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Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:32 pm
by faith0428
My daughter has gone through Singapore Math 1a-6a. She is in 6th grade and will finish Singapore 6b around June. I have heard mixed reviews about Singapore after 6b, so I'm not sure about continuing with it for 7th grade in the fall. I've also looked at the samples online and worry if there is enough instruction.
She has done well with Singapore so far, though there have been times I've needed to rely on my own knowledge or the HIG to explain a concept where instruction seemed lacking. This has been frustrating for her. While the Singapore textbooks typically show examples, they haven't always explained things thoroughly.
Does DM 7A/7B do a good job of explaining things? If it is overly challenging or for the highly math minded, is there a pre-algebra program you recommend that lays a good foundation for Algebra and does a good job of explaining and showing examples?
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:57 pm
by my3sons
We did DM 7A, and it was fine. We did not move on to DM 7B and did Foerster's Algebra 1 instead. Ds was ready for it and is thriving in Foerster's Algebra 1. He is in 8th grade agewise, but 9th grade HOD. He is set to graduate a year early and loving his school year in HOD's WG guide! For your dd's math path, I'd say take a look at DM 7A, and see if it fits dd well. You could begin with just DM 7A, and then finish out with Rick Fisher's Pre-Algebra program. It is excellent, though the answer key has some discrepancies. HOD carries Rick Fisher's Algebra 1, so dd could do that for 8th grade (or Foerster's Algebra 1). If you order DM 7A from HOD, you have 30 days to return it for a full refund (minus the return shipping you'd pay). HTH!
In Christ,
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:39 pm
by faith0428
Thank you Julie for your insight. Are the errors in the Rick Fisher pre-algebra text only in the answer key and do you know if the publisher offers a corrected version or download of a corrected answer key? By looking at it on Amazon, it looks appealing to me. I tried to find his personal website but had no luck.
Also, why did you personally choose Foerster Algebra 1 over Rick Fisher's No-Nonsense Algebra and why doesn't HOD offer/recommend Foerster? I've heard good things about both. And it looks like there is a DVD or Videos for both Foerster and Rick Fisher. Do they come with it or do they have to be purchased separate and are they necessary or just recommended?
Regarding Singapore, my daughter started having bad attitudes about math during 4th grade. We finished out the year and for 5th grade switched to CLE math. I put her in the 4th grade level because I had heard it was ahead of most math programs. Well, it proved to be super easy for her, which honestly boosted her confidence a lot. We finished it in April of her 5th grade year and since I had Singapore 5a and 5b already, we just went straight into that at her request. Since April 2013, and taking off 2 months for summer, she has completed 5a, 5b, and is almost done with 6a. Her bad attitude towards Singapore has returned though. She feels it doesn't explain things well enough and then when I explain it to her she states that the textbook should've said that. My fear with continuing with Singapore is that she will continue to feel frustrated, especially if instruction isn't clear enough.
Thank you so much for your time and assistance. I know you are busy, so I truly appreciate it.
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:03 pm
by my3sons
faith0428 wrote:Thank you Julie for your insight. Are the errors in the Rick Fisher pre-algebra text only in the answer key and do you know if the publisher offers a corrected version or download of a corrected answer key? By looking at it on Amazon, it looks appealing to me. I tried to find his personal website but had no luck.
No, the errors are not extensive. If you as the teacher have a decent grasp on pre-algebra concepts, it will be no big dal.
There is not a corrected version.
Also, why did you personally choose Foerster Algebra 1 over Rick Fisher's No-Nonsense Algebra and why doesn't HOD offer/recommend Foerster? I've heard good things about both. And it looks like there is a DVD or Videos for both Foerster and Rick Fisher. Do they come with it or do they have to be purchased separate and are they necessary or just recommended?
HOD does recommend Foerster's, and I just felt like because Wyatt had done so well with Singapore 6A/6B and done ok with DM 7A, that Foerster's looked like a return to the things we loved about Singapore. It is also very concise and the answer key is great!
Here's a link to HOD's Foerster's... ... p#foerster
Regarding Singapore, my daughter started having bad attitudes about math during 4th grade. We finished out the year and for 5th grade switched to CLE math. I put her in the 4th grade level because I had heard it was ahead of most math programs. Well, it proved to be super easy for her, which honestly boosted her confidence a lot. We finished it in April of her 5th grade year and since I had Singapore 5a and 5b already, we just went straight into that at her request. Since April 2013, and taking off 2 months for summer, she has completed 5a, 5b, and is almost done with 6a. Her bad attitude towards Singapore has returned though. She feels it doesn't explain things well enough and then when I explain it to her she states that the textbook should've said that. My fear with continuing with Singapore is that she will continue to feel frustrated, especially if instruction isn't clear enough.
We used Singapore's HIG guides that HOD carries a little in 5B, and more in 6A/6B. DM 7A was not as great a fit for us, but Foerster's Algebra 1 is awesome! It has extremely concise teaching. I think your dd would like it as much as my ds does. I like the Solutions key - it helps me easily jump in and help.
Thank you so much for your time and assistance. I know you are busy, so I truly appreciate it.
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:49 pm
by faith0428
Do you think going from Singapore 6B in 6th grade to Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra in 7th grade and then Foerster Algebra 1 in 8th grade would work? Or, would it be better to do both Singapore 7a and Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra for 7th grade before Foerster Algebra 1 in 8th? And if doing both for 7th is best, would it matter which is done first, Singapore 7a or Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra? Can they both be done easily in one school year?
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:30 pm
by my3sons
faith0428 wrote:Do you think going from Singapore 6B in 6th grade to Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra in 7th grade and then Foerster Algebra 1 in 8th grade would work? Or, would it be better to do both Singapore 7a and Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra for 7th grade before Foerster Algebra 1 in 8th? And if doing both for 7th is best, would it matter which is done first, Singapore 7a or Rick Fisher Pre-Algebra? Can they both be done easily in one school year?
Do you have to standardize test your dd? If so, then DM 7A/7B will cover much more than just Algebra and may be something dd needs to do. If not, then dd could do Rick Fisher's Algebra 1 for 7th grade and Foerster's Algebra 1 for 8th grade (I spoke with Carrie about this). Rick Fisher's preAlgebra may be quite a bit easier than what dd finished out 6A/6B doing. HTH!
In Christ,
Re: Singapore Math DM 7A/7B Concerns
Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:01 am
by faith0428
Julie, we homeschool in Texas, so we are not required to standardized test.

Although, at some point within the next year I hope to just for my own benefit to see how she is doing in regards to testing. I have so many scenarios/possibilities in my mind right now of what to do for math next year. Now I am considering doing both Rick Fisher pre-algebra and No-Nonsense Algebra for 7th grade to establish a strong foundation, and then jumping into Foerester for 8th grade. I'm just not sure if we can complete both Rick Fisher maths in one year since I haven't seen it in person. I just feel pretty strongly to steer away from Singapore after 6B. I very much appreciate your time and wise counsel! I have lots of praying to do and plan on holding off on making a decision until my daughter completes 6B.