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Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:02 am
by my3sons
and when we're starting them? I love that feeling of knowing that while I'm teaching, others of you are doing the same thing too - and then it's just fun to share. :D
HOD Program: Preparing Hearts for His Glory and Drawn into the Heart of Reading, Level 4/5
Age of child: almost 9 years old
Start Date: Sept.

HOD Program: Little Hearts for His Glory (finishing it until Dec. on a 4-day plan) starting the Early Reader's Bible from the Emerging Reader's Set from Beyond...(I'm going to do both Bibles to stretch the set a little longer); then doing Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory from Jan. - Dec. with the Emerging Reader's Set (with break in the middle for next summer)
Age of Child: 5 1/2 years old
Start Date: Sept. LHFHG, Jan. BLHFHG

In Christ,
Julie :)

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:28 am
by Dorla
Hi Julie! I am excited to start a new book and so is Samuel!

HOD program: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
Age of child: 6 years old
Start date: August 2008


Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:30 am
by peridot
HOD Program: Little Hearts for His Glory & using easy readers
Age of Child: almost 5.5 yrs old
Start Date: We started last month (on unit 5~have had a few breaks)

HOD Program: Bigger Hearts for His Glory & Drawn Into The Heart of Reading
Age of Child: almost 8yrs old
Start Date: We started last month (on unit 5~have had a few breaks)


Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:42 am
by Dixie
We are looking forward to using HOD programs for the first time.

HOD Program: Preparing Hearts for His Glory
Age of child: 9 year old ds
Start Date: mid-Aug.

HOD Program: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory
Age of child: 7 year old ds
Start Date: mid-Aug.

HOD Program: Little Hearts for His Glory
Age of Child: 5.9 year old dd
Start Date: mid-Aug (We are going to do this over a two year span so I don't have to do Beyond... two years in a row)

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:59 am
by AmyB
Hi, we are using two programs this year. I teach my daughters separately each day and amazingly enough it only takes us about 2 1/2 hours to get through it all. My older daughter does her extension reading alone and retells it to me later and we save story time for the evening together.
Beyond - making it last over two years with a 6 1/2 year old.
Bigger - doing with a 9 year old plus the extension package. We are using a different reading program this year, and plan on using DITHOR 4/5 next year with preparing. We are loving every day so far and started our school last week Monday.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:08 am
by inHistiming
Well, I will be using Bigger Hearts for His Glory as is with my 8 year old dd, and with my 10 year old ds, adding the extension pack. We will also be using DITHOR level 2/3 with dd and level 4/5 with ds. My youngest son, 5 years old, will be using Little Hands to Heaven for his Kindergarten year, adding Reading Made Easy for phonics insruction. We are so looking forward to our new year, and plan to begin by the middle of August. :D

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:28 am
by holyhart
HOD Program: Little Hearts for His Glory
Age of child: 5 year old dd
Start Date: we started last month

HOD Program: Little Hands to Heaven
Age of child: currently 2.5 year old ds, but will be 3 when we start
Start Date: January

We are LOVING LHFHG so far!!! :D Makes me want to jump right in now and start LHTH, but I'm not sure that ds is quite ready for that so I will restrain myself and hold out till after he turns 3 and after the holidays.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:31 am
by jensmom
We will start Beyond in mid-August for 1st grade for Jen who turned 6 in June.

We are finishing up Kindergarten Singapore math and also doing Reading Made Easy and sight words now to bridge the summer. I had read that Singapore is possibly more advanced so we started the Kindergarten books as soon as she graduated from Kindergarten in May. I am very glad that we did. I just received the 1st grade Singapore books yesterday and they would have been more advanced than she was ready for had we not bridged with the K books.


Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 10:34 am
by Candice
Well, I was totally set to repeat LHTH with my daughter age 4 1/2. Just did not want to begin Little Hearts until she turned five. I have since changed my mind ( yet again!!!) and will begin Little Hearts in August! I really do know that she is ready for it, I just kept getting hung up on the age thing! We will take it nice and slow if needed.
So, here it is:

Program: Little Hearts For His Glory
Start Date: August
Student: Daughter, age 4 1/2

I will not change my plans again!!!!!!!!!! :shock:


Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:13 am
by netpea
HOD Program: Bigger Hearts for His Glory (including the extension pack as read alouds) & Drawn Into The Heart of Reading
Age of Child: 8yo (boy)
Start Date: Mid-Aug

HOD Program: Little Hearts for His Glory using The Reading Lesson
Age of Child: 6yo in Oct. (girl)
Start Date: Mid-Aug

My current plan is start around Aug. 18th, but that may change to Sept. After having had my niece here for a month, I am behind on everything I wanted to get done this summer.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:31 am
by Tiffini
I will be starting Bigger Hearts for His Glory very SOON - hopefully next week!!

I will be using it with my 10 yo dd and my 8 yo twins b/g. I will also use DITHR level 4/5 with my oldest and adding the two youngers in mid way through the year at Level 2/3.

I am so excited about this year! Five of my friends have switched over to HOD as well for next year after I couldn't quit talking about it so I am excited to be sharing the journey with them. Most exciting is that my sister will be using Bigger along with her two dd's and we will be able to share our journey together. In our five years of hs'ing we have always used different things, but since I had a chance to share HOD with her last week on a long drive, she decided to use it, too!

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:33 am
by mom2boys030507
HOD Program: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory 2nd Half of Emergent Readers then start DITHOR Level 2/3
Boy age 5.5

HOD Program:Little Hands to Heaven Boy age 3.5 taking this nice and slow. He wants to keep up with big brother and is just happy to do something a few days a week.

We started at the beginning of July although we are only doing 3 days a week right now, so we just finished Unit 2 in Beyond.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:15 pm
by wdworkman
I'll be using "Preparing" & "DITHOR 4/5" with my 10 yos, Luke. Our goal is to start on August 25th.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:33 pm
by Mommamo
We're doing Little Hearts for His Glory with almost 5 yo girl and we started at the end of May. We're on Unit 10.

We're going to do Little Hands to Heaven with then 3 year old boy starting in either January or February doing 2-3 days/week.

Re: Roll Call: Can we share what HOD programs we're doing...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:51 pm
by madlib
We're excited to start our first year using HOD programs. Our dd (7) is in 2nd grade and we also have dd's 3 and 3 months.

HOD Program: Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory with emerging readers set
Age of Child: 7 yo girl
Start Date: Monday
