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Do the kids read the whole bible in highschool?

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:12 pm
by Mumkins
Will they read the entire OT in WH and NT in early American?

Re: Do the kids read the whole bible in highschool?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 5:33 am
by Nealewill
My hope is that someone with high schoolers will jump on here but when I reviewed both of the products, it gave two different options for how to use this resource. You could use it as a supplement to reading the entire Bible cover to cover (follow the readings listed in the shaded icons in the margins) or you could use it as a workbook that guides you through an overview of the Bible (follow the readings listed in bold print in the body of each lesson). So it would depend on how it is scheduled in the guides.

Re: Do the kids read the whole bible in highschool?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 6:57 am
by LynnH
It is scheduled as an overview with reading the bolded verses in the WH guide. I used it that way with my daughter a few years ago and it worked out very well. I felt like it allowed her to really take in, meditate and absorb what she was reading rather than just read a large amount each day just to say she read through the bible. There is the option in the actual book to read the entire bible. That would add some time to the day though.

Re: Do the kids read the whole bible in highschool?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 6:17 pm
by my3sons
The WH plans note for dc to read the bolded Scriptures instead of the shaded ones. I agree with LynnH - this allowed Wyatt to really take in what he was reading and meditate upon it. The follow-up questions Wyatt answered had much depth to them and took him awhile to work through each day. He also memorized Scripture and hymns, as well as kept a prayer journal. It was a well-rounded Bible study that had him in God's Word daily, as well as applying It to his life. Also, the Bible is integrated in practically everything in WH, even the electives of Fine Arts and Total Health. So, we found the Christ-centered focus of virtually every aspect of the plans alongside the in-depth Bible study Wyatt completed to be a wonderful year of pulling out the Bible to look up things in virtually all subject areas, of learning more about the Lord through the Old Testament, and of growing closer to Him through our discussions/activities! However, dc can read certainly read the shaded Scriptures instead of just the bolded Scriptures otherwise, if that is desired. HTH! :D

In Christ,