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How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:42 am
by TinainOK
I'm confused on how to do this. I am a scheduler(times/kid subjects to use as a guide)iand as I look at the general daily format, I see some days are together and some are not. Also, you need to listen to 2 different kids reading 2 different (tho same genre) bks. How do you put this on the schedule w out scheduling different times for different days, different student/teacher needs? To do that seems very complicated and confusing. Am I missing something simple to solve this problem? Thanks for any help! Also, in my searches, I found a link from Carrie's sister where she had a charted schedule pr child and times. that's the way I schedule, but I am really struggling to make it work w this curriculum using 2 for 2 kids. Does anyone know where the link is to what I found? The computer was turned off before I looked at it good and I lost it.
Re: How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:01 pm
by mom23
I'm watching for your answers on DITHOR with 2 levels!
Have you looked through the scheduling thread? It's a sticky near the top of the Main Board called "Let's Share our Schedules!" There are lots of ladies there who have posted timed schedules for managing school with more than one kiddo.
Re: How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:30 pm
by jenn in nc
I'll be watching this thread too... I'm going to have kids in three different levels of DITHOR and I'm wondering if I might be crazy.
Re: How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 5:41 am
by MomtoJGJE
I do the teacher part together, send them off to read, and then go over the student book when they are done. I have them read aloud randomly throughout the day, not necessarily DITHOR, though sometimes it is. MOST times it's reading aloud to their little sisters
It takes about 15-20 minutes the way I do it. I use that time to either teach something to someone else or do some chore/get food ready.
Re: How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 12:41 pm
by julsoliveira
Post it sticky tabs my friends. We start the genre together, but I do the dithor with each kid at a different time of our day. They don't read to you on every day. some days they read to themselves. When my 4/5 reader doesn't have a dithor day, I use the post it sticky tabs to keep track of what day he's on, but can proceed with my level 2/3 reader by moving her sticky tab. It works fine
I usually work with my 2/3 reader while my older child is doing something independent like math or grammar. I would never try to do them at the exact same time. That would be too chaotic for me.
Re: How do you do dithor w 2 levels?
Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 1:01 am
by MelInKansas
Great point julsolivera, with 2/3 and in Bigger you are doing it every day, and Preparing and higher you do it 3 days a week I believe (which it's a 4 day/week guide so you do it 3/4 of the days). You would get out of sync anyway. There are a few days where it talks about either looking at the books that all the children will be reading, asking questions for another student to answer, things like that. Maybe a couple of those in each genre.
Like MomToJGJE, sometimes I do have my 2/3 student read her reading for that day on her own. Not usually though. She is a fast reader, she skims too much. I hope by having her read to me 1) to still work through any phonics or sounding out problems she has, which she still has some and 2) to encourage slow, careful reading from her so she can do the assignments.
Do you have two 2/3 students? Then I would think you would have to schedule for them to read to you (or your husband, or someone else who can help them) in individual time slots. Then you could maybe go over the activity/assignment together, or you could do it separately if they have trouble remembering what they've read for very long. Do the activity/assignment right after they read.