MTMM math help please.
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:20 am
We are winding up our year here (the Japanese school year begins in April) and I am trying to get all our books ordered for next year. But I just can't seem to decide on what math to get for my oldest DD. She will be starting MTMM for 8th grade. She is finishing up Rev to Rev and used Singapore Math's DM. I really did not want to get a "video" math, but are those the only options offered in MTMM besides the Singapore math she has already done? Are the plans for the Foersters math in the MtMM guide as well? Would that be a good one to do next? BTW, my dd does fine at math. She does not love it, but she doesn't have too much trouble with it general. Sorry for all the questions, but I am just kind of at a loss as to the best path to take. I would love any advice you have!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!