Highschool placement and credits question
Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:06 am
Hi all. I am using CTC now. We did Prep last year. I have 4 kids. Because of their varying skill levels, they are all in Prep and it works great for all. My youngest actually does the best job with narrations. He is adopted from Korea and it is just his gifting or bent. So… I have a 14 y.o. in 8th grade using CTC without extensions. She cannot handle the extensions. And she is very weak in math (she does about 2 hours daily of math and has since grade 3. She just really struggles with understanding) so hasn't had enough math to handle Physical Science this year, but maybe could next year. Then I have an 11 y.o. who is a much stronger student than 14 y.o. and is advancing past her in math this year. I have never taught high school before.
How would you handle 14 y.o. next year? Can I give her enough credit with RTRef without extensions? Her comprehension skills just aren't strong, despite years of reading to her and with her. We read the T boxes orally and I bought 5 sets of CTC so everyone has their own copies and this has helped.
Any ideas from those of you doing RTR now on what she should do next year?
How do I give her credit?
What would you suggest I do for science for her? I'd like to have the others continue with RFR as written, although ds11 would be fine doing science with dd14 actually. He finishes CTC in lightening speed! I just added extensions for him.
How would you handle 14 y.o. next year? Can I give her enough credit with RTRef without extensions? Her comprehension skills just aren't strong, despite years of reading to her and with her. We read the T boxes orally and I bought 5 sets of CTC so everyone has their own copies and this has helped.
Any ideas from those of you doing RTR now on what she should do next year?
How do I give her credit?
What would you suggest I do for science for her? I'd like to have the others continue with RFR as written, although ds11 would be fine doing science with dd14 actually. He finishes CTC in lightening speed! I just added extensions for him.