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High school Literature terms~Carrie Or HS parents

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:41 am
by my12kiddos
My oldest son (11th next year) is going into the New World history guide. He has never done HOD like my other children. I have never really taught him literature. I have always just handed him great literature books to read. He is a GREAT reader. I never really discussed them with him. But he is really good at oral narrations. I would like him to learn literature terms. Is that covered in the new guide? Or is there something I can supplement it with?

Re: High school Literature terms~Carrie Or HS parents

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 6:56 am
by LynnH
I know Carrie is on her way traveling back from convention so she might not see this for a few days. It looks like some terms will be covered in the new guide by this statement she makes in the sneak peak "As part of our CM styled literature study, students will have some guidance in literary styles to watch for as they read (such as irony, allusion, foreshadowing, and symbolism)" . However I know a lot of that is covered in DITHOR and BJU that is used in the World Geography guide so the assumption might be that it has already been covered to a degree.