Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to this!

I did come up with a good schedule for our days, where I feel like we have a lot of balance, as well as some nice cushion for how long things take. I tried to plan a little more time into some of the subjects I knew "my" kids would take longer with. For example, one of my boys just takes longer to do his readings. He reads really well, with excellent comprehension, but no matter what we've tried we just can't fit it in the suggested times. It's all okay though. I just planned for a little longer, and it's worked out well so far. Mostly just trying to be very realistic with how long things should take.
One of the BEST things we've done this year, was to start at half speed for the first two weeks. (So taking 2 weeks to do 1 unit.) We have never done that before, and WOW what a great way to get to know their new guides, and get acquainted with what's expected of each subject. Plus, its a very stress-free way to start the new school year!
I'm not one of those moms who go by the clock and keep everyone on a tight schedule. (I know many of you are also the same way!

) I applaud any of you who are able to do that. . . but for this mom of five, it's just never worked. Instead, I do much like what Julie always mentions with her schedules. We plan out a nice schedule with times, and use it as a goal, but pretty much go with a flow for the day, or routine. I try to balance my time between when my kids need me for teaching times, and also try to keep them all moving along with their independent work in between our times together.
That said, Julie you asked what I came up with, so I'll just list what order we do things for our WG guy. If I listed our whole schedule on here, it might get confusing (and long!). So since this thread was more geared toward the WG guide, I'll list his schedule here:
He gets up, exercises, and showers. (He prefers to get up at 6:30)
Bible, and World Religions & Cultures
Living Library and Spanish
World Geography and Geography Activities
(Snack break)
*Meeting w/ Mom: follow-ups and check work done to this point, as well as a 20 min. instruction time for dictation, English/Writing, and Algebra.
Dictation, English/Writing, and Algebra
Literature, and Logic/Devotional
Science Lessons or Lab
*Meeting w/ Mom: follow-ups and check work done.
This is a pretty loose schedule for him. I do have times listed on his schedule, but they are just mainly guidelines. However long he takes, is however long he takes!

Some days he still has to finish up World Religions & Cultures after breakfast, and that's okay. That's part of why our meetings are a bit later in the day. Gives him a chance to wrap up those studies before we meet. (Although we do chat about what he's learning all throughout the day!

We're really focused on not stressing out about how long things take this year. In the past we've done that, and I feel like we've lost the blessing of our studies that way. Our main focus is to do quality work and really LEARN, even if it takes a bit longer. The funny thing is, now that we're keeping the focus where it should be, our days are actually fitting into where we wanted them to without us even trying!
Hope this rambling is helpful to someone!