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R&S Grammar Placement ?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 6:23 am
by gregswife03
We are gearing up to start M to MM in January, and I'm wondering where in the Rod and Staff grammar program to put my 7th grade daughter. She has completed the Easy Grammar program, has memorized all of the parts of speech and verb principal parts through Classical Conversations, and is very strong in language arts. However, we have not ever addressed diagramming sentences. From looking at your catalog, it appears that English 5 would be the right place to start, but I wanted to verify before purchasing.
Thanks in advance for any guidance!
Katie in Indiana

Re: R&S Grammar Placement ?

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 2:17 pm
by my3sons
I agree with your placement of dd in R & S English 5. That is an integral year and I'd not start dd higher than 5 if she hasn't done much diagramming. HTH! :D

In Christ,

Re: R&S Grammar Placement ?

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 9:36 am
by HappyMama
Yes, English 5! :)

Re: R&S Grammar Placement ?

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:34 am
by mamamag5
Hi Katie,

My daughter had one year of CC Essentials and knew all her grammar memory work from Foundations and I put her in R&S 4. She did very well. My older daughter had two years of CC Essentials plus Foundations memory work and I put her in R&S 6. It has been slow going and some areas have been difficult. I wish I had started her in R&S 5. I think you cant go wrong starting in book 5. If it proves to be difficult I wouldn't hesitate to drop down to book 4. I reaaly like R&S English. It is very thorough and easy to implement. I wish you many blessings on your journey.

Shirley in CO