Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

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Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by bethelmommy » Mon Apr 27, 2015 9:58 pm

How does it work out with the guides for bible memory and discussion questions? We have always been NIV users but are looking at switching to ESV as a family.
Grace and peace,
DS 14 MTMM, DITHOR 6/7/8
DD 13 Rev2Rev, DITHOR 4/5
DS 10 Bigger, DITHOR 2/3
DD 8 Beyond, Level 2 Book Pack
(Previously completed LHFHG, Beyond, Bigger, Preparing, CTC, RTR, Rev2Rev, and DITHOR 2/3, 4/5)

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by LovingJesus » Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:43 pm

We use KJV & NKJV. Both have worked out just fine for the discussion questions. The words on the CDs don't match our translations, but we work around that fact.
Thankful for Jesus Christ, my DH, our four children, and for homeschooling since 2009.
HOD Completed: LHTH, Beyond, parts of Bigger, parts of Preparing, CTC, MTMM, DITHOR, WG, & US History I

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by LynnH » Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:15 am

We use ESV. It has worked fine. I think in the earlier guides that had CD's for memorization we either had him just go ahead and memorize the NIV or we just didn't use the CD's. For answering the questions and doing the bible studies in the older guides as I look at it to grade usually I can tell if the word he uses is just another way of saying what they want. If I can't tell then I just check it in the bible and make sure his answer works.
Mom to:
dd 22 college graduate and employed as an Intervention Specialist
ds 18 US2, Loved Preparing, CTC , RTR , Rev to Rev, MTMM ,WG, WH and US1

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by dianeh47 » Tue Apr 28, 2015 11:36 am

In the guides the bible curricula will reccommend a certain version to use. I usually go with what is asked for.
In the WH guide, "The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Study", the author uses the ESV, so that is what my
ds is using this year. We both like it. Usually every year the authors in the different bible courses use different
versions of the bible. We like doing that because it gives variety in reading and studying the Word of God.

Began HOD in 8/2008
Joel -18 US2 History

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by StephanieU » Tue Apr 28, 2015 1:43 pm

Other than scripture memory music, I think any translation will work. We use KJV, and I found one of the 34 verses in Bigger I had to modify because the translations were not the same (the character trait did not fit the verse in KJV, but I was able to find another Proverb verse in KJV to use instead). We just skip the music when it doesn't line up as to not confuse my kids (they memorize verses for church and Awana in KJV).
Mom to
DD16 (completed LHFHG-WH, parts of US1 and 2)
DS14 WG (completed LHFHG-MtMM plus some of LHTH)
DD13 MtMM (completed Rev2Rev)
DS8 Bigger (completed LHTH-Beyond)

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by MomtoJGJE » Wed Apr 29, 2015 6:05 am

We use ESV. We also use the CDs. It hasn't messed my kids up at all. In fact, when they don't understand something in one translation, using the other translation generally helps them figure it out. It's been neat to see.

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by raindrops » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:48 am

MomtoJGJE wrote:We use ESV. We also use the CDs. It hasn't messed my kids up at all. In fact, when they don't understand something in one translation, using the other translation generally helps them figure it out. It's been neat to see.
Yes! I often read the Bible with another translation or two open and go back and forth. My idea of fun. :wink: and for even more fun, an online concordance. Heh.
9 yr old boy in Preparing
6 yr old girl loving all things LHFHG

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Re: Does anyone use ESV with HOD?

Post by my3sons » Sun May 03, 2015 3:55 pm

I think this is a personal, family choice. We generally use the NIV and KJV to look up verses, but we have also used the NKJV and other versions on Bible Gateway online to look up and compare verses for fun! :D Our dc have their own NIV Bibles, which they use to highlight and memorize Scripture. It has been neat to see them page through their own personal Bibles and see all of the high-lighted words they have 'hidden in their heart,' and they often flip open their Bibles to jot a Scripture verse for someone or find one they are trying to remember. We enjoy Christian music as a family, and if it doesn't line up exactly, we still sing along, viewing it as praising the Lord with our singing. :D In fact, we all sang our son Emmett's Hymns for a Kid's Heart every time we cleaned up breakfast dishes this year. It was neat to see all of their eyes light up when our church sang one of the hymns on Sundays! :D

In Christ,
Enjoyed LHTH to USII
Currently using USI
Wife to Rich for 28 years
Mother to 3 sons, ages 23, 20, and 16
Sister to Carrie

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