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Emerging Readers to DITHOR

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 8:15 am
by woodrumfamily
My daughter will be starting Bigger in a few weeks. I am planning on having her read the last 2 books in the Emerging Readers set just to give her a little more practice before we dive into DITHOR. I am just wondering how important it is to correlate the genres between DITHOR and Storytime. Do they always need to be the same? Or can I have her start a biography for DITHOR while on a different genre in Storytime? Thanks!

Re: Emerging Readers to DITHOR

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:51 am
by Mommamo
I prefer to do different genres with story time and DITHOR. I know others who like to do the same. I just like different because when the genre comes up again in the opposite (so like we did Biography already in story time and it's coming up again in DITHOR), I feel like it sort of reinforces that information. It gives more review, more reinforcement of the genre. I think it's also fun to let them completely pick the order in DITHOR. Gives a level of control to the kiddos, but with choices ;)

Re: Emerging Readers to DITHOR

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:00 am
by mrsrandolph
It doesn't matter if they correlate.