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Finally finding peace...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 7:45 pm
by grace4teaching
after a long ordeal with another company. I have sold all the books I purchased from them and will just use HOD this year. I am praying it will simplify things greatly to have them on the same page for a few subjects.

Please advise me if this plan is okay:

I have used DITHOR with my fourth grader last year and we both loved it. I will continue that with both kids (second and fifth) this year. I am using Teaching Textbooks with my 5th grader for math, as she started it at the end of last year and really loved it. Math is up for debate with my 2nd grader. He is not strong in his facts (memorization or just "getting" anything at all on paper, but can reason out problems orally without a hitch :roll: ). Suggestions would be helpful here.

I am going to purchase Preparing to use with both kids. My 2nd grader is fairly bright and will have no trouble with the books/read alouds because they will cover content he is avidly interested in and I will supplement for him with lower leveled readers from the library. From what I can see of the preview pages, he will also enjoy doing much of the hands on stuff. I am purchasing the extension package for my fifth grader. I know (I think) I will need a spelling program for 2nd, but what about 5th? How is spelling addressed in the Preparing LA? I have previewed the Language Lessons for Very Young/Elementary and I like those very much. Do you recommend adding "Igniting Your Writing" in addition to the Language Lessons?

I am looking forward to a great upcoming school year. I love reading all of your posts and I love the support I see here.

God Bless!


Re: Finally finding peace...

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:05 pm
by Allison TX
Hi Beth. I think you will be very happy with HOD! :D

Now, I could be wrong about this, as I have not yet started Preparing (anxiously awaiting the TM :) ), but I think spelling is covered through dictation. As far as English, Carrie recommends Rod and Staff in Preparing. You could definitly use the Language Lessons books instead, but there would probably be a lot of overlap with copywork and poetry. I also think writing is covered in Preparing with Rod and Staff as well as various writing assignments Carrie has scheduled in the TM.

Hope this helps! :)


Re: Finally finding peace...

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:55 am
by Carrie

Beth did a great job of answering your questions! Often the replies on the board are pretty quiet when the questions pertain to Preparing..., as the moms don't have their guides in hand yet! So, I'll jump in and answer your questions. :wink:

If you are considering Singapore Math at all, I would give it a try with your 2nd grader now. It is easier to start with Singapore earlier on, than it is to switch over to it later. I'd give the placement test and place your child where he comes out based on the test. The Singapore Placement test is very accurate. For kiddos who do not appreciate a lot of rote work, and who enjoy thinking through problem-solving, it is an excellent option. Here's the link to the Singapore Test:

As far as spelling goes, I think your 5th grader should be fine with one of the levels of studied dictation passages provided in the Appendix of Preparing. Studied dictation is definitely harder than it looks! My oldest, who is going into 7th grade this year, did the highest level of passages provided in Preparing last year as a 6th grader. He is a good speller and good at copywork. :D

As far as grammar goes, I'd do either Rod and Staff Level 3 or 4 for your 5th grader (both are scheduled in Preparing), unless you are very drawn to the Queen's series. We look at the Queen's series as more of a review, rather than a formal grammar program. It is fine to use on alternating years with a more formal grammar program like Rod and Staff, but I would hesitate to use it as my sole grammar program, especially as kiddos head into the middle-upper elementary years. :wink:

If your 2nd grader is a good speller, then that child could use the first level of dictation passages provided in "Preparing...". This is the entry level of dictation passages and is the same as the first level provided in "Bigger". Your 2nd grader will also need either the Queen's or the Rod and Staff 2 for English. I would probably do the Queen's and hold off on Rod and Staff 2, until your little one is in third grade. This is because your 2nd grader will not be able to do most of the writing required in Preparing..., so your 2nd grader will benefit from the copywork lessons in the Queens book. Otherwise, the Queen's books usually overlap quite a bit with what we've scheduled in the guide.

It is important to note that the target ages for Preparing is ages 8-10 with extensions for 11-12. So, your second grader is younger than the recommended age range. This will mean you'll need to be very mindful of that fact and modify accordingly, if your heart is leading your family to combine your kiddos. :wink:

If you have other questions, ask away!
