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Our Plan for the Fall.......

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:10 am
by jsusgrl
I have a plan now for my 8 and 6 yr old, thanks to all of you wonderful ladies who've helped me try and figure all of this out!!!:-)
Here it is: Using Beyond with Both my 8 and 6 yr olds, also planning to buy the emerging readers set for my 6 yr old, and the DITHOR w/ the 2-3 books for my 8 yr old. Also adding the boy set and the girl set!!!!:-)- alternating between the two for read alouds.
Plan to use the BIGGER manual for the Rod and Staff English 2 and Primary Math 2A for my 8 yr old. All of the other subjects will be combined using Beyond, so only Math and English will be separate. But My 6 yr old can easily follow along and listen as we do the English 2 and i'm sure she will beefit even from that. I MAY add the Lang lessons for the very young for her, but don't know if it's really needed?
So, that is our tentative plan for the Fall!:-) Thank you all for your insight, and I will probabaly have more questions as time goes on and hopefully I will be able to offer help as well once we get the ball rolling with our HOD!!
My daughter has been reading from the HOD site with me and she kept seeing the word HOD and she was giggling as she read 'HOD' and I told her it stands for Heart Of Dakota. Then I shared with her that we are going to become HODDIES! ( I saw that in one of your hope you don't mind me borroowing that!!:-)And she giggled and said, "What do you mean?" I explained that because we'll be using this curriculum, it makes us HODDIES! She giggled again, and she is very excited about starting school in the fall with our HOD:-)
God bless each of you in your planning!!
In Christ,

I forgot to my plan..

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:23 am
by jsusgrl
I forgot to add that my 8 yr old will be doing Primary Math 2A AND 2B and my 6 yr old will use Primary math 1A and B.:-) :-)
I will also purchase separately the teachers guides for Singapore Math, so I can have the answers and any extra help. I'm a teachers guide kinda gal!:-)
In Christ,

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:37 am
by beandip71

How exciting that you know what you are going to do in the fall. I will be using Beyond with my dd who will be 6 in Oct. as well. Let us know when "box day" arrives so we can celebrate with you. :D

God bless,

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:54 am
by jsusgrl
Hi Gina:-)
Thank you for sharing in my excitement! I can barely contain myself! On the one hand, i want to order everything ASAP but I'm afraid to get the box too early, beacuse I will have to hide it from my kids or they will want to break into all of the books!:-)
It will be fun to hear about your experiences with Beyond too. Whe do you plan to start? We might actually start in August:-) so technically, it's still summer!
By the way, I love your Blog site! What a beautiful family you have. That's great that you have already had a summer Beach trip with your support group! We are having one soon. It is very HOT out here where we are at too. But thankfully, the mountains and beach are not too far away for those summer escapes!!
Love in Christ,

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 9:39 am
by beandip71

I am planning on starting Beyond in August too. :D I have not picked a date yet, but I like to start in Aug. so we can be done by the beginning of June. I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I have a lot of fun with it. :D I hope you enjoy your beach day. I wish we going again today because it is supposed to be 104 here today :shock: .

God bless,

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:10 am
by Carrie

I'm so excited for you too! It looks like you have a good plan and will be meeting your kiddos needs very well! :D

As to your daughter needing "Language Lessons for the Very Young"..., if she'll be doing the copywork from the poetry and the gentle grammar lessons every 5th day in "Beyond..", then she wouldn't really need it. However, you'll know best! :wink:

P.S. Gina, I feel for you with 104 degree temps! Those are good days to stay inside with the air conditioning! :lol:


Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:36 pm
by jsusgrl
Thank you Carrie:-)
I am looking forward to our school year with HOD!!:-)
Oh and we are having the temps in the 100's too:-( I'm also in Southern Cal. (Inland area- Lake Elsinore) It is very hot!! But all in all, we can't complain. My heart goes out to all of those in the Mid West where all of the flooding has been so terrible.
God bless and thank you for all of your hard work! The Lord has truly blessed the work of your hands putting together HOD.
In Christ,

