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HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 4:56 pm
by Tracee
I've used LHFHG, Beyond and portions of Bigger this year. I love HOD, but I've struggled with making everything work for us. All three of my kids have dyslexia and it seems the guides are based on reading ability. My oldest is probably the most severe. He's super creative and his ability to comprehend far exceeds his ability to read. I'm looking at Preparing for next year, because he seems to fit perfectly there. By next year, he will be starting DITHOR, finished Rod and Staff 2, completed the dictation portion of Bigger and in Singapore 4B/5A. The part I'm struggling with is that he will technically be a 5th grader next year. I'm assuming that Preparing is more of a 4th grade level, because it has extension that fit 5th and 6th. He would not be able to read those extension books on his own. If the science is geared toward a 4th grade level, I'm worried that I will be holding him back in that area or any other area that is more of a 4th grade level. His dyslexia doesn't affect his intellect at all.

My other question is I have twins that are 2 years younger than my oldest but probably only a year behind my oldest in skill level. It seems impossible to combine them, but I really want the twins combined with my oldest. We have to work so hard on basics at this level because of their dyslexia, it is just too much for me to do separate science and history with them. Is there anyway to make all of this possible?

I love HOD and have recommended it to many people. I want to make it work, but I'm not sure how to do it.

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:37 pm
by 4Hispraise
We used Preparing with a 4th grader and a 5th grader. The 5th grader used the extensions, but honestly? It would have been meaty enough without them. I know that there are many women whose children have similar gifts as yours, and I know that they have had EXCELLENT advice for I think they will be able to help you more than I can.

Praying for wisdom as you seek God's best for your children! :D

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:59 pm
by psreit
My dd also has dyslexia. She will be 11 years old and in 5th grade next fall and will be doing Preparing. I am not using extensions for her. She sounds a lot like your son. She has good comprehension, but the reading is slow. Don't worry about levels. Just teach him where he's at. HOD gives age ranges, not grades. But, as with any curriculum, it's best to choose a level that fits the child's needs. My homeschool evaluator says, the important thing is to see that progress is being made. So, put your ds where he fits. If you feel he can't handle the extensions, you are not holding him back if you don't use them. My dd isn't anywhere near the reading level of the extensions. But, I see her moving forward, and with a much better spirit this year, because I finally have her where she can learn and not become so frustrated. :D

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 9:03 am
by lmercon
Hi, Tracee,
I know we've chatted before about our boys. I SOOOOO hear you in your dilemma. I think it's just the nature of the beast that these smart kids will always be intellectually way ahead of where they can comfortably read - at least for a long time, anyway. I've resigned myself to the fact that this child is just going to take a lot of my time every day. We have continued to move ahead at his comprehension level - not at his reading level. We ended up taking 2 years to get through CTC because of adding in a lot of extra programs. We are now using RTR. The remaining programs will probably take about 1 1/2 years to get through. I made a three-week schedule that gets my dd's Bigger done weekly and gets 2 units of RTR done every 3 weeks. I actually worked it out so that we have a Friday off every three weeks. We are hopping every day, but the schedule keeps me on task!

I'd suggest to just keep plugging away at it, Momma! While all of the programs are fantastic, I think Preparing has been our favorite so far. It is such a wonderful sweep of world history and uses FABULOUS resources. You will enjoy spending the time reading the materials with your ds. I would not use the extensions. You won't need them.

My dyslexic ds is a little older than yours, so I can share something that I'm beginning to see just to give you a potential heads-up. My ds is very compliant and has always been an "easy" kid to hs. Even so, as the teen years approach and he now finds himself solidly in the "tween" years, I've seen a few changes. Last year, because we were taking things so slowly, I noticed his interest and motivation falling off. This year is better because he is being pushed harder. Those areas that he has to work at his reading level are torture to him because they are so "mind-numbingly" boring to him. He has a real desire to learn at his comprehension level. His reading level is so far below that he gets bored, lacks motivation, and performs at a lower level than he is capable of doing. I can't imagine if his entire program was "intellectually" way below him! I would absolutely lose him. It's hard enough some days to motivate a teen boy to do his schoolwork - add in the fact that it seems "so easy that it's stupid" to him, and you're done! With my ds working at a level that is interesting to him, he works well and does a good job and is motivated to learn more.

All that wordiness to say, definitely keep him going at his "intellectual" level. Just understand that the nature of this "condition" is that we moms have to give much more of ourselves to them.

As far as your twins, I don't think I'd try to combine them with your ds. If they have some dyslexia, they may be too stretched. Holding your ds back to match with them would not be the best choice either imo. Once you get your materials, I'd work out a schedule incorporating both programs. You may want to plan to get them done in 1 1/2 years like I do. I basically get 4 days of schoolwork done every 7 days, so 2 units every 3 weeks.


Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:16 am
by TrueGRIT
Others can help you better that I can, but I wanted to put a few words in . . .

