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Buyers remorse

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:17 pm
by Arwen
I found this beatiful curriculum a few weeks too late. Quick background...I homeschooled my oldest son, who is now a senior in public from 6th grade until his sophmore year using Sonlight. It was a good fit for him and we had a great experience with it. Flash forward...I tried Sonlight with my now 7 year old (second grade), for Kindergarten. Huge bust. It did not work for him at all. First grade we used Horizons. Another bust. This year I was determined to find something better. I liked the look of MFW but something just wasn't quite there either, so I ordered a mix of stuff. Some works, some doesn't but I am kicking myself for not being patient and listening to God because THIS is it. I cannot believe I never came across this before. I have devoured the catalog.

I will be ordering this curriculum next year. It's exactly what I was looking for. Sigh. Live and learn. I can't wait to use Bigger. I know we will love it.

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:34 pm
by Arwen
Oh and a question...I am planning on buying Bigger for next year, which would be his 3rd grade year. It seems like a lot of people on here use Bigger for much younger children. I am of the mindset that I would rather work right at his level so he can truly soak everything out of it. I know that other people like to buy above level to challenge their child. There is, of course, no right or wrong way, but since I don't know the curriculum was wondering if Bigger would be enough for 3rd grade.

Thank you.

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:18 pm
by Kteni
Hi Arwen,
I am new here. I am using Preparing for my 11 year old with the extension pack Which is top of the age range recommended for that. I am also using Beyond for my 8 year old who is still an emerging reader but will probably (hopefully) be ready to move into DITHOR after Christmas. And 8 is the top of the age range on that guide too. I think this curriculum is very rich and adaptable. I fully agree with teaching children where they are at, so the little challenges have a chance of being successes and provide stepping stones in academic growth. I too have had a pile of curriculum stinkers I set aside. Last year I implemented more Charlotte Mason method into our schooling and it was so wonderful. So when a friend pointed out HOD and I started reading up on it, I was so stoked to see many living books I love all ready in the resources. I felt led to it as I had been praying about what path to take with curriculum. I did chicken out and take others advice and order other things to try to make my own year up. But really, I was unsettled and kept praying, my friends prayed with me and my dear husband prayed for me. He was surprised that I did not have my usual per school year excitement and planning bug. Well, bottom line, I should have ordered HOD and now have. It has been a true blessing that The Lord has helped me order what I needed to make the change THIS year instead of waiting until next. God is so good and cares so about the details. So now I am selling unused curriculum that we were going to use this year. I am so at peace with our choices for this year and SUPER excited. We start Monday morning!
PS, if it helps, I will be using Bigger for my child next and he'll be 9 then... and it will be a perfect fit for him.
Happy learning!

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:09 am
by MomtoJGJE
In my opinion Bigger is a perfect 3rd grade program.... I'm currently using it for my 3rd grader... I used it for my oldest for 2nd grade and had to slow down and let her mature into it.

Also, generally speaking, children who are younger going into Bigger are ones who have been using HOD all along. For instance my current 1st grader will be using Bigger when she's 7 and in 2nd grade. But she's the third child, has used HOD all the way from LHTH on up, and is a very quick learner. It's not to challenge her, but just because she'll get finished with Beyond and will move on to Bigger.

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:12 am
by mom23
I love Bigger as a 3rd grade program! I bet you will, too. :D

We all have those "live and learn" moments. Hang in there and enjoy your year! (But you're very right to look forward to next year with HOD-it's been a huge blessing to us!)

*ETA my son is using Bigger in 4th grade this year.

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:08 am
by Arwen
Thanks for the replies. I'm feeling that God is leading me to do this now. I don't know how but I'm going to keep praying. I talked to my husband and he said that we don't have the money right now but he would keep looking for it.

I would love to get Beyond for this year. Maybe I can ask for the guide and basic books for Christmas presents. We would start it a little late into the year but we kind of do school year round anyway...hmmm. I should just stop worrying and wondering and pray. :)

Thanks again!

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:26 am
by RestInHim
Welcome, Arwen! I'm Sara, and this is our first year using HOD as well. We are using Little Hands to Heaven and Beyond. HOD is truly a Godsend!

We will be using Bigger next year with my (then) 3rd-grader. She will be young, but she is very advanced, so I think after doing Beyond this year she will be prepared for it. I definitely think that Bigger is a very meaty program and perfect for 3rd!

Oh, and we started both programs mid-way through our school year...and it worked great :D So basically, we will be using Beyond for part of DD's 1st Grade and most of her 2nd Grade (this year). It flows so smoothly that I don't think it matters at all when you start. :D

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:33 pm
by Seashell517
Hi there! I too have been in your shoes. I just wanted to encourage you to keep praying but also wanted to let you know that Mike and Carrie will work with you on a payment plan that fits your needs. If that's an option, I would give them a call. You could start sooner than you think...

Re: Buyers remorse

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:41 pm
by Yaya68
Using Bigger with my 3rd grader. Loving it so far.