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Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:38 am
by sahervey
Here's what I have come up with. I know a lot of us will be in the same boat. I have my first highschooler coming up soon and am FREAKING out about credits/transcripts. So, here's what I came up with. What do you all think?

Lit/Comp= 1 credit: MtMM, plus some British Lit, since this will be scheduled in the last guide that we'll miss
Math= 1 credit
Science= 1 credit: Either use as a physical science or remove the Genetics/Evolution portion and add Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry for a Chemistry credit
Bible= 1 credit
American History= 1 credit
US Government= 1 credit or 1/2 credit???
Economics= 1 credit: MtMM plus Bluestocking Guide to Economics and accompanying books
Geography= 1/2 credit
Fine Arts= 1 credit: Nature Journal and add an Art study of some sort
This equals 8 - 8 1/2 credits

Lit/Comp= 2 credits (I'm not sure why, but I think someone posted that it was worth 2??)
Math= 1 credit
Science= 1 credit of physical science
World Geography= 1 credit
World Religions/Cultures= 1 credit
Logic= 1 credit
Bible= 1 credit
Foreign Language= 1/2 credit
This equals 8 1/2 credits

World History Guide (From what I've seen so far of the sneak peeks)
Science= 1 credit
Math= 1 credit
Bible = 1 credit
Health= 1/2 credit
Fine Arts= 1 credit
Lit/Comp= 1 credit
World History= 1 credit
This totals 6 1/2 credits so far

Opinions and thoughts shared would be appreciated!

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:59 am
by LynnH
For MTMM are you adding things to get a government credit? You won't really need to do that because the guide your dc will do in their senior year will have government built in. I am guessing a 1/2 credit since that is what is typical. Also even if you add all those things to the economics I would imagine it will still only be 1/2 a credit. That is typical for economics. The other thing in MTMM I am questioning is the 1/2 credit in Geography. I don't think there is enough to give a 1/2 credit, especially if you are counting a full credit in American History. The other error I see is that for the World Geography guide the World Religions and Cultures is really only 1/2 a credit and I am pretty sure the English (Lit, comp) in that guide is only worth 1 credit according to Carrie.
Typically a high school transcript will have around 6-7 credits per year. I know in our state you only have to have either 20 or 21 credits to graduate if you are in public school.

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 8:56 am
by MicheleW
This is from the HOD website. If you click on the World Geography guide, it lists these credits and goes into detail on what would be included in each.
World Geography (1 full credit)
World Religion & Cultures (½ credit)
Bible and Devotional Study (1 full credit)
Logic (½ credit)
English (1 full credit)
Science with or without Lab (1 full credit)
Foreign Language Option (½ credit)
Math (1 full credit)

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:37 am
by Tidbits of Learning
sahervey wrote:Here's what I have come up with. I know a lot of us will be in the same boat. I have my first highschooler coming up soon and am FREAKING out about credits/transcripts. So, here's what I came up with. What do you all think?

Lit/Comp= 1 credit: MtMM, plus some British Lit, since this will be scheduled in the last guide that we'll miss I would go ahead and label this one British Literature or English 1-British Literature otherwise it won't show that you have taken British Lit on your transcript.
Math= 1 credit
Science= 1 credit: Either use as a physical science or remove the Genetics/Evolution portion and add Ellen McHenry's Carbon Chemistry for a Chemistry credit I have also learned that you need to put whatever your science course name and with lab so they know it is a lab course.
Bible= 1 credit
American History= 1 credit
US Government= 1 credit or 1/2 credit???Agree with the other posters. You can count Govt/Ec. as 1 credit if you label it Civics and do it in one year, but Govt. and Economics separately are typically considered 1/2 credits each when taken as separate courses.
Economics= 1 credit: MtMM plus Bluestocking Guide to Economics and accompanying books
Geography= 1/2 credit Isn't necessary if you are taking WG
Fine Arts= 1 credit: Nature Journal and add an Art study of some sort
This equals 8 - 8 1/2 credits

I have read a lot on transcripts recently, but what is normally recommended is 6-8 credits a year and only using the higher number if you are taking outside courses on top of your homeschool studies, taking 2 levels of a core subject in one year (either advanced or catching up if you are behind), or they need to be in elective credits. You want your transcript to look like it was attainable and try for a credit in each core subject a year. More than 1 credit in a core subject such as history or science should show working on 2 years worth of studies in the course.

Lit/Comp= 2 credits (I'm not sure why, but I think someone posted that it was worth 2??)You can separate Literature from Grammar/Composition if you would like giving 1/2 credit to each but Lit/Comp or English 1,2,3,and 4 should be 1 credit.
Math= 1 credit
Science= 1 credit of physical scienceAgain, remember to put with lab so it is labelled a lab course. They don't just assume it is a lab course.
World Geography= 1 credit
World Religions/Cultures= 1 credit 1/2 credit
Logic= 1 credit
Bible= 1 credit
Foreign Language= 1/2 credit
This equals 8 1/2 credits

World History Guide (From what I've seen so far of the sneak peeks)
Science= 1 credit
Math= 1 credit
Bible = 1 credit
Health= 1/2 credit
Fine Arts= 1 credit
Lit/Comp= 1 credit
World History= 1 credit
This totals 6 1/2 credits so far

Opinions and thoughts shared would be appreciated!

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:56 am
by MicheleW
We are using M2M this year for 10th grade and will be using it for DDs 9th grade in 2 years.

You will also need to add to M2M if you want it to count as a government credit. I think there are posts that list some suggestions. We are doing Nobel Experiment which counts as 0.5 credit of government. I am also adding Dave Ramsey's homeschool finance class to round out the economics credit (0.5).

With 1 credit for history, 1 credit for Bible/Worldview, 1 credit for physical science, 1 credit for math, and 1 credit for Lit/comp/grammar this comes to 6 credits for M2M.

The art would not be enough without adding to it to count as even 0.5 credit, but as others have mentioned 6-6.5 credits is normal for a year of high school. And it sounds like World History will have a full credit of art.

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 4:00 pm
by sahervey
Thanks for your input. I'll study up some more and even things out.

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:17 pm
by my3sons
You can use a mixture of Boy and Girl Set titles in WG for Brit Lit. I have to leave now and can't post but will try to add more to this soon! :D :D :D
In Christ,

Re: Credits: MtMM for 9th through what I know about the WHG

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:13 pm
by my3sons
I'm going to wait to explain this, as Carrie will be doing a new Sneak Peek for the World History guide within a week or so that will make clearer what I was going to try to share here. :wink: For now, I'll just say that Brit Lit need not be a worry for you, and I'll get back to you after she's posted her Sneak Peek. :D

In Christ,