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Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:23 am
by MamaMary
Does anyone have pictures of their HOD timeline? I am such a visual learner. This would really help me. (smile)

Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 9:44 am
by skillet04
Since we are using Beyond it tells you to make 5 columns with 10 rows each or something like that for 500 years on a page. DS wanted to draw his own pictures so it's not a grand artistic thing but he's having fun and later we will do an actual book of centuries but closer to 4th or 5th grade as Miss Mason recommended. Maybe I'll include a photo later when I do my week in review ... I'll post it over there when we actually get done with our lessons today or later this weekend.


Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:00 am
by granolamom6
Hi my friend! I'd love to show you what our timeline looks like! :D You could have looked at it yesterday when you were here! But, because you didn't ask, I took pictures of Sophie's timeline this morning and am posting them below. :D I don't think I followed Carrie's directions EXACTLY, but I think it is along the same idea. I set up a grid on my computer and printed it out onto two 8 1/2 x 11 pages and then taped them together. We keep ours folded and placed in a page protector which then is put into each child's binder.



The pictures are both of the same timeline, I just did a closer shot so you could hopefully see more detail. :D

ETA: We are using Bigger, so your dates may be different from ours, and definitely the people and events will be different, but I am certain they are similar in the way they are set up.

Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:07 am
by MamaMary
Skillet, I LOVE that you let your little one make their own. In my perfect world, Christa (Granolamom) will make me a templet and then I can let me kids fill them in! :D Do you have a picture of yours?
granolamom6 wrote:Hi my friend! I'd love to show you what our timeline looks like! :D You could have looked at it yesterday when you were here! But, because you didn't ask, I took pictures of Sophie's timeline this morning and am posting them below. :D I don't think I followed Carrie's directions EXACTLY, but I think it is along the same idea. I set up a grid on my computer and printed it out onto two 8 1/2 x 11 pages and then taped them together. We keep ours folded and placed in a page protector which then is put into each child's binder.



The pictures are both of the same timeline, I just did a closer shot so you could hopefully see more detail. :D

ETA: We are using Bigger, so your dates may be different from ours, and definitely the people and events will be different, but I am certain they are similar in the way they are set up.
THUNK! :roll: ( That is ME slapping myself in the head!) What good does it do to have you as my best friend and not ask you to make me a graphic timeline too? :lol: :lol: :lol: I mean isn't that what friends are for? I know your pregnant and have morning sickness, but surely you could make one for me? Ok, waiting for my phone to ring so you can give me a hard time for picking on you :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 1:55 pm
by skillet04
well I did make the squares using excel --- I'm not the best at drawing myself and DS snapped the ruler in half the other day and I've yet to replace it.

I still have my template if you'd like me to email you.

and I think I have your email addy ... since we go back a few years


Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:10 pm
by Kathleen

I'm so glad you asked this. :D Since we're going to be starting in a week...maybe I should glance at my manual and see what I need to have ready. :roll: Even though it's "open-and-go" I think it might be time to get slightly organized. :wink:

Christa and skillet (my fellow Kansan :D ) - thank you for those pictures!

:D Kathleen

Re: Timeline Pictures?

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:33 pm
by MamaMary
skillet04 wrote: I still have my template if you'd like me to email you.

and I think I have your email addy ... since we go back a few years

I would LOVE that! Thank you;-)