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Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:36 pm
by mrsrandolph
It's me, not them!!

I am having issues with not feeling like Ihave the energy or motivation to "do school" once lunch is over. I just want to crawl in a bed and sleep!!

With 4 kids that need schooling, this will not do!

I need your encouragement, advice, ANYTHING!! A swift kick?

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:46 pm
by creekmama
I had the same problem for a while. I've made two changes that I think really help. The first is that I implemented a "Managers of Their Homes"s style schedule--the entire day blocked out in thirty minute increments. That has helped me make the other big change--thirty minutes of exercise for me every morning. I've noticed a big improvement in my energy level and in my attitude! :lol:

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:55 pm
by MelInKansas
Me too! So many times. I am really tired right now and have lots of things going on.

Maybe a break? For you that is. A short reading break, computer break, whatever. I often am able to tackle it back again once I have had a little respite from the continual "on" of doing school. Set a timer for 20 minutes right after lunch. Make the kids clean up and put dishes away. Or if having them do chores is even stressful give them a break too. My kids are so happy right after lunch that is their best time with one another (less fighting).

My other suggestion is to organize your time so that the things that are easier and more relaxing for you are at the end. For me it's read-alouds. We try to get a lot of the other stuff out of the way and do read-alouds (and maybe rotating box) at the end. DITHR was not always getting done, it's too easy to drop because it doesn't go along with everything else, and it seems to take a while sometimes. So now DITHR is first. And we both like it that way. I only have two who are fully "schooled," LHTH doesn't quite count, so I don't have quite as much to get done as you do.

Saying a prayer right now that God will guide you and help you. You certainly do have a very busy schedule with all your kiddos.

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:52 pm
by Kteni
Are you getting good sleep?
Are you eating well? Getting enough iron?
Drinking enough water?
Getting enough devotional time?
Doing anything like a hobby or creative activity that recharges you?
Bit of exercise?

Oh wait, I must be asking myself all these questions..... ha ha.
The answers aren't great.
But, I did pray for you to have a blessing of refreshment and fruit of the Spirit cultivating, hugs!

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:12 am
by chillin'inandover
Have you had a physical to rule out medical issues. I was feeling tired and found out my Vitamin D level was low. Took 2,000 mg Vit D daily and this made all the difference. My levels are checked annually and are now normal. Who knew getting older depleted Vit D. Maybe it is living in a northern state.
I will be praying Matthew 11:28 for you.

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 7:32 am
by TrueGRIT
I have had the same problem for a long while. Most of mine is getting up about 6, while my children were sleeping until 7:30 & 8:00.
Part of what I did was schedule reading & computer time for just after lunch, that way I could sit for awhile. We had reading together & separately, then the younger ones watched oldest have his 30 min block of 'electronic' time. I was nearby, but I could read, doze, or fold laundry.

Since my husband got my children a puppy the boys are getting up at 6 to feed him, etc. We are starting our day earlier, but as such they are more tired just after lunch as I am. We still do a shorter version of Reading & Circle Time, then rest! It takes me 5-10 minutes to get them settled, but we all go to bed for a bit.

The other ladies already gave you great advice, health check-up and exercise are huge things. Things helped when I started taking a natural vitamin, and making 2 very short exercise times for myself. I also had to drop some sweets, and find an alternative. (I did)

I hope some of this gives you some ideas. Empathizing with you -

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 11:42 am
by RestInHim
Are you talking about me...? No, wait, you meant yourself :lol:

I am no help, because we have an hour of quiet time every day after lunch so I can sleep. Yep, sleep. After that we resume our day.

I do find, however, that my energy does last longer if I remember to take my multivitamin and B complex supplement. When I don't... :cry: zzzzzzzzz.....

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:45 pm
by mrsrandolph
I LOVE naps!! My problem is getting UP from them. I tell you...I could sleep for 24 hours straight!!

Re: Problem w/ Energy...Motivation...ME!!

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:41 am
by tjneary99
Hi there,
I am also super tired--more than usual, but I am pregnant so this is likely the reason. I have created a schedule that rotates between kids so I can be mostly done all major subjects by 12:30 or so. Then I can rest a bit and regroup later for the rest of school. I try to have the break coincide with their break also. I hope you feel better and get the rest you need---the other posts were great--vitamins, water, and perhaps a check up at some point if things do not improve....might be a vitamin issue or thyroid. Blessings to you.