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Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 6:49 pm
by Rmdelhaye
I'm trying to decide if we will homeschool our first year traditional like public school with summers off or do year round. Is hod written for this type of schedule or is it best to use like the public schools schedule? Would appreciate any feedback, thanks!

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:06 pm
by Rice
I have a friend who used all her curriculum 7 weeks on, 1 week off. We follow the school year because summers are the best time to be outside here in Canada AND we farm, so it works well for us, but I've often wished year-round might work for us. I see no reason why HOD wouldn't work well that way. You'd just stop whenever you like (ideally at the end of a Unit, but even that wouldn't be crucial) and pick it up again when you are ready. There may be a day or two of "slower going" till you get back up to speed, but with a shorter break that would be less than those of us that stop for a summer off mid-guide! ;)

I'm sure there are those who will pipe up with how they actually use HOD year round but just wanted to give a quick reply.

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:51 pm
by MelInKansas
Yes it is fine to school year-round with HOD. Many people even switch guides at a different time than the fall, January-December or something. If you school only 4 days a week, then the early guides may take a little longer than a year to get through, but that's okay too (and this is one way to naturally end up not switching in January.

The most I have ever taken off is about 4 weeks in a row. Otherwise we keep on going. I like shorter breaks, but more often. A week off here and there when we need it, day off if we have doctor's appointments or something else to keep us from being at home. I don't schedule it out completely, when we take breaks and when we are on, but many people do.

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:35 pm
by Nealewill
You can do school either way. We tried schooling all year but we really needed June and July off. My kids play with the kids in the neighborhood too much and we do so many fun things over the summer. I really like having summer off. We do read though regularly, review languages (we do latin) and do math review. Other than that, we take the summer off.

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:20 am
by MomtoJGJE
We school year round. We take off when we want to basically. Two weeks off is more than enough at one time for my girls. More than that and they don't want to do school.

We do roughly 6 units of regular HOD work and then three weeks of DITHOR, math, English, and dictation. That way they feel like they are getting a break.

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:44 am
by countrymom
We have always schooled year around with HOD. It works fine. One son switches guides in May, the other in December. The units in the guides don't have to follow the weekdays either. It is just day 1, day 2, etc. We are rarely on so day 1 matches Monday. If you decide to do a traditional schedule you don't have to be finished with a guide either. Some families just pick back up where they left off in the fall. HOD is very flexible!

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:17 pm
by christina32344
We have done year around schooling since we started using HOD. We LOVE it!!! :D We usually take a week at Thanksgiving and Christmas, one in the spring, two in May and one during our church's VBS. We also allow 2-3 weeks of flexibility for spontaneous family trips or for sick days( We had the flu come through our household last year and it took nearly three weeks for the entire family to recover). I find that doing things with our family is more enjoyable when we do it during a time when schools are in session.

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:47 pm
by Rmdelhaye
Thanks for taking the time to answer! I feel confident now that hod is compatible with either schedule!

Re: Year round schooling compatible with hod?

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:33 pm
by mrsrandolph
We school year round. I work one day a week, and we have music lessons half a day a week. So, we school year round to make up for missed time. We just do whatever page of the guide is next and start the next guide as soon as we finish the previous one. :D