JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

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JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:00 pm

This question is mostly for Julie (my3sons), though I'll very happily hear anyone's thoughts if they wish to share! ;)

My question is regarding a schedule I found in the schedule thread (up top) for the WG guide, in particular. I actually printed it out and am trying to formulate some kind of plan for our days. With the WG guide being a new one for us this year, I'm wondering Julie, if you stuck with that schedule/routine or if you found a different arrangement you felt worked better for you once you got going?

I have to admit that this year is presenting some challenges in making up a schedule. We are running 5 guides this year, which I know many will think I'm crazy for doing, but it truly is what's best for my kids. They really thrive doing their own program, I'm just having trouble figuring out how to organize my time in the best way. I know once I balance it all out, it'll work great. We just started today, going half speed for everyone, so they can get used to their guide's slowly. They are loving their guides! I can't believe I've never started this way before, it's so nice to have time to really discuss what's expected from each box in the plans. MUCH better than trying to cram all new stuff in on the first day of school! ;)

So Julie, (or anyone who's done the WG guide ;)) how did you like your schedule through the year? Did you change it after a while? Any advice or tips to share with a mom who's new to scheduling this guide?

I know your time is precious, but I would SO appreciate your thoughts on this, if you have a chance! :D
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by shellbell » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:14 pm

I would love to hear too. :)
Also I have looked and looked for Julie's schedule for WG and I can't find it. I know I have seen it on here and should have bookmarked it. Could Julie or anyone post the link, please. Hoping to start this week! :)

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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:07 pm

Hi Michelle! :) Here's the link I found for Julie's WG schedule: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14423&p=102086&hili ... ns#p102086

Hope it helps! Blessings on starting WG soon! ;)
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by shellbell » Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:17 pm

Thank you so much!!

jenn in nc
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by jenn in nc » Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:03 pm

Listening in ... I'm in the process of setting up our initial schedule for WG and all our other guides, too.
momtofive wrote:We are running 5 guides this year, which I know many will think I'm crazy for doing, but it truly is what's best for my kids. They really thrive doing their own program
Just wanted to add that I *totally* get this, and I don't think you're crazy at all! We're doing five guides here too. We schooled our kids together for years, and maybe that was what we needed for that season... but we separated them all last year and they have responded so positively to being in their own guides.

Anyway, I'll just be eavesdropping here a bit, if no one minds. :)

Jenn, mom to 10

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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Sat Aug 09, 2014 9:35 pm

jenn in nc wrote:Listening in ... I'm in the process of setting up our initial schedule for WG and all our other guides, too.
momtofive wrote:We are running 5 guides this year, which I know many will think I'm crazy for doing, but it truly is what's best for my kids. They really thrive doing their own program
Just wanted to add that I *totally* get this, and I don't think you're crazy at all! We're doing five guides here too. We schooled our kids together for years, and maybe that was what we needed for that season... but we separated them all last year and they have responded so positively to being in their own guides.

Anyway, I'll just be eavesdropping here a bit, if no one minds. :)

We don't mind at all! ;) And thank you! Your kind words are a blessing!!:D
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by shellbell » Mon Aug 11, 2014 8:24 pm

Just want chime in and say you're not crazy. I'll be doing only 4 though. :) I totally understand your reasons. Our family is the same. So nice to have a curriculum that is flexible for different families and their needs~ or different seasons in the same family. :) Still working out our routine a little here, but it will come together. I appreciate your thoughts and help!

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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by Nealewill » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:00 pm

I just wanted to say I am praying for you about your schedule. I am only running 3 guides but I work from home and life is busy. Even though my kids are all 1.5 years apart, they are very different. And I also chose to separate because my kids do SO much better alone. I don't think you are crazy at all!

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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Mon Aug 11, 2014 9:21 pm

Thanks, ladies...you're all very kind! ;) I appreciate the prayers! :)

I actually did just finish putting together a schedule that looks like it will work for us. One thing that made it a LOT easier was to write each child's subjects on slips of paper. I wrote each child's in a different color and included the approx. time it took and either "T" or "I" for teacher or independent subjects. Then I could lay them all out on the table and move them around until I found a plan that worked. I even made some really long strips of paper labeled "breakfast", "snack" and "lunch". I'm pretty visual, so this little "hands-on" scheduling activity worked really well! ;)

The main thing for me was just balancing out my teaching time with their independent subjects, so everyone was busy throughout the day. ;)

I pretty much went off from Julie ' s scheduling ideas for the WG guide she posted, to help me map out a good plan. Wishing you all blessings as you prepare for your new year! :D
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by Carrie » Tue Aug 12, 2014 6:51 pm


I also finally added my schedule to the scheduling thread. It includes my boys' last year's schedule for my oldest son's senior year, my second son's World Geography year, my third son's Creation to Christ year, and my fourth son's Beyond Little Heart's year. :D

The schedule is linked here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2093&p=109218#p109218


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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Tue Aug 12, 2014 7:03 pm

Thanks so much for sharing that, Carrie! ;)

The schedule thread has been a real help to me in the past. I'll have to go check it out....as you did three of the guides we're doing this year!! ;)

Also, Carrie...just wanted to mention I'm praying for you, and wanted to wish "you" a very blessed upcoming school year as well! ;)
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by my3sons » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:04 pm

