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Who's doing Beyond this summer/fall?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:05 am
by bookworm
Now that I'm all geared up to get started with Beyond in the next month I was wondering who else was going to be joining in. :)

Would you mind listing your children's ages and where you are located?

I'll be using Beyond with a 7 yr old and 9 yr old, with the 9 yr old reading some of the read a louds independently. (I also have a 3 yr old son to keep things interesting...) I could have done Bigger but really wanted to ease into the program since we've been pretty relaxed in our style this last year due to a move.

I'll also be doing DITHOR for the first time.

We are located in Iowa (yes, near the horrible flooding :cry: ) though we are blessed to be out of the immediate flood area.

Looking forward to "meeting" you!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:12 am
by Dorla
We will be starting Beyond in the Fall! My son is 6 and I am a little nervous about it. I am planning to start slowly, maybe 1 page per day (since I cannot space it out through the day because of work) plus adding Spanish and repeating the Bible portion.

My box should arrive any day now (!!!) and I can't wait to read all the books beforehand.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:14 am
by mom2boys030507
We will be starting Beyond sometime in July.

My son is 5.5 and currently finishing Little Hearts. I will slow down if it gets to much for him but right now he is ready for the full program. We will also be starting Little Hands with my 3 year old son and I have a 1 year old to make life interesting, he knows when the doors or stairs are open for his chances to go and destroy:)

I am looking forward to sharing this journey with others.


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:27 am
by beandip71
Hi Ann- Thanks for starting this thread!

We will be starting Beyond in August with my dd who will be 6 in October. I also plan on taking it slow to make sure she is not overwhelmed. I think she will do fine though since we just finished Little Hearts last week and she did great with it.

I also have a ds who will be 4 in August and he tags along when he feels like it.

I am located in sunny 8) (and smoggy :? ) Southern Caifornia.


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:30 am
by Melanie
Hi Ann!
I'll be starting Beyond sometime in July. My twins are 7.5 and my baby is 6. We have never officially finished Little Hearts :? and I really want to before we start the next level.

We are in north MO so we may be fairly close! We just drove up to West Union, Iowa on Monday to pick up a new-to-us hay mower/conditioner and we had to detour 3 times just to get there. We ended up coming back on the interstate and we went right through Cedar Rapids and it was so very devastating. Reminded me very much of what we went through here in MO back in '93 (we were living in Rolla, MO at that time). Glad to hear that you are safe!

This will be so much fun with all of you!!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:04 am
by Marty D
Hey Ann,

I also will be starting Beyond with my 8 year old. Planning on starting next week. I am doing Little Hands with my 4 year old and my 2 year old likes to sit with us and listen. I am excited, and I am praying that i can get in a good schedule.

We live in NC, near the Charlotte area. Around my house, we are still struggling with the lack of water. Glad you are safe.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:10 am
by Dorla
Ann and all other moms, what planning to use for copywork? lined paper only? paper with no lines? loose leaf? binder? notebook?
I am a little upset with myself for not planning ahead with LHFHG and not having a place to save everything nicely. This time around with Beyond I want to be ready!
(we live in hot humid DFW, TX area)

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:18 am
by Marty D
Hey Dorla,

Just off the top of my head, I am planning to get him a copywork notebook with he same type of paper that he is using for his writing assignments. I think we are going to use Handwriting without tears (at least I hope we can have a few days a week without tears) because this is what his occupational therapist recommended. I know they have notebook type books you can get to go along with it. So that is my plan. If he did not have writing issues, I would probably just get him a regular notebook.

Anyway, this is just me.

Have a good day.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 8:53 am
by slavila
I am planning to start Beyond August 1st with my son who will be 6 at the beginning of September. I will also be doing Little Hands with my 3 (4 in November) year old son. I also have a 14 month old daughter and I am newly pregnant (11 weeks) with #4! So, I'm a little nervous about how I'm going to do all this (only with the Lord's help), and I'm also nervous because this will be my first year having to report to the state (lovely NY with all it's strict hs laws)!!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:02 am
by beandip71
I had not thought about what I will use for copywork yet. :shock: Probably something with lines on it since she is still learning to write correctly. Then I will get a binder to keep it all in. My dd loves having her work in a binder that she can look at and show other people. :D


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:29 am
by bookworm
I'm so glad to hear there will be a nice size group of us to share experiences with.

I'm not sure if I'll use the Handwriting without Tears paper or regular handwriting paper (with bigger lines than notebook paper). I have both and one child is printing and the older is starting cursive so we'll see what works best as we get started. I'll have a notebook for each of them for whatever they use.

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 9:36 am
by annaz
We are doing Beyond although we're on break right now, but we go all year. We're on Unit 9. DD will be 8 next week and we're in AZ!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:58 am
by mom2boys030507
For copy work I picked up a Draw and Writenotebook from Lakeshore Learning. It is all writing on the left side and the right side is half writing half drawing.

My son still like the Lined paper so I will work with that. I hope by the end of Beyond he will be ready for regular notebooks but if not we will figure it out :)


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:23 pm
by amysconfections
I am using Beyond this year with my soon to be 6 year old. We did LHFHG last year. We have done one day so far and we are easing into by doing half days. The program is so impressive that I can't wait to read all the books. I love the stories in the American Pioneer and Patriots book. Carrie picks the best books to use! I am also planning to use LHTH with my just turned 4 yr old. Mostly for fun because he knows his letters and phonics, but I think he'll enjoy the special time. We also have a little blessing due in September that will listen in I'm sure! :D

For copywork I just picked up the lined paper. But we are using A Reason for Handwriting A for a little while before we move into copying poems.

Count us in, too!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:38 pm
by Leslie in TN
We'll be starting Beyond sometime in Aug. with my 7yo. :D

One thought I had for copywork was to use one of the free online handwriting sites to print out the poetry and blank lines below. Like a lot of little guys, my ds does much neater work when he can copy directly underneath the original text. I hope to be able to wean him off of this method as the year goes on, though!

Sounds like a good-sized group of people doing Beyond.. should be fun!