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A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:10 am
by rodandmegs
Hi! We are new to HOD. I have a 7 year old girl, going into second grade. After studying the first week samples and reviewing the books that will be used with Beyond and Bigger, I have ordered her the Bigger. But after reading through the board and the old topics, I noticed a lot of you have children in Bigger that are in 3rd and even 4th grade. I guess I may be second guessing myself, but I am wondering if anyone has placed a 2nd grader in Bigger? Beyond looked like it wouldn't be challenging enough for her. I did choose the Emergent Reader set, as she is not ready for DITHOR, and doesn't like to read long chapter books yet (although she can read anything!). She only enjoys reading short chapter books, and even Junie B. Jones books are too long for her enjoyment. Like I said, she CAN read anything, even her NIVr Bible, with little difficulty. Anyway, to make a short story long (LOL), what do you think??
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:32 am
by Nealewill
If she is fine with writing and reading, then I would keep her in Bigger. Both of my girls have been on the youngest end of the age range and my son is in the middle. As long as you use the placement chart to guide your choice, then using Bigger for your 2nd grader will be fine. My 7 year old will be completing Bigger next. For my middle child, it was a challenge because he doesn't really like writing all that much. He did fantastic. Next year he is doing Preparing, which has even more writing LOL. Again, I think as long as you used the placement chart to "place" your child, then they will be fine. My youngest is also very much like yours. She can read anything. Last year we read the emerging readers, even though she was ready for the DITHOR book pack 2 because she lacked stamina. She loved them. I think your dd will really enjoy them too. Also - many times people will have older children in the level Bigger because their children don't like writing. But if a child can copy a few sentences, then doing Bigger should be fine.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:10 am
by Mumkins
If she can handle it and since you bought it, go ahead and use it. You may have to slow down. CTC at 9 was way too much for my very bright, very good reader son. It was the volume of writing up there. If I could could start him over again, I would have slowed down and not pushed him so much just because he could do it.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:20 am
by Mommamo
I've also had my 2 girls (who are old enough to be there LOL) in the younger end of the guides, my son in the upper end of the age range. (We did take off a couple years from HOD--not because it was too hard or anything but I just decided we need to--still not sure why lol--so my oldest is just now starting CTC at 11) I'm actually combining my son and middle daughter in Bigger this year, and my son will be 9 and daughter will be 7; both fit the skills chart perfectly for Bigger. It worked out wonderfully when my oldest did Bigger at 7 for 2nd grade, so I'm very excited to use it for 2nd and 3rd this year. Usually with HOD, as long as your kiddo fits the skills chart, then you should be good to go. The guides also build on the skills in the previous one each year, so they prepare you for the next one well. We're using the Emerging Readers for my 7yo, too. She's also a great reader but not ready for DITHOR. My son is actually going to the Scottish Rite for dyslexia, so he won't be using either, at least not right at first. I'm hoping he can work up to the ERs at some point during the year.
We LOVED the ERs our first time through with my oldest, and they definitely prepare students well for the first pack in DITHOR. We used it right after finishing DITHOR and it was a great fit. You'll have a great year! I'm really excited getting to do it again (can you tell?
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 9:26 pm
by mrsrandolph
Sorry, But I vote for Beyond.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:28 am
by Gwenny
Haha, Mrs. Randolph, you are funny how you say that! "Sorry" We are all so different and have had different experiences with our children! Our children are all so different, even in the same family.
I would probably say Beyond as well. All of my children that are still schooling are on the older end of the range-or beyond the ages for different reasons. It seems that up through Preparing, it would be okay to have them on the younger end if they really place there,but then the topics in the guides after that would be better done with someone older. The books are pretty meaty.
I think it's just wise to remember that if a little way down the road it seems to much, it's okay to slow down and let them grow into it and not push. A little challenge is good, it's when we push and they get frustrated because everything is always so much of a challenge that it gets bad. I know that as an adult I don't want to constantly read books that are over my head and I have to struggle to understand. That is good sometimes, but how nice to easily read a book and learn something new or be refreshed or even entertained.
Just some thoughts. I think because my young ones still at home have all had some challenges, it's hard for me to grasp that these young ones can do the guide that my older one is trudging through.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:19 am
by MomtoJGJE
The reason I would say Beyond is because she hasn't done LHFHG or Beyond. Those guides teach things that they do in Bigger. If you do start her out in Bigger I suggest going half speed for a while and making sure she's doing everything the guide says. My child who just got done with 2nd grade is halfway through Bigger, but she did LHFHG and Beyond.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:17 am
by TrueGRIT
Usually I wouldn't put a second grader in Bigger if they hadn't done Beyond.
Since you already have it, if you think it would be a fit, then start it. Only I would go through it slowly. I would only do 4 days worth of work a week, or go half speed for 2-3 months.
It's not a huge deal now, but being too young in later guides may be.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 1:45 pm
by Mommamo
Not sure if I mentioned, but my kids who will be doing Bigger are going to go over 4 days. This will stretch it a little over a school year, and it will give your kiddo a little more time to grow.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:09 am
by rodandmegs
Hi !! Thanks to all the ladies who answered me and gave me advice! I am going to go with Bigger, simply because if she is not challenged, she will get bored! She was homeschooled preschool and kindergarten. I put my children in public school last year, and as a first grader she tested at 3rd grade math skills and 2nd grade reading comprehension. She was in the 97th percentile for math skills for 1st graders nationally. I say this not to boast
, but to clarify why she placed in bigger on te placement chart and why I feel she would not enjoy beyond as much as she will bigger.
So excited to recieve my order from HOD!! Tracking shows delivery Friday!! Yay!
Sorry for any typos. I'm using my phone, and autocorrect hates me.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:38 am
by MomtoJGJE
Math doesn't really matter as far as placement. Reading doesn't really either in the early guides (You can tailor the reading program to what they need. She would be Emerging Readers either way it sounds like.) because you read the history, science, and storytime to them. In Preparing they start reading some of their history and their science on their own.
I think Bigger will be fine, I'd just caution you to take it slowly. It's only supposed to take about 15 minutes per box. But because of her age you are looking at only wanting about two hours of school per day really. Not to mention if you are doing Bigger in second grade, you will be on schedule to start high school guides in 8th grade. And CTC and up are pretty rigorous.
Re: A 2nd grader in Bigger?
Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 7:08 am
by rodandmegs
I do plan to take it slowly. I'm not sure about a 4 day week, but I am definitely not one to "push" my kids to the point of being frustration. I do believe in challenging them, though. My oldest daughter (12) and oldest son (10) want to do CLE. The independent light units really appeal to them. I showed them CTC first week sample, and they both agreed they would like CLE better. So, I'm not sure if my daughter (7) will want to continue with HOD in a few years or use CLE like her siblings. Thank you all for your input!! I will let you know how it goes when we get started. I am anxious to begin!