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Math help

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:54 pm
by christina
My son will be in the 8th grade this fall. I'm not sure what math curriculum to choose for him. I'd like him to do Forester's Alg. 1 for 9th. He completed a pre-algebra class at co-op during 7th grade, but when I gave him the placement test for TT and Math U see, he still seems to need pre-algebra. I own Singapore 5a-6b, but when we tried it before, I had a difficult time teaching it. I did not have the instructors guide. I also can borrow Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra from a friend. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Math help

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:15 pm
by MelInKansas
Has he done Singapore before? Your post seems to indicate that he has not. Singapore is a different way of approaching and thinking about math so I think switching to that might be difficult at this stage, and if he places in pre-algebra it makes the most sense to do that this year, in preparation for Algebra next year.

I would at least borrow the TT pre-algebra and give it a try, see how it goes. Maybe have him do a few lessons this summer to see if it's a good fit and then if not you can keep looking for something else.

Re: Math help

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:07 pm
by christina
Thank you MelinKansas for your reply.

Re: Math help

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:34 pm
by mamanlait
What math curriculum has he been taught from through 7th grade? That might also give us some insight so that we can better help you.

Re: Math help

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:16 pm
by christina
He used MUS for 1st through 4th grade. Singapore for a few months in 5th grade, but I had a hard time helping him with the story problems so he went to Teaching Textbooks for the rest of 5th and 6th grade. He actually started Teaching Textbooks Pre- Algebra at the end of 6th grade. He attended a partnership program for 7th grade and completed a pre-algebra 1 course. I'm not sure of the publisher of that course. My husband and I have decided that the partnership program was not for our family so my son is now home for 8th grade(in the fall). I am so excited for our decision! My hope for this next year is to prepare him for The Forester's Algebra 1 course that HOD offers.

Re: Math help

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:18 pm
by Nealewill
I also think I would go with the teaching text book pre-algebra if your friend will let you borrow it. Someone I know used it for pre-algrebra and they couldn't have said enough great things about it.

Re: Math help

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:44 pm
by my3sons
The ladies are doing such a good job of helping here! One good option has already been shared! :D HOD offers another great option - "No-Nonsense Algebra" by Rich Fisher. Everyone that has used this that I've visited with has LOVED it! Award-winning math teacher Rick Fisher does online video teaching sessions on his whiteboard that are just so clear they make algebra seem easy to understand. I'd give that a whirl. I think doing that for 8th grade would prepare dc well for Foerster's Algebra 1 for 9th grade. We loved Foerster's BTW. An awesome answer key and clear directions with a textbook I could hop in and help easily with were some of the reasons! HTH!

In Christ,