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Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:24 pm
by quiverfull
I would love to use HOD next year, but I would have to use 3 separate guides (one of them being the new high school guide). When I started putting everything in my cart that I would need, I couldn't believe the total. I am sure it is all very worth it, but what do you do if you simply don't have that kind of money?
Feeling discouraged :? :(

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 2:54 pm
by Mamamindy
That is a good question. I am using Preparing Hearts and Beyond Little Hearts this year. Most of these books I already had or was able to buy used off eBay and Amazon. I wanted my 8th grader to use Missions to Modern Marvels this year, but just plain could not afford it. I am determined to find a way for her to do the World Geography guide next year. What I am thinking is purchasing the WG guide asap and then slowly buying the needed resources for the first semester. When we have those, then slowly purchase what is needed for the remainder of the year. There are some things we probably won't do or will substitute with less expensive resources (I'm thinking a different science & probably only a small handful of living library books).

I know it will be awesome as my littles get bigger and I will already have all the books ready and waiting for them, but it has been a challenge to my budget to get going with HOD. I would also love to hear others ideas on making all the books fit into their budget.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 3:01 pm
by MelInKansas
I know, it is a HUGE total when you look at it all up front, but really HOD is a good value compared to many other programs. For one thing, most of the resources are reusable, so even if you don't have other children that will use it, you can resell it easily. They especially sell well as a whole package that was bought together. You can definitely get some of the books used, and save some money that way but what I found was that the money saved was NOT worth the hassle of possibly having a different edition from what the guide is written for. Sometimes things are indicated by page numbers, like the pages your child is supposed to write a narration for, or a page with a map the child is supposed to use for an activity, so when these don't line up that can be a problem. It is not insurmountable, I have worked through it, because I always want to buy used if I can. But the more I go along the more I realize that buying new is really worth it. Again, many people sell used books but I find often they charge pretty high prices for used and the difference between that and new is worth the ease of use when buying it all from HOD. I know HOD would work with you on payments or something like that if you need more time to pay.

And of course pray, the Lord provides!

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 4:03 pm
by Nealewill
Sounds to me like it isn't a question of whether or not it is worth the cost but rather you just can't afford the bill for 3 levels.

I agree, it is expensive. A few things came to my mind on this. I don't know what age your kids are but one thing I would think about is whether or not you can combine any of them. If you could avoid paying for the WG guide and combine the oldest with the middle, that might help cost wise. Then just modify the middle level to meet the oldest by adding on the extension pack and using the recommended English program from the WG guide. And modifying math and spelling to match your needs as well.

Another thought I had was pay related. My husband is paid every other week so we receive 26 paychecks a year (52 divided by 2 = 26 pays per year). So twice a year we receive 3 paychecks in 1 month. I mark these dats on my calendar as I pay the mortgage with one paycheck and then all my other bills with the other paycheck. So we can then set aside a portion of the 3rd or "extra" paycheck for curriculum in the spring and then in the fall we set aside that extra for Christmas. The paycheck isn't totally extra because we still have to pay for gas and groceries out of the check. But we don't use it for the monthly bills like mortgage, phone, gas & electric, etc so that portion is "extra." This helps a ton!

We also budget for the kids as well. If you are not paid like that, you would begin using a savings account where you take money from every paycheck and set it aside. Or, I am not sure if you and your husband do any odd/unusual jobs but that could be another area used to start saving with. If you take all the money from these odd jobs and put it in savings, you may be surprised what you have saved up. I know that my husband ref's soccer tournaments every year and he usually is able to save up at least $1,000 a year from this. Since we don't always agree on the most urgent home improvement projects, my husband has reserved the right to use that money on pretty much anything he wants now LOL. But in the past, things were much tighter and we used to set that money aside for the kids schooling and extra curricular activities.

Finally, have you contacted HOD about this? I don't know if they have some type of payment plan. I thought I had read somewhere that you could buy the books in stages or something like that. So you buy for a certain amount of stuff and then they send that out. You make another payment and then they send more. Something along those lines might also be helpful.

