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Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:36 am
by Nealewill
I am feeling a little overwhelmed right now in my life. I just need some prayer.
* I am ministering to a girl who is a drug addict and thought she was on board with getting some help. I got her an application to get into a 2 year Christian program that can help with the addiction, help with her finishing her high school diploma by getting a GED, help with her getting a job so she can afford to live on her own, and then help her get into college if she wants. In addition, this program will most likely lead her to a relationship with God. I found out yesterday that she decided not to go into the program.
* I have 2 major large deadlines for work that I need to get 2 huge things completed. I am getting there but just prayers for stamina (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel). And now I just got a phone call for another rush item.
* Car trouble - my husband's gas tank fell off of his truck a few days ago. Thank the Lord he wasn't driving when he noticed it and it was cheaper to fix - $240. But now he needs a new muffler and probably a new battery
* I have always had teeth problems and have had to have lots of root canals and fillings. I went to the dentist today because the sinus in my right check has been hurting for a few days and my guess was that I needed another root canal. Turns out I have a cavity in a molar that wasn't bothering me. But then they found a cyst inside my gum that is pushing on my sinuses and is between the roots of two teeth. This is making one of my teeth very sensitive too because it is irritating the root of this tooth (the other tooth already had a root canal so that tooth doesn't hurt at all).
Honestly - I just feel overwhelmed! Even now, in this moment, I am in a horribly grouchy mood. That in turns leads to a short fuse and significant anger toward my kids, which obviously isn't their fault. But I am struggling so much to not be evil mom! I am worried about the cyst - although my family has a long history of cysts, me included - that it is not cancerous. A lady at my church just found out she has bone cancer of the back and she was early 40s. And I am also worried paying for all of this is expensive! Finally, I am so busy right now that I don't really have time for all this stuff LOL. And my mouth just hurts. I don't like taking meds but I may end up agreeing to take something.
So - any prayers would be appreciated. I can already tell I am completely losing it. I know I should already call off my school day and that is making me mad. I am basically sitting her at the point of tears and just want to cry.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:51 pm
by Rice
Oh, Daneale! Praying for you, for peace, for relief from pain, for His perspective.
I don't know what else to say except that I understand the feeling of being overwhelmed. May knowing that there are others along side you on this journey, even though we can do nothing physically to help from across the miles, bring you comfort.
Coming 12 hours after your post, this obviously didn't help for today's school, but praying tomorrow will get off to a better start and that God will hold you in the palm of His hand through it all.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:31 am
by Nealewill
Thank you so much Rice for your prayers.
By lunch I knew the Lord was telling me take the day off! I did
And I have decided to take the school day off today as well. I hate breaking now but I also know in heart that taking a day or two off won't actually kill me
Last night I even let my kids stay up late and they helped me stuff gift letters (one of my two large deadlins...done!) We had a really fun assembly line going. We started with a couple people stamping the return address on envelopes. Then we implemented an assembly line for stuff the envelopes, getting the address label on the envelop, putting the stamp on and then sealing it up. Afterwards, because it was husband birthday yesterday, I fed my kids cake and ice cream
They had fun with that. Today I have a large grant report to complete. I need to make copies of paid invoices as supporting documentation for money we were given and spent. This project will probably take me about 3-4 hours to complete. If I give the kids the day off, I don't need to worry about any interruptions.
I also did not end up calling the oral surgeon yesterday as I had hoped. I wasn't able to figure out health insurance's site and will call them today. Since I am giving the kids the day off of school, I can easily get this done as well.
The verses I kept repeating to myself yesterday was Matthew 6:33-34: 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. I really can't stress about the future. I have had some really significant lows in my past (as have so many strong Christians I know) and the Lord saw me through all of those. I take comfort knowing the Lord is with me now too and that he will take care of me through all of this.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:51 am
by psreit
Daneale - I wrote this right before I read your last post, but I decided to send it anyway. Taking the day off is a wise choice.
