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What to do? Need help!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:24 pm
by holyhart
Once upon a time, I was a very happy little HOD user. I've used guides LHTH through Bigger (my 2 elder children are even in the pictures that Julie put together for the photo books for their convention booths! :D ). When my younger children started getting older, the idea of using 3 guides was so overwhelming I left HOD and pieced together my own stuff. Part of that was just because it felt overwhelming, the other was that I was going through some really hard life circumstances (which probably made the other stuff seem even more you see a trend???). So, now I am here...trying to figure out what I want to do moving forward. I always loved HOD, and even when I stepped away, I would recommend HOD to anyone and everyone. Which is why a huge part of me is drawn back to trying to make HOD work for my family.

So, where are we now. I have a daughter who will be 12 yrs. old (7th grade), a son who will be 10 (4th grade, but is dsylexic and only reads about a 1st grade level), a daughter who will be 7 (2nd grade), and my littlest guy who will be 5 (pre-K...still has poor motor skills and a speech delay). The last couple of years we have LOVED, LOVED, LOVED being together for history, science, and bible. None of them, nor I, want to be separate for those. But to make HOD work, it seems I would have to run 3 guides...maybe 4, and everyone will be learning their own thing. Obviously my dyslexic son is not going to be as independent as another in his age range would be, but nor do I think he should be held to a lower guide because of that. I would think about doing only 2 guides, but I don't think I can do beyond that.

Is this going to be doable for me? Or should I leave my HOD dreams behind and just keep putting together my own stuff? :(

Help me out, ladies!!!

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:05 pm
by mrsrandolph
I don't know what to say about your specific situation, but I have faced that personal crisis as well while trying to homeschool, and it is HARD. Good job sticking with it.

I also wanted to say that I have done 3 guides and DITHOR without a problem. I hope others will offer suggestions. But there is a quote by Murray, "We don't know how far God will bring us in Faith until we try."

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 4:55 pm
by Jennymommy
Hey Kelly, a couple thoughts for you. The biggest thing right now is to decide what your goals for each dc will be. As they go on, will they be able to perform at a college worthy level, or do you see them going on to tech school, a trade, a homemaker, etc. Then, what is your plan to get them there? HOD is designed to meet each child at their skill level and challenge them to progress. This is hard to do in a wide age range, and so, if you do try to combine, you may have to skip skills and just get what you can from the reading, etc. If you love HOD, and the kids are well placed, I think running several guides is doable and even exciting. Here is a thread discussing this topic viewtopic.php?f=6&t=9344#p68108 .
After all that, I really think you would enjoy letting each dc have a special sharing time during the week to show and tell what they have done that is memorable while doing their own guides :D

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:33 pm
by psreit
I think it would be difficult to keep them together for those things you mentioned. It looks like you would have to use at least 3 different guides if you do LHTH with the youngest. As far as your dyslexic son, have you used Bigger with him yet? I had done half of Bigger with my dyslexic daughter when she was in 3rd grade. Then we were gone a little while. I came back and tried Preparing, thinking that would work the following year. Then we stopped because I just felt we needed to focus more on her reading. I am finally back indefinitely, a year after beginning Preparing (5th grade). My daughter's reading has greatly improved although she is not doing a lot of reading independently yet. When we came back to HOD in November, I reevaluated things and it turned out that going back to Bigger would be the best thing. Even though she had done half of the guide, we started at the beginning of the guide and it is going very well. Bigger is a very good fit for her. You don't want to jump too far ahead if he is not reading well. I can't help you with your decision about returning to HOD. You need to decide if you are willing to make changes if each one has a different guide and need to do work separately. Make it a matter of prayer. :)

