We really enjoyed MTMM's science as a follow-up to EE in RevtoRev. We didn't do the advanced EE kit, but when Carrie and I were comparing science options for MTMM, we found we had already completed many of the other science experiments in other programs previously within HOD's earlier years of science. The MTMM kits were an answer to prayer. They offered a safe way for students to work with chemicals. I have always been so pleased with HOD's science through the years because my dc have been the ones doing the experiments. We have consistently done experiments every single week of doing HOD, from LHFHG on up, and we have never needed to pay money to attend a science class outside of our home. I have been able to be the teacher, and our dc have been able to be the 'scientists.' Many times, in talking with homeschool families at convention or on the phone, they share that to do other science programs, they have had to join a coop, join a class, or pay another person to teach science for them. Or, more often, they share they are really just doing the reading of the science textbook and getting to the experiments now and then, or never. I can understand this!!! As homeschool moms and wives, our lives are beyond busy. To be able to homeschool for the journey, being able to do so in our own homes is certainly helpful. MTMM's science helped our son work with chemicals in our own home in an exciting, successful, and safe way. He also never missed an experiment, completed the experiments himself, and read some awesome living books focused on chemistry, 2oth Century scientists, and evolution vs. creation. The tiered lab forms emphasizing the scientific method, the notebooking entries about the scientists, oral narrations, questions, vocabulary, and written narrations all added variety and depth to MTMM's science. The balance of living books, hands-on experiments, and scientific methods gave our son a fantastic year of science in MTMM! He walked away feeling like a chemist wearing goggles and having worked with chemicals independently in the 'lab' of life (our kitchen)
, having gotten 'into the minds' of amazing chemists through reading living books about their life-changing contributions to science, and having learned how to think about and approach that lifelong struggle our dc our facing in the battle of evolution and creation. An awesome year I'd not change. For 8th grade, MTMM's science is more than enough. HTH!
In Christ,