Preparing Intro?

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Preparing Intro?

Post by SouthernMrs » Fri Jun 20, 2008 1:18 pm

Hi All,
I've been away from the board for a few weeks to allow time for my health to get back up to par. I was wondering if Carrie has mentioned when the Intro pages to Preparing would be posted to the website. I've tried to scan through the pages of messages, but there are just too many! LOL

P.S. Carrie, it was so nice to meet you and your parents at the NCHE convention!

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Post by Valerie » Fri Jun 20, 2008 3:08 pm

I'm not sure what you mean by intro pages, but if you click on the PHFHG icon on main HOD web site there are pages to print out.
PS I was at the NCHE conference to!! First timer, it was AWESOME!!!

Valerie mom of five and wife to John :lol:
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Preparing Intro?

Post by SouthernMrs » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:16 pm

Maybe I've called it something else, but for several of the other Teaching manuals there is an "Intro" pdf that is available to print out that basically goes through each subject and tells you what types of supplies and things that you need for each component of the lessons (index cards, composition/notebooks, etc...). I just printed out the one for Beyond to look over for my upcoming 2nd grader and I know there is one for Bigger as I used it last year to plan for the different subjects.

I believe that the First Week of plans with the table of contents is the only thing I saw up on the website for Preparing other than the layout of the pages.

Perhaps Carrie isn't going to put up an Intro for Preparing.... :?
Thanks and sorry to cause confusion.
P.S. I used to attend the NCHE conference every year when we lived in SC, but since we've moved to New England I only get to go once in a while. It was lots of fun! :D

Lisa E
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Post by Lisa E » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:36 pm

I just read your post, could you please help direct me to the pdf for the supplies list for Beyond. I have been searching for this and have been unable to find it?
Thank you

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Post by holyhart » Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:17 pm

P.S. I used to attend the NCHE conference every year when we lived in SC, but since we've moved to New England I only get to go once in a while. It was lots of fun!
I live in NH, which part of NE do you live in?
wife of CB since 10/99
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Post by SouthernMrs » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:21 pm

>>>>I just read your post, could you please help direct me to the pdf for the supplies list for Beyond. I have been searching for this and have been unable to find it? Thank you

Hello Lisa,
The pdf document was on the website under Beyond, but I see that it isn't there now, so Carrie must have taken it down (?). I have a printed copy here in front of me, so I certainly got it from somewhere, LOL! There is one under Bigger though, so I've not totally lost my mind! :lol:

The mysterious Intro doc I'm referring to is not daily supply specific, but the mention of certain "supplies" are very general. So for instance it tells me I need LOTS of index cards and a place to keep them for Spelling, some type of compostion notebook for Poetry/Grammar, etc... nothing too detailed, but this info is still helpful to me in my planning for next year and trying to see the BIG picture. ACTUALLY, it is the Introductory pages in your Beyond manual, so if you have the manual in hand you have that info. I was asking about Preparing because I don't have that manual yet and won't until August when we will be starting up school again.

I'm afraid I've confused everyone now! So Sorry!! :oops:

I'm in Rhode Island now. We live in Warwick, but we're from Charleston, SC.

I'll go back to bed now.... :)

EDIT: Well, I should have just gone to bed to start with, LOL! The Beyond Intro pages ARE on the website, they are under the picture over on the right hand side. I was looking across the top (I think they used to be up there??). Okay,I'm done making a mess of this board now. Sorry!!

Lisa E
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Post by Lisa E » Fri Jun 20, 2008 7:34 pm

Thank you for your reply.

About yur question on the intro to Preparing, I was at a convention last weekend in Denver and the manuals were still being printed. The only things that were shown at the HOD booth was the books used for Preparing and the same pdf that is on the website so it looks like it will still be a while before you can get your hands on it.

I will just comb through the lessons, yes I do have the manual for Beyond and gather my supplies from it.

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Post by Carrie » Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:25 pm


I'm just popping in here quickly before heading for home, but the Introduction pages for Preparing... aren't ready to go up on the site yet. They are the absolute final thing I write in a guide to make sure that I have it all correct. So, it won't be up till the book is completely edited and proofed.

The supply list for "Beyond.." was never on the HOD website, but someone had shared it here on the board. I'm thinking possibly shera or mama23bearcubs? You may want to do a search of the board, or just ask one of the moms I mentioned.

By the way, Charlene, I've been remembering you in prayer. It's good to see you again!


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Post by SouthernMrs » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:04 pm

Hi Carrie,
I just got online today to read about your planning weekend and that the Intro Pages to Preparing would be posted soon. I'm so excited! I hope your weekend went well and the Lord has blessed your efforts.

Carrie wrote >>>By the way, Charlene, I've been remembering you in prayer. It's good to see you again!

And Carrie, I wanted to thank you for your prayers for me! I really appreciate each one. I've been struggling with some out-of-human-control :) mean/ugly migraines for several months now :( , but I'm giving God glory and I'm believing that they are finally back under control again. It's only been in the last 10 days or so that I have finally been feeling so much better and more like my old self. This situation has been going on since March! So again, thank you for praying.

And thanks so much for all your hard work in getting Prepared ready to go out! I can hardly wait to see it.
Take care,

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Post by Carrie » Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:09 pm


I passed the introduction for Preparing... on to our web designer a week ago, so we're waiting on his time schedule to get this up on the website. I'll be thrilled to see it up too! :D

P.S. Charlene, I am so glad that you are in a upward swing with your migraines. I have been praying for you and wondering how you were doing. Thanks for sharing. :wink:


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