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For Julie - answers to your questions.

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:35 pm
by ms13
Julie, (my3sons)
Here we go:
Son - 14 (may)
**Reading: he reads above grade level long chapter books. Mostly adventure type series. He is reading through 4 books of the Hobbit series right now. He also reads Golden Compass and Percy Jackson series. He really enjoys reading.
**He has done his own History and science the past 3 years. we did apologia science together with his sister last year. He comprehends the material well and can explain it to you.
**writing: physically writing is his least favorite thing to do. He knows what to write but hates to do it. He is comfortable with 4-5 paragraphs and does about 1/2 hr daily writing besides answering the questions in each lifepac each day. He is new to CM method. yes.
**he has had a lot of diagramming in the past with Landmark and not much this year. here and there. He knows his parts of speech ok and can write a summary of a book he is reading.
**He follows directions really well and follows his daily schedule each day. He is a great thinker and retains information well.
**Science is a strong subject for him and he has done 2 yrs of Apologia (Physical Science now). He likes experiments and wants to do Chemistry next.
**Math is going well too. We use Saxon Alg 1/2 right now. May try TT next year for Alg 1.

daughter 10 (may)
Reading**above grade level reader, long chapter books and remembers what she reads. She has read Little house series, diary of wimpy kid, Anne of green gables. she likes to read chapter books about princesses and horses.
**she has read her own history and science the past 3 years with minimal help. We did the apologia science tog. last year.
Writing**she has had cursive and does real well with it. She can write a paragraph or two summarizing books she has read. 1/2 hour daily writing either cursive or answering questions in her lifepacs. she is new to CM style also.
** She has had no diagramming yet. She knows nouns, verbs and adjectives so far.
**she is independent with most of her work and follows her daily schedule each day.
** She spends about and avg of 3 hrs a day on schoolwork.

hope this helps girls. Any and all suggestions greatly appreciated.

Re: For Julie - answers to your questions.

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:04 am
by my3sons
Thank you for sharing about each of your dc and for patiently answering all of my questions! :D From the combined information you've shared in different posts, I think you have arrived at a good placement! :D Hooray!!! :) MTMM for your ds, and PHFHG for your dd will give each of them enough 'meat' for the year without overwhelming them in the length of day. Based on each of your dc being strong readers, solid independent workers, and good direction followers, these guides should fit them each well. As you'd mentioned previously that each of them were used to working 3-4 hours a day spread out throughout the day with multiple breaks, as you'd also mentioned that neither are familiar with Charlotte Mason methods, and finally that writing is neither's favorite thing to do with each being used to writing 1/2 an hour a day, I think going any higher than MTMM for ds or higher than PHFHG for dd would be a challenge. Plus, your dd is just turning 10 yo. I do wonder if your ds, being very science-minded, could do the WG science? He'd need the WG guide though. I am unsure what credits you are wanting for that for this year and the future. However, MTMMs science is wonderful - our son thoroughly enjoyed it, so either would be fine. :D You'd want to add Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry and Chem 101 DVDs to the MTMM science for high school credit. This will add another 30 minutes or so to the day.

The follow-up assessments in both guides will teach important skills in a new fresh, varied way. I think you will find this is so much more exciting and fulfilling than textbook driven or computer program driven curriculum - I am very excited for your dc to begin HOD! :D :D :D It may take a little time for dc to transition to reading more narrative style living books, as well as time to think deeply and respond more actively in discussions, oral narrations, written narrations, hands-on history activities, art projects, etc. BUT, I think you will all be happy with the change! It just breathes life into learning. :D :D :D One more transition may be the amount of time school takes your ds especially, which is why I've included the suggested time allotments for each of the guides below...

MTMM time it takes:

PHFHG time it takes:

It is wonderful that your kiddos have learned to work well independently! Letting them know that any of the "I" boxes are to be done completely independently, including the reading of the material, the following of the step-by-step directions, and the completion of the activity/work, will keep this skill strong. Giving them the actual teacher's guide to hold in hand and follow as they would within a student planner will ensure that they have everything they need at hand to do well with independent assignments. The boxes labeled "S" for semi-independent intend for the teacher to help dc begin the work fully understanding the assignment and getting off on the right foot, so that then the students can finish the work independently. "T" boxes intend for the parent to teach that assignment fully. Letting my kiddos know of this labeling system and the intent behind it has helped eliminate constant discussion about what they can do independently and what I am to be leading as the teacher! :D

One other thought- as you are new to HOD and so are your dc, you may want to stagger start them. You could begin with your ds, working with him in MTMM to teach him how to do each part of the daily plans and use the guide as his student planner more. You could set up the order you'd like him to do his work in, as well as when you are going to meet with him to do your teacher times and correcting of his work. Usually 2 weeks suffices for this setting up of the routine. Then, you could focus on getting your dd off to a good start in PHFHG the same way. I hope this helps! I think you are going to love HOD, and I hope your family is as blessed by using it as ours has been and continues to be! :D

In Christ,

*I copied this from your other post, just to be sure you see it. :D