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 3:52 pm
by water2wine
So glad you found the perfect fit for your family! Can't wait to hear about your first day. :D We are so excited to use Beyond in the future. It looks like so much fun! Enjoy it and so glad you decided to become one of the HODies! 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:02 pm
by Kathleen

I'm so glad that you've decided...sounds like a good plan. :wink: I just had one thought for you (that maybe you've already thought about). If you're using Singapore 2A &B for your 8 yo, you could get the Bigger guide to use along with it as Carrie has scheduled hands-on activities to go along with the math about 2 or 3 times a week. This is the last level that will have the hands-on stuff, as they go to using the text book in 3A &B. I've been going through parts of 2A with my 8 yo to fill in some holes we had switching from another program, and he has LOVED the activities that we have done! :D And, if you're going to be using Bigger next year anyway, you'll just get a bonus preview. :wink:

:D Kathleen

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:27 pm
by jsusgrl
That's a great suggestion Kathleen and yes i had planned to get the Bigger for math and English and for next year!:-) i'm so glad to hear the hands on activities and lessons in the book help bring the math to life and that your son enjoyed it so much. Thank you for sharing that with me and for your encouragement:-) i do have a question about the reading though......i was wondering and just looking at all of the good books and I KNOW my kids will want to read some books on their own aside from our read aloud and story time. In that case, does anyone have suggestions?
Thanks and God bless you,

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 9:50 pm
by my3sons
Hi Angie! Welcome to the HOD board! You have a very good plan for next year, and you've gotten some great ideas here already. You're going to be using a lot of great books already... isn't that just so exciting to think about?!? :lol: If you want your dc to read more books independently, you could have an "independent reading shelf" of books. We do this, and it's been a big hit in our house. I gave each of our dc a shelf in our pie safe (any special place will do though :o). Then we have 15 minutes or more of scheduled "independent reading shelf" time each day. I just put all the books that I'd like them to read that I already own on the shelf, and they can choose any of them to read. I do have them stick with the book until it's done usually. Sometimes I've gotten around to making a checklist of the titles for each of them, and my oldest ds who is a "check-it-off-the-list" kind of kiddo LOVES this! Just an idea!

In Christ,
Julie :D

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 12:21 am
by jsusgrl
Hi Julie,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words:-) I really like the idea of the independent reading bookshelf. I saw somehting like that today at the school supply store. that i could use just for that! I just know mine are used to reading indepently. I must confess, I have not read aloud much this year. It was my first year homeschooling a highschooler and it was a challenge!
My children DO love when I read to them though so i am really looking forward to that part of HOD, but I'm sure they will want their alone time to read as well. Do you happen to use any of the HOD books for your independent reading shelves? Or just other books bought specifically for their silent reading? I'm curious because I know mine will want to grab one of the HOD books and run off with it in their reading time. I hope i can contain them!!:-)
Thank you for your insight Julie:-) It is appreciated so much!
Love in Christ,

Re: Our Plan for the Fall.......

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 7:07 am
by MamaMary
jsusgrl wrote:I have a plan now for my 8 and 6 yr old, thanks to all of you wonderful ladies who've helped me try and figure all of this out!!!:-)
Here it is: Using Beyond with Both my 8 and 6 yr olds, also planning to buy the emerging readers set for my 6 yr old, and the DITHOR w/ the 2-3 books for my 8 yr old. Also adding the boy set and the girl set!!!!:-)- alternating between the two for read alouds.
Plan to use the BIGGER manual for the Rod and Staff English 2 and Primary Math 2A for my 8 yr old. All of the other subjects will be combined using Beyond, so only Math and English will be separate. But My 6 yr old can easily follow along and listen as we do the English 2 and i'm sure she will beefit even from that. I MAY add the Lang lessons for the very young for her, but don't know if it's really needed?
So, that is our tentative plan for the Fall!:-) Thank you all for your insight, and I will probabaly have more questions as time goes on and hopefully I will be able to offer help as well once we get the ball rolling with our HOD!!
My daughter has been reading from the HOD site with me and she kept seeing the word HOD and she was giggling as she read 'HOD' and I told her it stands for Heart Of Dakota. Then I shared with her that we are going to become HODDIES! ( I saw that in one of your hope you don't mind me borroowing that!!:-)And she giggled and said, "What do you mean?" I explained that because we'll be using this curriculum, it makes us HODDIES! She giggled again, and she is very excited about starting school in the fall with our HOD:-)
God bless each of you in your planning!!
In Christ,

