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MTMM math help please.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:20 am
by Laura O.
We are winding up our year here (the Japanese school year begins in April) and I am trying to get all our books ordered for next year. But I just can't seem to decide on what math to get for my oldest DD. She will be starting MTMM for 8th grade. She is finishing up Rev to Rev and used Singapore Math's DM. I really did not want to get a "video" math, but are those the only options offered in MTMM besides the Singapore math she has already done? Are the plans for the Foersters math in the MtMM guide as well? Would that be a good one to do next? BTW, my dd does fine at math. She does not love it, but she doesn't have too much trouble with it general. Sorry for all the questions, but I am just kind of at a loss as to the best path to take. I would love any advice you have!

Thanks so much!


Re: MTMM math help please.

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:32 am
by StephanieU
This is in the introduction to the WG guide (which is posted as a pdf on the HOD website -
General pacing suggestions for Foerster’s Algebra I include doing a section each day (odd
numbered problems only) and spending 2-3 days completing all of the problems in the
story problem style exercises at the end of each chapter. If you spend 2 days on the story
problem style exercises at the end of the chapter, then you can take one day to complete
the “Chapter Review and Test.” However, if you spend 3 days on the story problem
exercises at the end of the chapter, then you will instead need to do the “Chapter Review
and Test” on your free 5th day in order to complete the text by the end of the school year.

The text includes answers to the odd numbered problems in its Appendix. A fully worked
solutions manual for all problems is available for purchase through Heart of Dakota, but
only if you have also purchased the Student Text from us as well or have purchased a
Heart of Dakota guide to use in teaching your students. This is due to the Publisher's
regulations for proving that Solutions Manuals are purchased for homeschool use by
homeschool families.

Students who are going into 8th or 9th grade and have come up through Heart of Dakota's
recommended math successfully through Singapore 6A/6B should be able to transition
into Foerster's Algebra I well. The first two chapters of Foerster’s Algebra I include some
Pre-Algebra. For those families who have a younger student, have a student who has
struggled with math, or have a student who has taken a different math path, you will want
to be sure to have had the equivalent of Pre-Algebra prior to entering Foerster's Algebra I.

Re: MTMM math help please.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:51 pm
by my3sons
I was going to paste that too - thanks StephanieU! :D :D :D I have followed that pacing this year with Wyatt doing Foerster's Algebra 1 (he is in 8th grade according to age, 9th grade according to placement). It has worked great! I'd highly recommend it, especially as dd has completed DM 7A/7B. We have not needed the DVD's and have just enjoyed using the textbook. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: MTMM math help please.

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:39 pm
by Laura O.
Thank you, StephanieU and Julie. That was very helpful. The schedule looks very doable and I was very glad to hear how it is working well. I have really liked how Singapore worked for my DD, so it was nice to hear the transition from SM to the Foerster was smooth.

Thanks again :)