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2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:27 pm
by dianeh47

Many states require two years of a foreign language. My ds is taking Greek I in WG and he wants to take Greek II next year in WH. Is foreign language going to be scheduled next year or in a later guide, or do we schedule it ourselves? He would like to take foreign language two years together so that he will not forget any of what he learned the first year.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 2:35 pm
by StephanieU
If I remember right, Carrie has Spanish planned for all four guides, at 1/2 credit per year. That would give students a total of 2 credits by the end of high school.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:29 pm
by Tidbits of Learning
If you are doing a different foreign language, you would schedule it yourself. We are doing German 1 and 2. :) I just made our schedule out like the appendix schedules in the younger guides for extensions. Unit 1 day 1-assignment and just did it all the way through in a word document and printed it for my dc. It made it really easy to use along the HOD guides.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:11 pm
by Tiffini
What are you using for your German I and II? My son wants to start German next year and I can't figure out what to use with him.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:25 pm
by Tidbits of Learning
We are using Living Languages German. It is a grammar book and audio cd's but they have free online language lab. We bought ours through Christian Liberty Press. You do not need the essential and complete though b/c essential is included in the complete. The complete is like 3 levels of German. Essentials is the 1st level. They carry it at Barnes and Noble though so you may want to try there first. Christian Liberty uses this for their CLASS school for German credit.
I also already have German 1 with Essentials scheduled out and saved as a Google doc in the same format as is typical of HOD appendix schedules. If it isn't against the rules, I will post the link here for you.
Someone that knows, would it be ok to post the link to my German schedule?

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:17 pm
by Tiffini
Thank you so much for this info! I would love to have your schedule if you wouldn't mind sending it to me in a private message? Thank you!!

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 7:06 am
by Tidbits of Learning
I sent it by pm, but if anyone else would like the German schedule I created to be used with a 35 week 4 day schedule-message me and I will share it with you.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:31 am
by dianeh47
I should have not used the word schedule. I don't have a problem with the scheduling part.
I was wondering if there would be a box for foreign language in WH. Thank you ladies for your input.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:39 am
by Carrie
There will be a foreign language scheduled in the new World History guide. It will be a 1/2 credit continuation of Spanish, mixing well with Getting Started with Spanish. I'll share the plans for this in an upcoming sneak peek. :D


Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 2:40 pm
by dianeh47
Thank you Carrie. I was wondering why you only assign 1/2 credit to the Spanish
rather than 1 credit.

Re: 2nd year Foreign Language for High School

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 8:03 pm
by Tabitha
We're doing German here as well and also bought the Living Languages Complete. I like seeing that someone else is also using it. Makes me feel that I'm going in the right direction. :-D We're aiming to get through this in 9th and 10th, then dd wants to "learn all languages" after that...French, Spanish, etc. My degree is in Sign Language Interpreting, so I should mix in some ASL if I can. I use to teach them that when they were little. Somewhere along the lines as more children were born and my time was spread more thinly I stopped teaching ASL to them.

DH and I both know German, him better than myself. That made German an easy one to start off our dd off with. We lived in Germany for 6 months and took language classes through Berlitz before we went, and attended a weekly language school during our time there. I love Berlitz and my heart and mind always go to them first. I really wish they had some updated materials like Living Languages. I have all my old stuff, but using something on the computer is a nice change from all the other book work. I'm sure I will crack out my old books from time to time, and my tapes. Good thing we still have a cassette player in this house!

My 11yo and 8yo want to learn German since big sis is. We shall see what they pick up on as we go along. If they truly want to learn it, I'll dig out the Power Glide set I bought a long time ago and let them have fun with that.