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Using RTR or REVtoREV for high school & starting hs early?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 6:34 pm
by kile529
Here's my problem.
I have an 8th grader finishing up CTC right now. My plan was to do just the history portion with him for the next few guides this summer to get him caught up. The plan being to get to the actual high school programs for, well, high school. It's all because I want him to have the history chronologically and I can't bear to skip guides as he LOVES history. Anyways, I've seen the stickys for beefing up RTR for high school, but does anyone have an actual PLAN that they wouldn't mind sharing with me? I love HOD bc it tells me what I need and I don't have to think about it. I started thinking that if someone has a plan I could use, even for REVtoREV, then it'd take a TON of pressure of both my son and I. I'm just not confident I can beef up a program with vague suggestions. lol

Then, it also leads to the next question. Would you let an 8th grader (next school year) jump into earning high school credits if they're eager to get through school?

Re: Using RTR or REVtoREV for high school & starting hs earl

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 12:36 pm
by my3sons
Hi there! Whether to skip a guide or not is something to truly ponder - so, good question! In general, skipping more than 1 guide is pretty insurmountable. Trying to double up and fast forward through multiple guides in 1 year is also not advised. So, in what you've shared, I have found some great posts by Carrie that should help as you ponder what to do...

Choosing RevtoRev or MTMM for high school or bumping up to World Geography guide for high school:

RTR for high school, what to add to earth science:

In Christ,