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What historical events/people are taught in Beyond?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:13 pm
by Johanna
I am actually confused as to what the scope and sequence is for history in BEYOND? When i looked at the TOC, I couldnt get a feel for what sort of events and important people were going to be studied? Do they learn about the important historical figures of Ben Franklin, Abe lincoln, john smith, explorers, inventors, Jefferson (etc.)?
I do know that these are taught in BIGGER but I think Beyond fits my ds's skill level better (i think the history readings are more at his level). We are wanting to do a one year of American Hist, before he and older dd roll into Ancients the following year.
But, I want to make sure he gets an overview of major events and people, KWIM?
Thank you!

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:06 pm
by annaz
Did you check the introduction samples to Beyond: ... -intro.pdf

It's the contents of the topics. I'm on Unit 8 and so far it mentions important people, but not necessarily dwells and any person as much as the event itself. It may change later on, but I don't think so, which is why Bigger would be more in depth on people. But someone that may have completed Beyond may help you more than I can.

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:36 am
by Johanna
I still cant get a feel for everything that is covered??
Maybe I am missing something :?

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 11:16 am
by Carrie

Beyond... covers early American history from the time of Columbus through the start of the Civil War. It is done as a study of the various people groups that settled in America, and then it moves forward into the Americans as colonists, pioneers, and patriots. Children do get to know some of the major people in history, but only in the context of showing what life was like during that time period.

Bigger... does the reverse by covering American history biographically and seeing the events in the background. Bigger... also covers the whole sweep of American history through the eyes of the people who lived it.

Carrie :D

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:28 pm
by Johanna
Thanks Carrie!
That helps me see how the two compare with eachother.
I still need to pray about which to do. I have a feeling ds7 will get lost with the biographical study. He may do better with the event study in Beyond. Also, his attention span is not good at shorter history readings are better for him.
But, that leaves dd(8.5)...I may have her just do seperate readings to beef up Beyond. We do seperate LA and the level placement for those things dont matter as much.
Do youhave any suggestions or ideas as to how I could beef up Beyond for dd?
One thing that i do know, is I cant do two different History programs. I want to have one focus to unify the family....but meet each dc on his/her own level. KWIM :)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:09 am
by Carrie

The read-alouds that are scheduled for the history in "Beyond..." are actually good for older students as well, so if you are doing your own language arts and math for your older child, you should be able to use the left side of the plans and the storytime box of "Beyond" with both of your kiddos. I say this because the stories that we have scheduled for "Beyond..." as read-alouds, actually come from the CLP grades 3, 4, and 5 readers categories of the catalog. :wink: The literature in the storytime box of the plans is also very rich!

The only area that will be light for your older child is the science, since Beyond uses a grade 2 CLP science book. The experiments will be plenty, but the reading will be light. You can remedy that by adding on additional reading material in science for your older child through an Apologia elementary book, a textbook, or additional living books, it's up to you. :wink:

I would also look into adding Drawn into the Heart of Reading for your older child in the area of literature study (unless you already have that covered in your language arts). 8)
