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Singapore math for Little Hearts

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 8:51 pm
by my2guys
Hi all. I was just looking ahead to the plans for LHFHG and was noticing that for K the suggestion is Singapore Earlybird 2A/2B. So my question is, do you all just go right into 2A/2B, or did you do the 1A/1B prior to starting LHFHG? I've looked at the Singapore website at the topics for 1A/1B and I think ds would probably enjoy it now, so I was thinking maybe I should start them with him just for fun. (He's a workbook junkie :wink:)

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 10:09 pm
by mom2boys030507
I had started my son on Earlybird 1A before I even looked at LHFHG. He whizzed through 1A and 1B in about 3 months - another workbook junkie. We slowed down to match the pace of LHFHG once I decided on that. I would say if he loves workbooks and you are looking for something else for him go for it - if you want to wait you will be fine too.


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 11:30 am
by Carrie
I agree with Karen! We've done it both ways. With my second son, we did Earlybird 1A/1B first, but he really enjoys math (and I had more teaching time and not as many little guys at home then).

With my third son, we didn't do Earlybird 1A/1B first (but had done the weekly math in "Little Hands to Heaven") and just went right into 2A/2B once we started LHFHG. It's been fine also.

So, Karen gave you great advice. If your son loves workbooks, and you have the time ... enjoy 1A/1B. If not, you'll be fine too.


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:59 pm
by my2guys
Thanks for the replies! Seems like ds will enjoy 1A/1B, so I think we'll give it a try...