And I would definitely recommend using the library if you can for some of the literature. I go round and round about buying the books. For the read alouds for the younger years, I haven't purchased those books. Those read alouds are readily available at my library and my library has several copies of them available. Even some of the books for science and history are available from my library. You can root through and see what you can borrow versus what you need to buy. And as a previous poster mentioned, you may be able to find some of the text books used as well. The only caution I like to mention is that you want to make sure that ISBN numbers match or the page references from the manual won't match up.

If this were me, I think your best bet might be to contact HOD and see what they say. I am saying a prayer for you now though. I have know some seriously tough times in my life and God has been there every step. He has provided me what I needed when I needed so that I could continue to homeschool my kids. I am praying that God brings you a miracle so that you don't have to be stressed.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:02 pm
by quiverfull
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. We have 9 children, 8 of whom still live at home. I am schooling 6 and the youngest is not quite 3 yet. I guess I am just tired. Tired of scheduling, planning, getting books from inter-library loan, keeping track of all said books, making sure I return them in time, hoping the kids get done with them in time so I won't owe a fine, worrying that they are learning everything they need to etc. The thought of having it all done for me is so alluring. I've thought of trying to sell some of my books, but honestly, that never seems to work well for me. People usually want the newest editions and after shipping, I don't seem to make much of a profit. I just have so many other things I need to be doing, and that takes a lot of time. I remember one summer I spent days pricing all of my books, then hauling them all to a used curriculum sale, and only making $20.00. That was discouraging to say the least. I felt like I wasted so much of my time. Anyway, thank you for just listening and caring. I know I am rambling on…. I will keep the matter in prayer and see if God provides. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and Christ like love.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:12 pm
by StillJulie
I haven't made use of this myself, but I believe that if you call the HOD customer service, they will work out a payment plan with you. That might be an option worth looking into.

I am unwilling to *not* use HOD myself. It's just not an option. Thankfully we've been using it long enough that I only need to buy new books for my oldest, and then consumables for my younger ones each year. It still adds up (World Geography guide next year), but I just order as I can... bit by bit...

HOD customer service is the best I've dealt with of any company, so I would definitely call to see what kind of arrangement could be made.

I'm not sure if you use coupons or make use of Wal-Mart's ad match policy, but those are ways that I save a LOT of money on our groceries. is a blog that can be helpful if you need tips on getting started.

Hugs. I know the exhaustion of trying to make money come out of thin air.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:33 pm
by quiverfull
I think a payment plan would be more doable. I will call them and see about this. Will they help me over the phone with placement too? I have so many questions…

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:37 pm
by 8arrows
Oh, Yes!!!! They will be glad to help you with placement over the phone (as well as on the boards). I have never seen such customer service with placement (their packing and shipping is impressive too)!

We have 8 children. One is married; one is graduated; and I am teaching the other 6. I know you have a lot on your plate! My youngest is 4.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 7:42 pm
by amysconfections
Have you considered having a homeschool fundraiser? Schools do it all the time, so why can't homeschoolers who need it. I would have your children majorly helping in it. Think of something to make and sell to neighbors, family, church family, etc. If making is not an option maybe find one of those businesses that you can sell through to make a profit. There is also the library and educational services company that you can have a fundraiser with. I think it's something like Scholastic sale. Just think outside the box. Bake things and sell to neighbors. Bread, cookies, etc.

Re: Cost

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:04 pm
by MelInKansas
Oooh fundraiser is a good idea! The local Frozen Yogurt places allow nearly anyone to do fundraisers and that raised $300 for our homeschool co op. They just ask you come and serve tables for the night. Surely there are other options. People I know with home based businesses like Pampered Chef or Tupperware have fundraiser options, again I don't know the criteria of who they fundraise for but from ones I have seen it seems like as long as the consultant deems it a worthy cause, you're in. Or buy mega size candy bars in bulk or bottled water and sell them! Garage sale?

Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:51 am
by Jonibee
I sympathize and have been where you are. I am now down to homeschooling my last two, having graduated four. I do not think I have come across any other curriculum in 20 years now that I have felt more worth the money than Heart of Dakota, and having used it for the first time this year, I wish I would not have let lack of money stopped me from buying it when I was first attracted about 4 years ago. In other words, I seriously do regret "using what I had on the shelf" just because I had it already. Oh yes, times were tight then, and my husband was out of work with zero income due to injury for almost 2 years. But seriously, having used these 2 levels since September, oh I much I could have saved! and I could have gained!