(Sorry for mistakes. I'm operating from my Kindle because my computer is down)
Sorry to hear about all your struggles. You are so quick to offer encouragement to others who are struggling, and in the midst of your ministering to them, you are in need of prayer and encouragement yourself. I will remember you in prayer. Don't hesitate to take a day off school to rest and regroup. I had to do that yesterday. After little restful sleep, finding the parakeet and the thought of telling Angie (which brought me more tears). I knew we couldn't do school yesterday. So, I gave her the day off. Well, it turned out to be more of a day off for me.
Last evening she was asking to do some of today's school so we didn't have so much to do today.
So, we did grammar and story time! My Lyme flared up this past week, so I haven't been sleeping as well and during the day my neck/head and back have been bothering me. So, it is easy to become impatient or intolerant. When I don't directly place it in the Lord's hands, my days do not run smoothly. Sometimes we are so caught up in trying to deal with life's issues and ministering to others, we don't take time to sit at Jesus's feet and let Him minister to us. That is something I am trying to do better in. We refer to others as a Mary or a Martha. I know I would fit into the Martha category. Having a child with special needs for the last 25 years, and then adopting and now homeschooling a child with special needs, it takes a lot of time. We all need to take time to be a Mary. So, I am encouraging you to rest today, and allow the Lord to minister to YOU.
Praying you have a good day.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:28 am
by jenn in nc
I agree with Pam, you are always so encouraging to all of us! I'm sorry to hear you are struggling through so much. Any one of those things would be a lot, let alone all of them together. I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you right now that God will provide the finances you need, the strength you need physically, and the peace you need emotionally. ((hugs))
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:31 am
by Samuel'sMommy
I'm sorry that you have so much going on right now! I'm sure you are stressed! I will be praying for you and your family!
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 5:21 am
by Nealewill
Thanks so much ladies. I really appreciate the prayers tremendously. I did end up giving the kids the day off yesterday as well
I am glad I did because the work item I had to complete took ALL DAY! But we are actually going to make up some school today. I have a half of a day left in the guide so I just want to try and finish it today.
I also was able to schedule my appointment for the oral surgeon. I have to wait until Feb 18th so I am just praying that my mouth doesn't start hurting too much more by then. It doesn't hurt so much that it keeps me up at night or anything. It just feels tender when I eat and soar in general by the end of the day. Basically, the more I move my mouth, the more it hurts. If I take Tylenol, it makes the pain go away. Good news in going to an oral surgeon though, this appointment is covered under health insurance and will count against my maximum out of pocket for the year. That is good for me because dental bills can high but they don't reduce my medical out of pocket. So at least if I am going shell out some dough, it will limit future medical stuff for this calendar year.
Ultimately, I think what made my day go pretty well yesterday was I got to have jam session with God while I compiled a large stack of copies of documentation for a grant. I had to copy about 300 different invoices (give or take) yesterday and so I put on some of favorite artist and had a long praise session. I always find when I am struggling that I just feel so much better if I focus on praising God instead. It seems like it changes my attitude so quickly and bring lots of peace.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:30 am
by jenn in nc
Nealewill wrote:I always find when I am struggling that I just feel so much better if I focus on praising God instead. It seems like it changes my attitude so quickly and bring lots of peace.
So true, and a good reminder for me as well!
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:13 am
by Mumkins
Praying for you! I hope your pain in minimal and easily managed as you await your appt. Praying for you to feel less stressed and enjoy your days more.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:28 am
by Jennymommy
Daneale, you are amazing with all you can accomplish in a day:-) I love how faithful God is, even when we aren't worshipping, but isn't it sweet to be in His presence? May His strength be sufficient for you and His wisdom guide you.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 11:24 am
by my3sons
Nealewill - I am praying for you! I'm so sorry that all of this is hitting you at once!!! Taking a day off to rest and recuperate was very important to do. I think you need to take some things off your plate though (this is the mother hen coming out in me - I'd love to bring you a hot cup of tea and an electric blanket too!
