by MelInKansas » Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:54 pm
Hi there! Oh boy, do I know how you feel. My DD had gone through LHFHG and Beyond, seeming to do well with both, but when she hit Bigger it became obvious that her copywork skills/handwriting skills and interest in that were not up to the task. So we slowed it down. You can certainly write light pencil lines for him to write on, to help him learn to make the lines straighter. I did that for a while. My DD still does not write straight on unlined paper. We've worked on the writing and erasing skills. If they write really hard the first time, then even if you erase and try to write over it, it looks like a mess. Writing is really hard work, and if he needs to slow down, then do it. If you feel he is placed well in all other areas, History, Science, etc I would stay with Bigger and just work with him on growth in the areas he struggles with.
What do you have him doing for reading right now? You mentioned he is struggling there too, but you didn't say where he is at or what you are using or have tried.
I would not encourage you to skip the activities. They really add to the learning. Plus they will definitely increase his joy in learning. Try to make it easier on yourself if you can. Take heart, in Preparing is when they do start doing more of those on their own, or at least semi-independently. Maybe your older child could help out? I used to skip things a lot, but after seeing the progression, and knowing how much my children enjoy from the hands-on activities and learn from them, I prefer to slow down the guide rather than skipping the hands-on activities. They really don't take that long. They do take more energy than getting out a book and putting it away, but it's well worth it!
Also, the first several weeks are the hardest. As you tweak it, and get further into it, it will get easier for both of you, and perhaps you can give him more independence where it's appropriate. Just take a deep breath, don't stress over the pace, and keep on swimming.
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end"
DD12 - Rev to Rev + DITHOR 6/7/8
DD10 - CTC + DITHOR 2/3
DD7 - Bigger + ERs
DD2 - ABC123
2 babies in heaven