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DITHOR books for 8 & 9 year olds

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:10 am
by TXmommy
Hello! I've got an 8 and (will be) 10 year old that will be starting HOD late summer or this fall. I was planning to get my 8 year old the level 3 books and my 9 year old the level 4/5 books. They both love to read and are not intimidated by long chapter books. I don't want to place them above their level because I realize maturity and comprehension are important also. Any help would be appreciated!

For example:
8 year old loves the Little House books, has read Dr. Doolittle, Dolphin Adventure, Sugar Creek Gang series, Imagination Station
9 year old loves Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Sugar Creek Gang, Boxcar Children, Imagination Station
both enjoy reading books that are for younger children also!

Thank you!

Re: DITHOR books for 8 & 9 year olds

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 11:48 pm
by MelInKansas
From what you have said the level 3 and level 4/5 sound like they would work well. It does take a little time to adjust to the level of thinking required in DITHOR and there is a pretty good jump between level 3 and level 4/5 (my DD just started 4/5 and the books are a lot longer, harder vocabulary, for example since the Captive Princess is about Pocahontas there are a lot of Native American words thrown in just for good measure). Also the book packs do get harder as they go through (the list top to bottom) so you could start the 9YO with the last couple of books in the Level 3 pack if you wanted to. The genres can be done in any order.