I am still at my friends riverhouse and was just peeking at the forums on her laptop. I LOVE your plan. I am using beyond with my 12 & 8 year old and we are doing the emerging readers. I LOVE it!

So we will get to encourage one another on the weekly threads each week. I am doing a catch up next week and then start on the unit 4 or 5. (where I left off in the spring.)

Your plan sounds perfect and I am so excited for you to start. I can tell we're going to be fast friends. (((warm squishy cyber hugs)))

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:25 pm
by my3sons
jsusgrl wrote:Hi Julie,
Thank you so much for your encouraging words:-) I really like the idea of the independent reading bookshelf. I saw somehting like that today at the school supply store. that i could use just for that! I just know mine are used to reading indepently. I must confess, I have not read aloud much this year. It was my first year homeschooling a highschooler and it was a challenge!
My children DO love when I read to them though so i am really looking forward to that part of HOD, but I'm sure they will want their alone time to read as well. Do you happen to use any of the HOD books for your independent reading shelves? Or just other books bought specifically for their silent reading? I'm curious because I know mine will want to grab one of the HOD books and run off with it in their reading time. I hope i can contain them!!:-)
Thank you for your insight Julie:-) It is appreciated so much!
Love in Christ,
My dc love to read too, and HOD does have the "cream of the crop" when it comes to book selections. The books that are scheduled for the HOD programs I hold back as "treasures" that the dc may not have access to other than our special time together doing HOD, and even then, we/they don't read ahead in them.

However, once we're done with them, my oldest ds may choose to take any of the Storytime and DITHOR books to his room to reread at his leisure (which he always chooses to do!). :lol: The history/science core books go to the basement however, to be preserved for another round with my younger children later. I don't let my younger children have access to the Storytime books used in their later HOD programs though. So, I always tell my oldest ds that he needs to be able to find the titles I need when I need them at a later date for the younger dc's HOD programs.:wink:

I did go through the entire HOD Bookshop and have over time purchased every book there. Any book that I am not using during scheduled HOD time either goes on the independent reading shelf for the oldest (i.e. the Storytime read-aloud packages that I didn't read aloud) or gets bought as an audio book. I also put other books that I'm wanting my dc to read and know I might not get to, like oldtime Anthologies I've found, Arthur Maxwell Bible set (one at a time), etc. Then I run off the Appendix of each and let my oldest "check-it-off" ds check off stories in any order, since each of these stories is individual and the storyline doesn't continue from one segment to another. He's pretty logical though, and still goes completely in order anyway, which is probably something I'd do too! :roll:
Now my second son will certainly go in any order imaginable - I'm sure just to put his own twist on it! :lol:

I'm so glad you were encouraged, and I can tell that you are an encourager as well... you'll be in great company here on the HOD board... it just attracts wonderful gals like that! :o :o :o

In Christ,

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:22 pm
by jsusgrl
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your sweet message:-)
Warm, squishy hugs back to you!! Have a wonderful time at your friends river house!! How fun! I can't wait to get started with HOD. I am slowly ordering and peicing it together as we can afford it:-) I look forward to encouraging one another and exchanging ideas too!
God Bless you!