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Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:01 pm
by mshanson3121
I'd like to start LHTH with my DD (3.5) right away, but I'd like to spread it out to last until she's 5, at which time we'll start LHFHG. Has anyone ever done this? What sort of schedule did you take?

The other thing I've wondered, is maybe I should just do it straight through, but then do it again the following year with the advanced math and devotionals instread?

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:35 pm
by Samuel'sMommy
I think either option would work. If you wanted to slow it down and stretch it out, you could just do it 2-3 days a week and then as she gets older and wants more, you can do it more often. If you did this you could probably find some easy stuff online like letter of the week to add in on the other days if you wanted to or maybe some of the books from five in a row. I also think going through it normal speed and then repeating it with the other Bible & devotional could work well too. I think it's really just up to you and which one is easier for you.

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 8:46 pm
by MelInKansas
You can do either and there are people who do it either way. I started LHTH shortly after my DD turned 3 and we will use it until she turns 5. I school 4 days a week, so that automatically makes it take 25% longer. Also whenever there is other stuff going on, we take off. My 3rd born gets off school if there is any reason - younger brother is sick, starting a new curriculum with the older one. It is working out really well. She also has other workbooks she does in addition to LHTH and those are just for anytime she shows interest. It seems to happen most often (and I encourage it) when her sisters are at the table doing "seatwork."

But if you like a daily routine and structure to your days, then doing it twice would be an excellent idea. It works out well since there are the two age options, and I think the things like the "Count on Me" with the counting by 2's and 3's could be repeated with good results. You can never do too much Bible. After my DD turned 4, I started reading out of the Bible instead of the children's Bible. When I did LHTH the first time I did not buy a special Bible but instead read the Bible passages. Sometimes I have to explain a little more from the Bible reading, but the way the excerpts of verses are picked out it really tells the stories nicely. Plus it started bothering me that there were quite a few with the younger Bible selection that repeated - 2 or 3 days in a row were about the same person/story so it would repeat the pages in the younger Bible selection.

I hope this helps.

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 7:47 am
by momof3kids
Great question!...I am interested to see what other have done as well..i am thinking about this as well with my youngest...turning 3 in the glad you asked! :D

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2014 9:21 am
by my3sons
Hi there! Do you have other dc as well, or is your focus on your dd right now? Thanks! :D

In Christ,

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 8:27 am
by momof3kids
Interested to see suggestions when have multiple children.....In theory, doing LHTH twice sounds good, going through with different options .... but do you have time when running other guides with older dc??

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:10 pm
by mshanson3121
We have older DS who is doing LHFHG. But DD is in ABA therapy every day from 12-4, so I do LHTH with her in the morning, then I do DS's lessons in the afternoon during her therapy - though I only have one more year of that. I'm debating between doing LHTH twice, or doing LHTH now and MFW K before putting her into LHFHG. But we are doing LHTH full speed as she's just loving it.

Re: Spread out LHTH? Or do it twice?

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 2:29 pm
by my3sons
mshanson3121 wrote:We have older DS who is doing LHFHG. But DD is in ABA therapy every day from 12-4, so I do LHTH with her in the morning, then I do DS's lessons in the afternoon during her therapy - though I only have one more year of that. I'm debating between doing LHTH twice, or doing LHTH now and MFW K before putting her into LHFHG. But we are doing LHTH full speed as she's just loving it.
Thanks for answering my questions! :D It sounds like you are already really enjoying LHTH full-speed with the younger Bible and devotional - hooray! It also sounds like you are doing a super job of balancing ds doing LHFHG and therapy for dd too. As it would be wise for dd to be at least 5 yo or older to start LHFHG, I'm thinking of 2 possible options...

Option 1) Just do LHTH again with the harder Bible and the harder devotional whenever you finish the first round.
Option 2) Get the harder Bible and harder devotional now, and use them along with the easier Bible and devotional you are already using to spread out the year. We did this with one of our sons. Here is a portion of a past post about this...

Little Hands to Heaven (half-speed):
We spread out 1 LHTH day over 2 days. I use both Bibles and alternate the days below.

First day:
Read the story from the younger children's Bible (A Child's First Bible).
Do the Fingerplay, Letter Activity, and Bible Activity boxes.

Second day:
Read the story from the older children's Bible (The New Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes).
Do the Fingerplay, Letter Flashcard Review, Rotating box, and Corresponding Music.

You could also easily add the harder devotional to the above rotation.

I think either of these options would work just fine, depending on your preference! Hope something here helps, but I'm so glad you are loving your year with both LHTH and LHFHG!!! :D :D :D

In Christ,