). Seriously, you have been given the gift of encouragement, and you use it wisely for the Lord every single day. I personally appreciate you sooooooo much. I love reading your posts. I love seeing pictures of your kids. I love seeing you encourage countless moms on this board by your positive, caring, Christian attitude. So, please take this from a person who cares for you and for your well-being. I have seen many, many, many Christian homeschool moms open their homes to troubled teenagers. It is an absolutely HUGE undertaking. One thing I know for sure, if the person does not truly want help and is not open to change, then it is best not to open your doors. You can encourage other ways, but not by physically having in your home a person that is a drug addict and unwilling to change around your dc. I know it seems like the thing to do, but saying 'yes' to helping her could be saying 'no' to homeschooling your dc, providing a safe environment for them, taking care of your health, helping the budget flow in the home, getting your work done in a timely fashion, etc. Maybe helping her or someone like her IS your calling, but maybe it is not your calling right now! I believe there are seasons in life, as in different seasons, we have different purposes. You have so many big purposes now, so much you are doing already, I just worry about you and your health and your family. Only the Lord can make clear His good and perfect will for you in this situation, but please do be in prayer about it. What you are doing already is superhuman, and it is chock full of Godly purpose! I know it goes unrecognized often, and it just doesn't have that feel of a big purpose like that of helping a truly troubled teen would have, but I am recognizing it today! You are a wonderful person, already filling a larger than life purpose for the Lord! Please pray for clarity moving forward, and I will too. The Lord will show you what to do. God bless!
Love in Christ,
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:17 pm
by Nealewill
Thank you so much for you words Julie. Everything you said is absolutely true.
Sometimes I feel like God calls me somewhere and then I feel like God says, that is enough and shuts a door. That is how I feel about this girl. I did originally open my home to her but at that time, she wasn't being honest about a lot of things going on. After I got more info, I determined that she needed more help than I could actually give her. I can give her my friendship and encouragement (seeing her and spending some time with her). But she needs help. Changing her physical location would not be enough to help to heal. She ended up filled out an application to actually go and live at an actual home for people with drug addictions. So she wouldn't be living with me at my house after all. At that home, they would help her with her addiction problem, give her counseling, help her get her education, etc. God put so many wonderful people in my path, which ultimately lead me to the program I found.
And I have met all my work deadlines!!!!! SO GLAD!!!!!!! Come February 1st, I usually just go into a coma for a solid week. I will hardly be working at all next week because of all the time I spent working the last few weeks. This will give me lots of time to recoup.
And you are right about my season of life. This season - for everyone - is so temporary. I have to constantly remind myself of this. This season is to be spent on my kids and husband. One major reason in homeschooling my kids is to help them foster a strong relation with the Lord. This person whom I was ministering to basically fell into my lap and was something unexpected. I definitely feel like I followed God calling but I do feel like my path is probably done for a bit with her as well. I do feel at peace about my path and that God may be moving someone else into her life.
I am feeling really good tonight
I think I will be heading to bed soon and not get up until I need to get ready for church LOL.
And thank you so much for your words of encouragement Julie. You do a wonderful job of lifting other people up and being so supportive and encouraging as well. I truly touches my heart that you took time to reply and write such a thoughtful post. Thank you again.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:19 pm
by Nealewill
Jennymommy wrote:but isn't it sweet to be in His presence?
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:44 pm
by chillin'inandover
Praying for you. I have been in a similar situation. What I realized was that by being obedient to the Lord to offer the help that was what I was called to do. The person also declined the help. I know the Lord was protecting our family and our homeschooling. It was surprising how quickly our routine and behaviors fell apart in such a short time. The Lord protected everyone and validated that what I was doing in my home was all that I needed to be doing. Being a stay at home wife and mom has been a struggle. That has been part of my homeschooling. We all learn, and that is what I needed to learn. I have found volunteering that my children can participate in. Although my heart was broken over this person and their situation, the Lord saw me through. Rest is important for everyone. It is comforting to know that the Lord blesses us in our obedience. By responding as you did the Lord blesses us. As you look at the problems I hope you see the Lord as he answers each one. The Lord loves us so much, and the Word says, "Ask". So praying for you and your family.
Re: Prayer Request (OT)
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:46 pm
by my3sons
Thank you for the update, Daneale!!!
I'm so glad you met all your work deadlines! That is such a good feeling. I'm also glad you are navigating this season of life so well. Take care of yourself too! A healthy happy mother usually equals healthy happy kids.
In Christ,