Such as:
My sanity -- daily in implementation of schedules and work assigned
My sanity -- in summer scheduling and gathering of resources and re-making hundreds of decisions because I am an overthinker of all things
The Spirituality for both of my kids and me -- I love, love, love this aspect of the HOD plans

And I just can hardly tell you how often I have wished that I had simply switched back then -- way back then. The battles I have fought in my own mind to use stuff I had, to rearrange and schedule and plan and replan and reschedule and then change my mind all over again. I have had so much peace since using HOD. And did I say how much I used to plan and schedule? I have been very happy to be able to lay that burden down!! Only in hindsight do I realize how much that striving all the time cost me emotionally, and my whole family has enjoyed my "changed attitude about school." Really!

I will be praying for you! What guides will you be looking for besides the Geography?

Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:35 pm
by quiverfull
Jonibee wrote:I sympathize and have been where you are. I am now down to homeschooling my last two, having graduated four. I do not think I have come across any other curriculum in 20 years now that I have felt more worth the money than Heart of Dakota, and having used it for the first time this year, I wish I would not have let lack of money stopped me from buying it when I was first attracted about 4 years ago. In other words, I seriously do regret "using what I had on the shelf" just because I had it already. Oh yes, times were tight then, and my husband was out of work with zero income due to injury for almost 2 years. But seriously, having used these 2 levels since September, oh I much I could have saved! and I could have gained!

Such as:
My sanity -- daily in implementation of schedules and work assigned
My sanity -- in summer scheduling and gathering of resources and re-making hundreds of decisions because I am an overthinker of all things
The Spirituality for both of my kids and me -- I love, love, love this aspect of the HOD plans

And I just can hardly tell you how often I have wished that I had simply switched back then -- way back then. The battles I have fought in my own mind to use stuff I had, to rearrange and schedule and plan and replan and reschedule and then change my mind all over again. I have had so much peace since using HOD. And did I say how much I used to plan and schedule? I have been very happy to be able to lay that burden down!! Only in hindsight do I realize how much that striving all the time cost me emotionally, and my whole family has enjoyed my "changed attitude about school." Really!

I will be praying for you! What guides will you be looking for besides the Geography?

This is exactly how I am feeling/thinking. Is the money saved really worth the "cost" of my sanity? Just the thought of not having to plan, make schedules, and knowing they are really getting what they should, would be such a burden lifted. I just can't even imagine it. But I also fear I am not the right kind of person for this curriculum. I have read on other boards that you need to be a type "A" personality to be successful with HOD (i.e a "box checker") of which I am not. It sounds so wonderful to have everything planned out for me, but it also makes me a little scared; only because I know myself, and I know how things really are around here. Our days are never the same, and there are times that all we can get done is math and english. Then what do you do? How does it work in real life? How long do the upper guides take to complete each day? We are not 8 hour a day schoolers. Because we are many, a good chunk of our day is taken up with meals/clean up etc. of which the older children help with. They realistically get about 4 hours before lunch and 2 hours in the afternoon at quiet time. Sometimes there is a two and a half year old interrupting etc. Is it still doable? Are there any others out there like me….not so type "A". I'm more of a type "OE". Overwhelmed Easily :wink:

Jonibee, I am looking at CtC and MtMM. I'm also concerned that my 9th grader would not be able to keep up with the reading in WG. She is a good student, but a slower reader. She has to read more slowly to really comprehend things. I'm afraid she would get completely overwhelmed and not enjoy her school. I guess I will just have to call them to help me with placement.

Thank you again for listening……feels good to talk about it….

Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:02 pm
by my3sons
So many good thoughts shared here already! HOD will 100% work with you! Give them a call to talk through placement and payment plans. HOD longs for moms to wake up each day with all they need to be successful homeschooling - for these years to be a blessing and not to be a burden. That being said, here are a few ideas I'd posted in another thread years ago that may help...

