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When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:58 am
by Nealewill
So - our last day of "school" was June 13th. My kids are still reading every day and practicing math most days. But other than that, we are pretty limited here. I am thinking about taking off all of July but can't decide when to start back up. Some schools near me go back the first week of August and some go back the last week of August.

When is everyone here starting back up (if you took off for the summer)?

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:00 am
by LynnH
We finished the end of May officially, but he is still doing Algebra 1 through the summer. We will start back up with full HOD on August 18th. At least that is the plan right now.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:34 am
by toobigfrogs
We finished on May 16 and will be starting on July 7. This is the longest break we have ever taken. It's been great, but I'm ready to get back into a routine.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:45 am
by Samuel'sMommy
We finished up June 6th. Then we had a week of VBS at church and then 2 weeks of vacation. We are taking this week and next week to relax but plan to start back on July 14th. We never take long breaks though. Samuel gets too restless when he is out of the routine for very long. But, I am not super strict about getting school done everyday through the summer either. If something comes up - fun with friends, Daddy takes a day off, etc - then we just skip school and pick up where we left off the next day.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:00 am
by momtofive
We're hoping to start the first week in August! ;)

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:24 am
by StillJulie
August 18th

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:26 am
by onelittlemonkey
We'll finish up tomorrow and start back September 2. We're desperately ready for a break! :D

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:23 am
by nena3927
We finished May 7 and are planning to start back July 14. W are super exited here to get back to HOD!

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 11:54 am
by MelInKansas
I took 4 weeks in a row off of HOD, basically the whole month of June. We started back this week. It's so nice to be back into a routine! We even plan to do school on Friday. I actually really like doing school on holidays where their dad is around to help. He enjoys it too and they enjoy doing it with him instead of me.

I really enjoy doing it in July. Depending on where you live, it's so hot anyway and there's not much you really want to do outside. Although in some parts of the country it's very nice this time of year!

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:42 pm
by Nealewill
We live in Ohio. In prior year we didn't do as much outside. But this year, all 3 of my kids have become really good swimmers. So everyday we go to the pool. Plus, I work from home and am really busy this time of year. So I should be wrapping up my insane crazy busyness by the end of July. I could start beginning of August. I too love when the kids are in a routine. But I do feel kind of sad when the neighborhood kids come up to the house and ask if my kids can play and I say no because they are doing school. So I am still praying :-). Currently I am thinking about going 1/2 speed the first 2 weeks of August and then full speed on August 18th. But who knows LOL.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:14 pm
by MelInKansas
When we school in the summer I am pretty quick to cancel school if we have the opportunity to play with friends, go to the pool, go to a morning movie (the local theater does $4 movies including popcorn and drink on Thursday mornings, which are older kid-friendly movies but my kids do not care). During the school year we do school and do not make other plans, but during the summer we do school if we do not have other plans. 1/2 speed would be a good way to go too. Totally up to you. Many would take the whole summer off and I'm sure they do great, I just feel that is too long for us.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:15 pm
by MomtoJGJE
Taking a long break off doesn't work for us. But I do tend to go light in the summer because we have things like swimming lessons, various camps, and VBS. I was planning on going slower than half speed this summer because I had two moving up to a new guide at about the same time (one to Preparing and one to Bigger). However, they took off with it! They were so excited to go to these guides that they pretty much started owning them. So we've taken the past two weeks off of grammar (they were ahead) and only one page of math every other day, and I haven't started cursive with my Bigger child yet. Otherwise they are doing a full day! I've been proud of them.

We have taken off when we have more than 1 hour of stuff outside of the house to do on a day though.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:42 pm
by bethelmommy
We start back tomorrow. We have been off except for math and cursive all of May and June. I mentioned to ds that we are starting back with school tomorrow and he shouted "Yea!" :D. We have 7 weeks of Beyond left, so he is excited to finish the guide and have our celebration day before moving on to Bigger.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:20 pm
by Homeschooling6
Our school year ends in the middle of November, so we are schooling through the summer. Although we will take 3 weeks off to go to CA for my sister's wedding.

Our new homeschool year won't start until January.

Re: When is everyone starting school?

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 5:49 am
by Nealewill
Thanks for sharing everyone. I love seeing everyone so many people starting soon/now or that others are still on full school.

I checked my school calendar (I have an excel file I keep each year showing what day to start and what weeks we will be off) and it shows I am supposed to start Monday LOL. Uhm, not gonna happen LOL. I have plans with so many moms and friends this summer it is crazy. So I think we are going to definitely start before or at least by the first week of August. Realistically, I am currently thinking that once I finish up my big project for work, I will just start the following week. I am an accountant for a non-profit and we have 9 subsidiaries for our business. So every summer, I save my annual IRS filing to do once we finish up school. It is quite a difficult and down right daunting task! So the first week we finished school I took off and did nothing LOL. Two weeks later, I am busting my behind to get it done! I think I have a good 2 more weeks left to finish it. So I think we will probably just start up after that. I personally would LOVE to be doing school tomorrow and I think my kids ironically would too. While they don't necessarily like the writing activities, they love the books and hands on stuff. My oldest is going to absolutely LOVE art and I am excited for my son to do the painting in Bigger (he has fine motor issues but has taken an interest in painting.)

So for the next few weeks, we are just going to stick to reading for an hour and half each day and doing math games or math review and that is it. And thank you to the DITHOR program and extension packs, my kids have tons of books to pick from! My oldest is reading several of the books from the Bigger extension pack this summer. And my son is really enjoying the Level 2 books. My youngest read a few of the level 2 books but because of her age, she more enjoys books with lots of pictures and larger print. So she is reading several of the later alternate Emerging Reader books and anything the Librarian picks out for her LOL.