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Scheduling for Preparing Hearts

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:54 pm
by TinainOK
I've searched and searched and I can't find much on this. I like specific times schedules to run by (or use as a guide at least). How much time does it take per box on average? I'm also trying to schedule preparing with Beyond so I know how to balance the teacher instructed times. Any ideas would be helpful.

Re: Scheduling for Preparing Hearts

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:02 pm
by mom23
Here are the times I had written down for Preparing last year (these aren't what they took us, it's something I wrote down from someone else here on the board as a goal to work toward. We hit most of them pretty close, but I didn't time exactly what we were taking each day.)

History: 15 min
Rotating Box: 20 min
IndeHistory: 20-25 min
Hist Project: 20 min
Storytime: 20 min
1:40 mins total

Math (I didn't write down because we use a different program that does take us a little longer)
DITHR: 30 min
Dictation 5 min
Grammar 15 min
Bible 15 min
Science 20-30 min
Poetry: 5 min
1:40 min +math

Here is a rough outline of our schedule last year for Preparing+Beyond.
Block 1: (45 min)
Preparing student worked on math while I did LHFHG with the younger brother

Block 2: (35 min)
Beyond student with Mom: History, Science, Bible Study
Preparing Student: Science and IndepHist

Lunch Break/spend time with Daddy before work

Block 3: (30 min)
Preparing student with Mom: History, Bible Study

Block 4: (30 min)
Beyond Student with Mom: Reading, Poetry, Storytime Activity (follow up from what we read the night before at bedtime :) .)
Preparing Student: Geography/Vocab/or Research, History Project

Block 5: (45 min)
Beyond student: Language Arts (copywork, spelling activity), Math Worksheet
Preparing Student with Mom: Storytime, Poetry, Language Arts, DITHOR

Re: Scheduling for Preparing Hearts

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 5:21 am
by MomtoJGJE
I can't really help you with times because we tend to get done faster than the times listed on the board, but there are other threads that have times listed. We don't do "extra" stuff during school time, like not really DISCUSSING things, and definitely no rabbit trails. Snacks are after school is done, etc.

But I can help you with doing Preparing and Beyond together. :)

First, I would do any of the semi-independent boxes with Preparing. I would teach the math, go over and make sure she understood the "I" boxes, teach the English, do dictation... I can't remember them all... basically all except the story time box would get some sort of instruction. Oh, and about halfway through Preparing I started having my DD read her history because she was capable and because she retained it better. Then I would send her off to do her work in another room. We also do AWANA during school time, so she would have her AWANA verses to go over when she finished her school if I was still working with a sister.

Then while she was off, I would do my Beyond child. I would start at the history box, do anything I had to read to her, then let her read to me. After those were done, I taught math and spelling and did the rotating box activity.

Then the Beyond child was done, and the Preparing child was either done or close to it. The Preparing child would come back to me when she was done and we'd finish up any teacher work and I'd check her other work.

Re: Scheduling for Preparing Hearts

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:43 pm
by TinainOK
Thanks ladies for taking the time to give me some tips.I will definitly be referring to them. :D I'm a little confused and overwhelmed with how this will all come together, but I know from past experience, it will work itself out. I just like to be as prepared as possible for a smooth start for a good impression and attitude to begin the school year!