I totally understand working through the funds issue. My dh and I have had many years of figuring that out as well. I'll share a few things that helped us out in case any of them could help you out. We've raised extra funds by selling clothing or toys at Once Upon a Child, selling furniture at consignment stores, selling clothing at consignment stores, having a rummage sale, caring for people's pets when they are out of town, watching another family's dc for an afternoon a week, tutoring a child or some children in our own home once a week, or going without something for a week (i.e. cheaper meals, no cable tv, etc.). We also have realized that as our dc grow older the expense for homeschooling grows along with them, so we have now gone to budgeting to put aside some money each month for each child's homeschooling expenses, so by the time the expenses come, we have the money saved. We do this for Christmas and for 1 vacation our family takes with my parents and sister's family each year too. This has taken us 8 years to figure out! But, I think we've finally got it down better. I hope something here can help, but know you are not alone in budgeting for homeschooling resources.

HTH! Just pick up the phone and give HOD a call. I think you'll be relieved and on the way to a happy start to using HOD!!!:D

In Christ,

Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:08 pm
by MelInKansas
What I would say is that in order to WRITE the guides Carrie must be very Type A. She has thought of and organized many details that make the guides very easy to use. Discussion questions, Bible verses that go along with the topics, key ideas and points. I think it is very usable for many different types of people. You will find that with the younger ones you will be part of what they are doing all the way through and the independence in the later guides (which I am seeing now in Preparing and can only assume that it grows smoothly from here) helps the older ones do their job successfully. The boxes make tasks short and so especially in younger guides, I tend to hold off interruption just long enough to finish a box in the guide, which helps the child have a complete thought before moving on. Of course there are some interruptions in a busy house that can't even wait that long, but not too too many of them.

I do not know the timing of the older guides. My impression from reading a lot on here is that once the child is a few weeks in, where they have figured out the tasks they need to do and how best to do them, and if you don't have a child who tends to dawdle, gets very easily distracted, or if you plan their days so that they can have the time to concentrate when they will not be distracted (I know Carrie said her older ones get up early to get a few things out of the way even before breakfast) then days can go fairly quickly. Plus the 4 day weeks are planned so that if work is not completed in the 4 days they could do some on day 5 (evenings weekends, if it's because of their lack of diligence they didn't get the work done I say they should do it when they might otherwise have free time). That being said, the guides are VERY full. There is also the option of going 1/2 speed until they get used to the material or until you get used to it, stagger start (it would not be recommended to start 3-4 new guides all at once, rather to start one child, go about 2 weeks, then start the next child so you can focus on each one as they are just starting). I found with the 5 day/week guides I didn't really complete a whole guide each year, but we just pick it up once we start again and that's okay. And I am doing Preparing (which is the first 4 day/week guide) spreading the 4 days of plans into 5 days so I guess I would be on the same pace.

I hope some of this rambling is helpful to you. And I hope the finances and placement get all worked out. Blessings!

Re: Cost

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:18 pm
by heidip2p
I can so relate to you. I don't think I am type A but I do love checking boxes. :) But I am very OE. :oops:
I only have 8 kids :D and this is our first year with HOD. It has been a huge, huge adjustment for our family. There were many days we were struggling just to get math and la done. Now I am in awe of how much we are getting done each day.
I start at 8am. We are early risers so not a big deal. My school day ends around 4pm. We have a break from 10:30-11:00 and from 12:00 to 1:00. My big kids work on whatever independent they can do to start their day. I start with the youngest and complete all of their work. Then I go on to the next child and so on.
One thing I am loving is that when someone is sick it doesn't derail the rest of the crew. I try to get a unit done a week but I am flexible. I am learning to let go of those ideals and just do the best we can.
It is crazy busy days but that is part of having a big family. :) This week we finished 3 chapter books across the various guides. That felt GREAT! My kids are really crafty and they are all getting time for that with HOD.
I have always felt that God was trying to make a circle into a square when He called me to homeschool. I love it but it hasn't been the most natural fit for me. Since we have started using HOD it is making me so thankful for this incredibly opportunity to homeschool. With everything and I mean everything planned out I get to enjoy homeschooling and my kids again. So much less stress. Hope that makes sense.