HI Lisa! :D I am sorry I am just responding to this now! On the average day for the first 2/3 of the year or so, I did follow that schedule quite routinely as it is written, and we enjoyed it very much. It worked well for us, even amidst a somewhat rocky and unpredictable year with my Dad's chemo/hospital needs. About the last 1/3 of the year or so, I felt like I needed to meet with Emmett first in the day when he was fresher. :wink: So, I basically swapped Wyatt and he for teaching times, and instead of having 2 teaching/correcting work times with Wyatt (one big one at the start and a little one near the end), I just had one from about 11 AM to 12:30 PM. This worked well at that point because Wyatt knew his guide well, and he began doing about an hour's worth of schoolwork the night before in his room (it was a looooooong winter and a muddy, cold spring here :wink: ). This (along with his working in the morning from 6 to 7 AM) caused him to finish his schoolwork earlier, which made it make sense for me to meet with him just one time at the end of his work (other than science, which he usually finished after we met). Soooooo, all that to say - 'yes!' :D We did like our schedule, and 'yes,' I kept the order of my teaching things the same, but 'yes' we did find the last portion of the year was better served with one meeting time instead of 2 due in part to Emmett's needs, and in part to Wyatt's doing school a bit at night and knowing his guide better. :D You are wise to put some time into planning this year too. What did you come up with? You always do such a good job with your kiddos - I know your year will go just fine. Sometimes things need to be tweaked, but putting time in at the start (before we are just in the mix of it all) is a very good idea. I hope something here helps, and I am so sorry I just got back to you now! :cry: It has been a crazy, busy last few months. God bless!

In Christ,
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by momtofive » Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:36 pm

Sorry it's taken me a bit to get back to this! :) I did come up with a good schedule for our days, where I feel like we have a lot of balance, as well as some nice cushion for how long things take. I tried to plan a little more time into some of the subjects I knew "my" kids would take longer with. For example, one of my boys just takes longer to do his readings. He reads really well, with excellent comprehension, but no matter what we've tried we just can't fit it in the suggested times. It's all okay though. I just planned for a little longer, and it's worked out well so far. Mostly just trying to be very realistic with how long things should take.

One of the BEST things we've done this year, was to start at half speed for the first two weeks. (So taking 2 weeks to do 1 unit.) We have never done that before, and WOW what a great way to get to know their new guides, and get acquainted with what's expected of each subject. Plus, its a very stress-free way to start the new school year! ;)

I'm not one of those moms who go by the clock and keep everyone on a tight schedule. (I know many of you are also the same way! ;)) I applaud any of you who are able to do that. . . but for this mom of five, it's just never worked. Instead, I do much like what Julie always mentions with her schedules. We plan out a nice schedule with times, and use it as a goal, but pretty much go with a flow for the day, or routine. I try to balance my time between when my kids need me for teaching times, and also try to keep them all moving along with their independent work in between our times together.

That said, Julie you asked what I came up with, so I'll just list what order we do things for our WG guy. If I listed our whole schedule on here, it might get confusing (and long!). So since this thread was more geared toward the WG guide, I'll list his schedule here:

He gets up, exercises, and showers. (He prefers to get up at 6:30)
Bible, and World Religions & Cultures
Living Library and Spanish
World Geography and Geography Activities
(Snack break)
*Meeting w/ Mom: follow-ups and check work done to this point, as well as a 20 min. instruction time for dictation, English/Writing, and Algebra.
Dictation, English/Writing, and Algebra
Literature, and Logic/Devotional
Science Lessons or Lab
*Meeting w/ Mom: follow-ups and check work done.

This is a pretty loose schedule for him. I do have times listed on his schedule, but they are just mainly guidelines. However long he takes, is however long he takes! ;) Some days he still has to finish up World Religions & Cultures after breakfast, and that's okay. That's part of why our meetings are a bit later in the day. Gives him a chance to wrap up those studies before we meet. (Although we do chat about what he's learning all throughout the day! ;))

We're really focused on not stressing out about how long things take this year. In the past we've done that, and I feel like we've lost the blessing of our studies that way. Our main focus is to do quality work and really LEARN, even if it takes a bit longer. The funny thing is, now that we're keeping the focus where it should be, our days are actually fitting into where we wanted them to without us even trying! :D

Hope this rambling is helpful to someone! :)
Lisa ~ Gal. 2:20, Prov. 3:5-6
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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by jenn in nc » Wed Aug 20, 2014 6:49 pm

momtofive wrote:We're really focused on not stressing out about how long things take this year. In the past we've done that, and I feel like we've lost the blessing of our studies that way. Our main focus is to do quality work and really LEARN, even if it takes a bit longer. The funny thing is, now that we're keeping the focus where it should be, our days are actually fitting into where we wanted them to without us even trying! :D
I've wondered about doing things this way... but I am afraid I have at least one who would take twice as long to do everything if I approached our day this way. Do all of your dc stay reasonably on task with this approach? Just curious because I really love the sound of this! I'd love to know how you make this work.

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Re: JULIE (my3sons) - Scheduling Question. . . .

Post by my3sons » Fri Aug 22, 2014 6:57 pm

Lisa - I love the layout of the routine of your day! :D It makes sense, and I bet your ds enjoys it as well. :D Thank you so much for sharing here, as I believe high school is an area where many moms appreciate guidance and insight into the way a day looks. :D I like to start half-speed too. This year I am actually going to attempt a true 4 day week, with one day totally off. The past several years there have been unexpected strains on our schedule, mainly in regard to my parents' health concerns. I have pretty much schooled 5 days a week, doing a day's worth of plans in a day when it worked, and lessened it when needed. This year, Lord willing, my Mom is very healthy - so I believe we are looking at a more 'normal' year. :D I can't wait to take a day off each week! It is the intended beauty of the plans. But, for those of you going through some difficult times in life, time truly can be made up in the 4 day a week guides (PHFHG on up) by doing a day's plans within a day, 5 days a week instead of 4. I would not trade the time I took off to be with my Dad for anything. So worth it. I'm excited for your school year to unfold, Lisa, and I applaud your dedication to preparing ahead of time for a plan that works well for your family! Again, thank you for sharing!!! :D :D :D

In Christ,
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