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I want to talk about MTMM for freshman year of high school

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2013 7:57 pm
by Maadrose
Mostly concerned about the science:

Was considering not doing the HOD science at all and instead doing biology. It's not a problem at all for me to teach it on my own. I even have all of the resources scoped out and ready to purchase.

However, I have seen the beauty of having the science all planned out and mostly ready to go.

In my case my dd will be in grade 9. She will turn 15 halfway through the year around Christmas break time. I'm talking about for next year.

So if I keep the chemistry portion (still undecided if/whether the genetics stuff could count as something. I would add carbon chemistry and the chemistry 101 DVDs (possibly some of the activities from there as well). Is that it? That's all I would need add? Or is there something else totally appropriate and/or better that I should use instead?

Re: I want to talk about MTMM for freshman year of high scho

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 8:46 pm
by my3sons
Hi Maadrose! I totally get what you are saying about having things all laid out. I spent countless years doing lesson plans, and I surely could do them, but I'd rather not if I could have them all in one guide already done. :wink: I did some searching, and I found this past thread that may help - scroll down to Carrie's thoughts about MTMM's science for high school students...

In Christ,