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Instructions for doing s boxes and combining kids?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 4:21 pm
by joyfulhomeschooler
I have two that will be in Preparing come September. I'm trying to get our schedule figure out and going through the guide week by week to see how it will all play out. Do I have my kids work together on the s boxes? Do I explain it to them and then have them team up, or do they need to be doing it at separate times? How have others doing Preparing done it with two?

Re: Instructions for doing s boxes and combining kids?

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:14 pm
by 4Hispraise
We did Preparing with our ten and nine year old - four years ago. From what I remember, I gave instruction and then they completed the assignment separately. Occasionally, like when they prepared food, they did it together. HTH

Re: Instructions for doing s boxes and combining kids?

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:14 pm
by 4Hispraise
We did Preparing with our ten and nine year old - four years ago. From what I remember, I gave instruction and then they completed the assignment separately. Occasionally, like when they prepared food, they did it together. HTH

Re: Instructions for doing s boxes and combining kids?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 7:54 am
by jhperry
We finished Preparing last year with my two oldest and mainly they worked together on the S boxes. For the History Project, they each made their own project but worked at the same time. For Research, I just had them take turns different days looking up the topic on Wikipedia and then during follow-up would just make sure I asked a couple of questions to each one. Likewise, for Geography I just had them take turns pointing out the locations on the map and naming the locations, etc. They each did their own Vocabulary cards and Timeline. They are in different levels of DITHOR so that was separated. Dictation & Grammar we did together.

We LOVED Preparing, hope yours do as well!

Re: Instructions for doing s boxes and combining kids?

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2013 10:29 pm
by joyfulhomeschooler
Thanks for the replies. I guess I was feeling guilty about having them do some things together. I kept thinking that they are needing to be more independent so I need to separate them. It's great to hear how others have done it.