World History Lit/Comp questions
Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:04 pm
Hi! I have some questions about the literature and composition within the World History guide. How is the Essentials in Writing 11 different from the Essentials in Writing 10? I have seen the table of contents and I know that 11 includes a lit response essay, timed essay, etc (which grade 10 does not include). My question is in regards to the topics that are repeated in grade 11 that were already taught in grade 10... expositiory, persuasive, compare/contrast essay, etc. Are those topics taught in a different way within the EIW 11th grade guide or is it redundant? Or does the way it is scheduled/assigned in the HOD guide make it different? I also have a question about the literature within the guide. Are there literature "papers" or is there any type of formal writing required in response to novels that are read? I cannot tell what the student does after finishing a novel because the "week at a glance" is the 1st unit. I do see that the students does journal entries, annotates, etc, but I am curious if the formal writing within the composition portion of the guide is tied to the literature at all. Does that make sense? I am probably being clear as mud! Everything planned within this guide looks amazing, however I am just leary of having my dd go through another formal composition course. She knows the steps of writing for all those types of essays. I just want her to write... and particulary in response to the literature she reads. From what I have experienced with HOD, Carrie has a very good reason for everything she plans in a guide. I would just love a bit more info on how the lit/comp sections flesh out throughout the year.