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:24 am
by holyhart
Thank you, ladies. You (and those on the fb pages) have given me much to think and pray about. I've talked with hubby (who always says that he leaves all these administrative decisions to me... :roll: ) and to the kids to get their inputs. I have come to the conclusion that if I tried to combine them all, that I would be holding my eldest back. In fact, I may have already been doing so. :cry: While keeping them together in certain subjects, I have not been as diligent in pushing her to learn independently. Yes, she can do her math, grammar, and those types of subjects mostly independently, but she still looks to me to spoon feed her information in other areas, instead of actively pursuing education. (I hope I made sense there...I passed out last night, fell out of the tub, and then vomited...not a great night, so I might still be a little foggy) Some of her history and science work has been higher level than her siblings,but I'm sure I have fallen a bit short in stretching her. Time to let her spread her wings a little. She was actually excited about gaining more independence as we looked over the RtR guide samples. She was a little nervous about the amount of pages needing to be read in the history box, but I reassured her that I can help read some of it to her if least in the beginning. Someone also gave me some good advice on the fb page, to start her about 2 weeks before I start the others so I can get her used to the new format and new amount of independence. :D

My dyslexic ds was the hardest to convince in the change. He hates change, and he is (not sure if that is the word I'm looking for)...about family time. He is always the one wants to make sure that we always eat together as a family, always wishing that my parents would be able to make it every Sunday for a big family dinner, etc. Sooooo....I had to bargain with him! LOL! Honestly, I thought the allure of American history would be enough, but no, I had to promise that we would read ANOTHER biography on Davy Crockett and spend at least one week on the Alamo (AGAIN!). :lol: I think Bigger will be a good fit for him and my 2nd grade dd.

I'm still a little nervous about trying to run 2 guides, but knowing that my eldest will be fairly independent does help. My youngest who will be 5, I'm not as concerned about. With his speech and motor delays, he is not ready for anything too formal. If in 6 months from now, I feel differently, I will reassess. For now the plan with him, is to do some LHTH and some BFIAR very loosely. Lots of learning through play. :D

So I think that is where I am. Does it seem like those would be the right guides for them? RtR for my 7th grader, Bigger for my 4th and 2nd graders??

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:23 am
by Rice
I don't have time for a detailed response, Kelly, but it sounds like a great plan. I started some kids in the same level this year and had to split them 10 units in. Not easy. I think you've made a wise decision.

Blessings as you move forward!

Re: What to do? Need help!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:23 am
by my3sons
HI Kelly! :D It is great to see ya here again! I always know when I've been praying for clarity about something and I keep getting drawn back to something, that is God's leading me. While you've been praying about what to do with HOD, I've been praying for the Lord to draw to HOD exactly who HE wants to use it. So, you see, together I do believe we can rest assured you are right where you need to be! :D This is the difference prayer makes, and with it comes a peace as we move forward - not always a total perfect everything will be just exactly right kind of peace - but the kind of peace that this is the very best decision because it is God's will. So, I'm excited for you this coming year!

You are right in thinking it is time for dd to soar and spread her wings! If you checked the placement chart, and RTR fits her well, then by all means that is the guide for her to begin blooming! It is just in the nick of time too, as high school is coming, and dd taking on more independence will be important to future confidence and success. I'm excited for her to blossom and mature in this way!!! :D

Bigger Hearts is an important guide that has the teacher guiding and mentoring dc to prepare them more for future independence in the guides to come. Your description of your ds shows he is needing this now, so it makes sense to mentally make the choice to spend more time with him and with your 2nd grade dd. They are needing you more now than your oldest dd, and your oldest dd is needing some independence. All of this works to sound like a good plan for all to me!!! For your littlest one, LHTH is easy to add at any time. I often added it in January, when we were in full swing and a happy rhythm with my older ds/dc. Multiple guides becomes easier than combining large age ranges as dc mature. It becomes obvious this is necessary as one pictures reading aloud all high school material to dc. :shock: Knowing this is not possible nor desirable, working back from that, it is crucial dc are responsible for almost all of their reading across all subject areas at least by middle school, and according to CM, ideally more like when they are 9 or 10 yo or so. Your dd doing RTR this year will help prepare her beautifully for the higher level learning to be expected in high school. So, this is great timing!!!

These are growing pains decisions sometimes. I think you are wise to step back, reflect, pray, and now get excited for the new and exciting year you have ahead of you with RTR and Bigger Hearts! I'm so glad you are here - we've missed you - and yes, I do remember putting those precious photos of your kiddos in HOD's photobooks. I'm glad the Lord has drawn you back here.

In Christ,