Here are the times I had written down for Preparing last year (these aren't what they took us, it's something I wrote down from someone else here on the board as a goal to work toward. We hit most of them pretty close, but I didn't time exactly what we were taking each day.)
History: 15 min
Rotating Box: 20 min
IndeHistory: 20-25 min
Hist Project: 20 min
Storytime: 20 min
1:40 mins total
Math (I didn't write down because we use a different program that does take us a little longer)
DITHR: 30 min
Dictation 5 min
Grammar 15 min
Bible 15 min
Science 20-30 min
Poetry: 5 min
1:40 min +math
Here is a rough outline of our schedule last year for Preparing+Beyond.
Block 1: (45 min)
Preparing student worked on math while I did LHFHG with the younger brother
Block 2: (35 min)
Beyond student with Mom: History, Science, Bible Study
Preparing Student: Science and IndepHist
Lunch Break/spend time with Daddy before work
Block 3: (30 min)
Preparing student with Mom: History, Bible Study
Block 4: (30 min)
Beyond Student with Mom: Reading, Poetry, Storytime Activity (follow up from what we read the night before at bedtime
Preparing Student: Geography/Vocab/or Research, History Project
Block 5: (45 min)
Beyond student: Language Arts (copywork, spelling activity), Math Worksheet
Preparing Student with Mom: Storytime, Poetry, Language Arts, DITHOR