing the math during the day with my younger 2, but as they get older they will be able to do it more on their own and maybe wait for Daddy to be able to work with them. But he looks at their workbooks and talks to them about what they are learning too, even though I've completed it with them.

I think HOD is an excellent resource for an "average mom." It certainly has worked well for me, and while I may have a degree, I would say I am not naturally a good teacher. And as others have mentioned, I remember little from my elementary education. It is great to learn with my kids all over again about history and read these living books. It is a much more enjoyable way to learn, for sure, and I think will be more memorable. The stories really grip you and help you remember. I loved reading as a child and lived in the world of the stories in my books. If I'd had THESE books to read, imagine what I would have learned. :)
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"

DD12 - Rev to Rev + DITHOR 6/7/8
DD10 - CTC + DITHOR 2/3
DD7 - Bigger + ERs
DD2 - ABC123
2 babies in heaven

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Karlyn » Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:40 pm

Thanks, everyone, for your helpful comments and suggestions! I have more confidence now. I know that God wants us to do this, and He will empower us to be able to do it. I just hope I'm able to keep up with the work involved...I don't know if I mentioned it, but I'll be teaching 4 boys who are very close in age. I guess I'm still a little worried about giving them all the time that they need. I know I'll have to teach some subjects separately to them, and combine others. It seems that our days could possibly get quite long when they're older. However, I just need to knuckle down and do the work. I know it will be worth it! :D Thanks again!

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Re: Average Mom

Post by Nealewill » Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:01 pm

I agree with you about knowing that God led you hear. I am the same way. Sometimes I do feel a bit overwhelmed myself with things but everything has always worked out just fine. I am always amazed at how well my days go and at how much my kids learn each year :-)

DD 13 WG
DS 12 R2R
DD 10 R2R

Enjoyed DITHOR, Little Hearts, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, R2R, RevtoRev, MtMM

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