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CTC - Watercolor - High School Credit Worthy?

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:56 am
by mom2samlibby
I'm figuring out credit hours for my son for our upcoming school year. We will be doing a combination of CTC and WG guides and I think I have beefed up areas of CTC to make them credit worthy. He is dyslexic, so reading and writing are difficult, which is why we are doing most with the CTC guide.

I'm wondering is the watercolor section is enough to make it worthy of a 1/2 credit or full credit for high school fine arts. If not, how much would need to be added to make it a credit?

Re: CTC - Watercolor - High School Credit Worthy?

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:23 pm
by Tabitha
Have you read any of the Lee Binz e-books? She has several and does free webinars to address things for high school, credits, descriptions, doing things for special circumstances, etc.

From her info, if your child spends about 2 hours a week on something that is .5 credit. If they spend 4-5 hours a week, that is 1 credit. That gives a nice guideline to go by.

I don't think the CTC art alone would meet for a half or full credit. I would add in some art history, art appreciation, etc to round things out. If you take a look at what Carrie is listing for the second high school guide, there is info for art credit. I would take that book portion info or something similar to that to plug in to what you are doing, then your CTC projects might be a substitute the hands on art portion.

I haven't looked much into this area, but are there videos out there for art appreciation? Maybe using those vs. books for the dyslexia?

I don't remember if there is info on the forums about beefing up CTC for high school credit. It's worth a search to see, though, as there is info on other guides to help do just this.

I know Carrie or someone else will pop in here with more helpful info. While I saw your post has went unanswered so far I thought I'd toss the Lee Binz timing info out there.

Re: CTC - Watercolor - High School Credit Worthy?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 12:05 am
by mom2samlibby
I've beefed up the rest, but since we haven't started yet, I thought I would inquire about high school credit for the watercoloring. I wasn't sure how involved it was yet. I've skimmed over a few of Lee Binz's books, but haven't gotten all the way through them.

Thanks for the ideas . . .sounds like I need to add a few art appreciation or artist studies in to make this credit worthy. He has taken a couple of watercolor classes through our adult education section of the community college, so we might have enough with a couple of those also this year.

Re: CTC - Watercolor - High School Credit Worthy?

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:43 am
by Tidbits of Learning
I personally think the time spent on the watercolor would make it credit worthy for art. We have done it before in CTC and it is very thorough. I had art classes in high school that had no book and no art history. We were just drawing and painting so I think this fits the bill for an art credit. I too have a dyslexic/dysgraphic son and I am not going to stress electives when he gets there. We will base our elective credits off of time spent on the subject. We do a co-op with an outside art tutor and there are high school parents that give credit off of the outside class with just instruction in art-no text to read and no art history to learn-just art instruction. This is my personal feelings as my ds is not going to be pursuing anything art related ever, but if you beef up CTC all over including electives...I would think it would defeat the purpose of using the younger guide to accommodate his dyslexia. I would do the watercolor and base the credit on time spent and my kids did spend enough time on it to count it as a credit when they went through CTC.

Re: CTC - Watercolor - High School Credit Worthy?

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 9:07 am
by Tabitha
It does sound like with the other things you have done that his work and studies in this are enough for credit. We are working through some things in this area ourselves as dd does an outside art class...and has just been selected to have her work published from a contest her teacher entered her in. This is an area we will be working on each year for high school credit.