My oldest is mildly dyslexic and we just started Preparing. He is 9, and would be considered by most a 4th grader. For the most part he enjoys it - he has never learned any world history, for one. The reading and writing really s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-s him; I have to help quite a bit at this point.
He also, has a very high comprehension level - in history and science, he can very easily do 6th grade work,( while his LA, reading, and writing are on a 1st-3rd grade level.)
We add audio books for anything we can to help give him subjects on his level. With his higher comprehension level, sometimes the science is a little easy, but to be honest, after trying harder with any writing, most of the time he is glad for something easy. Sometimes if he needs it, we add a bit to Science or history, but that's not the norm.
I think your son has would fit perfect into Preparing for 5th. Sometimes I wish my son was a bit older doing the guide, but he outgrew & completed Bigger in August, so . . .
I know I will always need to take extra time with him, and plan for that. It is easier on me. :)

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Sat Nov 09, 2013 4:38 pm
by my3sons
Tracee - I've always enjoyed reading your posts and have always thought you are doing such a good job with your ds! I've actually linked your posts often to help other moms who have dc with dyslexia. Please don't get discouraged! The target age range for PHFHG is 8-10 yo, and the average age for fifth graders is 10 yo, so actually, ds is doing the guide as intended. That being said, 11 yo dc do PHFHG too, as do 12 yo dc - some with extensions if that is a good fit, and some without if that is not a good fit. Thanks to the ladies that already posted here, as your comments are especially helpful as you too are homeschooling dc who have dyslexia or dyslexic tendencies! I think Imercon had some great ideas to ponder with flexible scheduling and planning for a day off now and then. I also agree with her that it would be tough to partner the twins with your older ds. If something must be dropped for the day, I'd say the Storytime could be, though the books are wonderful, it may be that this would free up more time for you to partner more with your ds in helping him with the reading of science and portions of the history as you felt necessary. For your twins, what guide have they been doing this year, and which parts of it, as you mentioned not all of it? And/or where do they place on the placement chart when looking at it with fresh eyes, as dc do change so much sometimes! Thanks!

In Christ,

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:32 pm
by Tracee
Thank you all who responded. It gives me encouragement to keep on moving forward. I think we are heading on the right path. I'm actually going to go ahead and start Beyond with my twins and the rest of Bigger with my 9 year old. We probably needed some time away to focus on the basics, but I was missing alot of the activities we did in HOD. I had a lot more to say, but I lost my previous post. Mostly, thank you for your encouragement and advice. You guys are the best!

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 2:10 pm
by davisfam7
I totally encourage you to keep going with HOD. My oldest son (17) has an outlet processing disorder and my youngest son (11) has dyslexia. My oldest finally hit grade level ability in Highschool, before that I always had to modify school for him. My 11yo is doing Preparing in 5th grade and I read a lot to him. He is getting better with reading aloud and even to himself. His comprehension is very high and he works almost 2 grades ahead in math. I supplement science for him and he does experiments with his 12 yo brother who is doing Rev. to Rev. this year. I think it is important to remember that our square peg kiddos are not always going to fit in the appropriate round hole at the correct time. I watched my 17yo take off once things started to really click for him. It just takes a lot of prayer and patience and I have been blessed by HOD beyond measure. We just take our time and pick up where we left off. It is really hard not to get out the yard stick and see if these guys measure up to everyone else their age/grade. I just know that God will equip them for what He has for them. Sometimes I just need to get out of the way and let Him work, instead of trying to "fix" it all on my own. Praying for you to be blessed with a calm heart and quiet spirit to see the fruit that will come!

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 5:04 pm
by Tracee
Sarah, If I could jump through the computer and hug you I would. Thank you so much. Yes, that is what I need a calm heart and a quiet spirit. I know that is where the Lord wants me. When my ds is struggling more than usual, I seem to have more patience, but when I start to see progress, I'm off and running and usually in the wrong direction :P . Thank you for the encouragement. We are going to do Bigger as written from this point forward and go into Preparing when we finish.

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:13 pm
by davisfam7
I have a huge favor to ask you. . .Will you remind me of my post the next time I am the one feeling unsure!!?? It goes in cycles, so while I am able to give you encouragement today, maybe you can give it right back to me when I need it! LOL!!

Re: HOD Preparing and Dyslexia

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:20 pm
by spidermansmum
I want to thank all of you who wrote in this thread,for your words of encouragement.I have been away from HOD for just over a year .I am finally able to order Preparing...and then I wondered if my soon to be 11 year old was too old. I too have a child with multiple gifts. He has Asd,Adhd and great difficulties with writing. He is amazing at drawing,can build models from whatever he can find,he is amazing.He gets science as easy as breathing.Its. a challenge knowing where to place him and how best to teach him.I think Preparing would fit for his writing needs. Love ,love ,love the ' teach where they are at ' quote. That will be on my fridge shortly :) . So my plan is Preparing with Apologia Chemistry and Physics ( since we are half way through and he loves it) with as many of the extensions as I can get on audio books .